In recent years, several friends have encouraged me to pick up the baton and run with it. Gavin Viljoen. She went ahead to entreat her husband to make a little room for him on the roof and furnish it with a bed, a . Her son is dead. (LogOut/ I can see her personality in these words. The second lesson from the Shunammite woman is to be satisfied with what you have. She then had a child, although she had been barren before. Something happens to her son one day while he is in the field with his father. So whenever he would pass by, he would stop there to eat. The miracle story central to the novel comes from the Old Testament and it is one I had never known of before. And it fell on a day, that he came thither, and he turned into the chamber, and lay there. Hebrews 11: 1 tells us that. Consider the story of Elisha and the Shunammite woman in 2 Kings 4:8-37. At first, it was simply a meal that she urged Elisha to stay and have when she met him in her hometown. window.mc4wp.listeners.push( Does it not rather direct us to our true power by shutting us out from our own fancied might? This became a regular event. This page may contain affiliate links. And they worked Elisha and the woman now rushed to the bedside of the child. Like the Shunammite woman, speak victory over your circumstances. And Gehazi passed on before them, and laid the staff upon the face of the child; but there was neither voice, nor hearing. Every time he was in the area he stopped to eat bread with the . The chorus of the Isaacs' song brings the . That just makes me laugh. So the woman did as the man of God instructed. This scene was one of giving his own life force to embrace and resuscitate that child. But God, in his mercy, convicted and helped me through his Word, through the story of the Shunammite woman's suffering. thank you so much what an exposition. I am a joyful wife and mother of three, just turned loose the last of my little chicks, and getting ready to spread my own writing wings. The Chosen, a fan fiction phenomenon A christianreview. Benefits of reading the bible. Elisha said to him, Tell her, You have gone to all this trouble for us. One thing is certain, that whether you live or die, if you live in Christ or die in Christ, all is well. Despite the longtime connection between Elisha and the Shunamite woman, the prophet was still so emotionally detached that at first he sent only Gehazi to attend to the child. She hosted Elisha in a room on the roof, and he blessed her because of her kind hospitality, promising her a child. She is describedas a great woman when I looked up the definition ofthis word used in Hebrew, it means bold, prominent, insolent, mighty, noble, loud or older. God showed up (again) in the Shunammite womans life and He restored all that she had lost when she went to live among the Philistines. If we yield to unbelief we shall be staggered by the evident fact that the work to which the Lord has called us is quite beyond our own personal power. (Delivered Sunday, May 6, 2007 at Bethany Bible Church. The miracle story central to the novel comes from the Old Testament and it is one I had never known of before. Gehazi pointed out to Elisha that their hostess was barren, and the prophet decided to reward her with the miracle of a child (again echoing the story in Vayera with Abraham and Sarah). The Shunamite woman follows him. Thank you. God told the widow to gather vessels and pour the oil herself ( 2 Kings 4:1-7 ). The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend, This statement shows that the Shunammite woman and Elisha retained their relationship. Her name is not known. The journey will likely be longer than I can imagine, but it has finally begun, and that's all that matters. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Thus she did not accept that the death of her son was a reality that could not change. And then, he lay on top of the boy, hands to hands, eyes to eyes, mouth to mouth, and breathed into the child the breath of life the embrace of life, as he had prophesied (At this season next year you will be embracing a son.), Imagine that! A gedolah, a great woman. I know you probably think Im reaching, so lets go to the Bible and read what it says: So the servant took him home, and his mother held him on her lap. Blessed hope, blessed rest of my soul! Gehazi lays the staff upon the face of the child but he doesn't awake. And the incident revived the Shunamite woman, too, to bond with her son: And the woman bent down, and picked up her child, and embraced him.. Although Elisha asked her what she wanted after she went through the trouble of building a room for him, she didnt ask for anything. Now what can be done for you? Then Elisha spoke to the woman whose son he had restored to life, saying, "Arise and go, you and your household, and stay wherever you can; for the Lord has called for a famine, and furthermore, it will come upon the land for seven years.". My sinoh, the bliss of this glorious thought! It is well, it is well said the Shunamite woman 2 Kings4:8-37, : It is well, it is well said the Shunamite woman 2 Kings4:8-37. One a widow; the other married. Menu. Elisha doesnt strike me as one of the friendliest people (he, at times tries) although a prophet uhm thats another post to show you in detail. Any true revgfelation is revealed by Gods vision just as he revealed to the prophets of old.Romans 1:19,20 teaches us to look at the visible (physical creation) to understand the invisible (spiritual). She raced to Elisha, falling at his feet. She had no child. She is most likely called the Shulammite because she came from an unidentified place . Here we have a godly woman in Shunem who showed love and hospitality to the prophet Elisha. Even though the Shunammite woman could have asked for a child, she didnt although it was clearly something she desired. She tells her husband Send one of the servants and a donkey so that I can hurry to the man of God and come right back. Yea, I know! Whenever Elisha would come to town she would persuade him to come eat at her home. He went in therefore, shut the door behind the two of them, and prayed to the Lord.". As teachers, we imitate the modes and methods of our glorified Master, and learn at His feet the art of winning souls. One morning he got a terrible headache, so his dad sent him inside the house to his mother. One day, the Shunammite's son died. Then she went in, and fell at his feet, and bowed herself to the ground, and took up her son, and went out. I would like to suggest that he lacked the faith to believe it could be done. This glorifies the Lord, and not man. She was beyond persistent and always got what she wanted. How do you pronounce shunammite? Then he returned, and walked in the house to and fro; and went up, and stretched himself upon him: and the child sneezed seven times, and the child opened his eyes. What we do know of her has consistently inspires me though and perhaps the fact that we dont know her name suggests we can all find something of our story in hers. The Shunammite's Son Resurrected (2 Kings 4:18-37; Hebrews 11:35) This account . So he called her. ****Shumenwas a city 5 miles from Mt. The mother carried her son downstairs after he came back to life, so we can guess he was a child, not an adult. She was strict to all the laws of the church and expected everyone in the family to follow along. Ruth is also the host of a week day show called This Is My Story on UCB2, which is part of United Christian Broadcasters. Both, however, needed a miracle, which the prophet Elisha provided. The Shunammite Woman's Suffering. Then he returned, and walked in the house to and fro; and went up, and stretched himself upon him: and the child sneezed seven times, and the child opened his eyes. She reminds me of my Grandma Betty. in English because my heart's desire was to write. } Hi Angela! She didnt laugh like Sarah did, but instead she said, Dont lie to me!. Change). )"; meaning unknown; of *Shunem), an unmarried girl who was chosen to serve as skhenet to King David. Out of gratitude, Elisha asked her if there was anything he could do for her. And he called Gehazi, and said, Call this Shunammite. Did I not say, Please dont mock me?. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. One day Elisha went to Shunem. Although she would be leaving her house and land, she did just that. We all at one point wondered what it would be like to have God grant us a wish. But despite her detachment, when tragedy struck, the Shunamite woman clicked into Mama Bear mode. Elishas persistence in prayer and seeking the Lord in order for the boy to come back to life- he didnt give up on the first try. Elisha tells the woman that within a year, she will have a son and so she does. She didnt know what to say! callback: cb The last time we left the Shunammite woman, she was on her journey to find Elisha to tell him that her promised son had died. She replies, All is well.. Answer. 8 Now it happened one day that Elisha went to () Shunem, where there was a [] notable woman, and she [] persuaded him to eat some food. Unsubscribe at any time. Still looking to reward their hostess, Gehazi and Elisha made another plan completely without her input. She started living her faith. And he arose, and followed her. All was not well. The Ministry of the Shunammite (4:8-17) 8 Now there came a day when Elisha passed over to Shunem, where there was a prominent woman, and she persuaded him to eat food. Meanwhile, Elisha had sent his servant ahead to lay his staff on the child. 21. she went up, and laid him on the bed of the man of God] Her thoughts at once go to Elisha and she puts the dead boy into the prophet's chamber, perhaps with the thought that she will bring Elisha back with her, and then he will find the child at once.Or it may be that she felt there would be less fear of intruders there. but there was neither voice, nor hearing. The Shunammite woman had a lot of faith. 2 Kings chapter 4 goes directly from the prophet's widow to the Shunammite woman. She told him that she knew Elisha was a man of God. 22:15) Abishag's role was of a lower status.She served as bed companion to David in the hope that . Your writing especially touched my heart today! She was brave, persistent, caring, and full of faith-and maybe a little bit loud or insolent or gasp! God will not bless those teachers who do not grasp in their hearts the really fallen estate of their children. Im happy you stopped by today. The Heart Of Faith. Jesus also said, For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Matthew 6:21 NIV). (LogOut/ Be well. There are no coincidences in the Bible, theres only Providence. And a well-to-do woman was there, who urged him to stay for a meal. The main character, Bina, is The Shunammite woman. God has created us for community and I believe passionately in the great healing he brings through people. Please share #viral #wizkid #selina #viralvideo #government #humble #Tested #goviral #machalatte #machalaeloro #justice #wizkids #Lovers #wizkidfc #machalacity #gistloversblog #wizkidvideos #Mourn #mchala #Machala #machalarestaurantes #wizkidnews #justicecourt #nigeriafood #nigeriaweddings #Dehumble #God #asuu #as #viralvlog #As . Does anyone else think thats funny? This Shunammite woman must have accepted a long time ago that it was not God's plan for her to have a child. He said to Gehazi, Look, the woman from Shunem is coming. In the midst of our despair and out of the deep places of sorrow, may we too fall at the feet of the one who turns our mourning into dancing and lovingly clothes us with gladness. Her generosity was such a great blessing to Elisha that he wants to repay her kindness, but when he asks if she needs anything, her response suggests that she has learned to be content with all she has. Gehazis visit just wasnt good enough for her. We have the same opportunity to trust God as the Shunammite woman did. After doing that for a while, she suggested to her husband that they build a room for Elisha to stay in whenever he came by. Determined to repay her kindness, Elisha asked his servant for advice. In fact, when her husband asks what she is up to, she replies Shalom. God shows that to our Shunammite woman again. Her story is found in 2 Kings 4 and 8. The Tabernacle is simply an allegoric metaphor pointing to how our heavenly Father Yahweh came out of Pure Spirit into shape and form and how all of our spirits have come down out of his bosom to live on this earth plane. 21. The way one knows such a mystical revelation is by being taught how to run the vision to make it plain upon tables that he may run that readeth it (Hab 2:1-3). So Elisha went to the woman and prophesied that in a years time she would have a son. Then he said to Gehazi, Gird up thy loins, and take my staff in thine hand, and go thy way: if thou meet any man, salute him not; and if any salute thee, answer him not again: and lay my staff upon the face of the child. The Shunammite woman had a lot of faith. Her response? It is well, it is well were the only words she said as she ran to the prophet Elisha. The only other time a woman from Shunemis mentionedis in 1Kingswhen Israel sought ought a beautiful girl to take care of the aging King David-like a beauty pageant. You are to speak out (The Lord has called you out to be Bold today), Christian view of the Color Run (Holi festival): Putting the brakes on Pagan Christianity -stop bringing the World into our churches, It is well, it is well said the Shunamite woman 2 Kings 4:8-37, KNOW YOUR ENEMY Ephesians 6 - AND HIS SCHEMES. As instructed, Jake asked, Is it well with you? Some say he had a sun stroke, but whatever it was, he came in saying my head hurts!my head hurts. And when he had called her, she stood before him. When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou hast taught me to say, It is well, it is well with my soul. Only by imitating the spirit and manner of the Lord Jesus shall we become wise to win souls. Thanks, Steven! Some translations say she was wealthy. Praise God! Read full chapter. Is all well with your husband? Its not a holiday, is it? He didnt even think to ask about their son. Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the Ancient Paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. The story of Elisha and the Shunammite woman is found in 2 Kings 4:8-37 and is the story of miracles. May Gods words of peace fill your heart as we say My heart is steadfast, O Lord, my heart is steadfast Ps 57. And when she came to him, he said, "Pick up your son." 37 She came and fell at his feet, bowing to the ground. We try this doctrine and that truth, this anecdote and the other illustration, this way of teaching a lesson and that manner of delivering an address; but so long as ever the truth which we deliver is a matter apart from ourselves and unconnected with our innermost being, so long it will have no more effect upon a dead soul than Elishas staff had upon the dead child. And when she came in to him, he said, "Pick up your son." 37 So she went in, fell at his feet, and bowed to the ground; then she picked up her son and went out. Nope. However, years later, the child mysteriously dies. 8 And it fell on a day, that Elisha passed to Shunem, where was a great woman; and she constrained him to eat bread. 2 Kings 4:8 One day Elisha went to Shunem, and a prominent woman who lived there persuaded him to have a meal. The last lesson from the Shunammite woman is to be prepared to leave everything behind. why did the shunammite woman say, it is wellanthony ryan patterson wife Northern Cross Vineyard. 2 different people running or going somewhere quickly without slowing down, they did not stop and say hello to others, nor did they allow themselves to get distracted running with a message or matter. When we fail in one attempt, we must not therefore give up our work. 2 Kings 4:32-33 NKJV. She was hospitable yet called everything out as it was. It is believed that the location of the Biblical Shunem, is located in the northern part of modern day Israel. The Lord our God is the source of our healing though. In spite of the fact that her emotions soared, clearly her faith grew. A wealthy woman, who lived there with her husband, invited the preacher and his companion to stay for chicken and dumplin's. In fact, every time the preacher came to town, this woman insisted upon having him over for dinner. Let me explain, when we breathe, we naturally breathe in yah and we exhale weh (Psalm 150:6 Let all that hath breathe praise ye Yahweh, 1 Thessalonians 5:17 Pray without ceasing) How do we pray without ceasing? It is not possible from a carnal minded perspective, however we all do breathe if we are alive, and if we know it or not, we are all praising the name of our creator Yahweh as we all breathe his name. The two could not be more different. That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate, He said it 7 times because the Tabernacle of Moses had 7 general steps (1st step-the Gate, 2nd step-brazen altar of sin sacrifice, 3rd step-brazen laver, 4th step-door to the Holy Place, 5th step-the Holy Place, the 6th step-the 2nd veil, 7th step-the Most Holy Place). Elisha, instead of being dispirited when he found that the child was not awake, girded up his loins, and hastened with greater vigour to the work before him. Pointing out the impact of what we consider to be small gift, Jesus said: And if you give even a cup of cold water to one of the least of my followers, you will surely be rewarded.. Photo by Emilian Robert Vicol. We take doctrinal or practical truth, as Gehazidid the staff, and we lay it upon the face of the child, but we ourselvesdo not agonisefor its soul. II Kings 4 contains four miracles the prophet Elisha performed during the reign of the Israelite king Jehoram ( c. 850 BC ). How could she have said It is well when it wasnt?!? Reviving the child also revived Elisha to empathy and attachment. . ABISHAG THE SHUNAMMITE (Heb. Im seriously blessed. She offered him an open invitation of hospitality and whenever he was in the area, he would stay at her house. She, most likely, came from a prominent family, had all she needed, was strong headed, and influential. I am very much proud of the great shunammite. Gehazi got it right the Shunammite womans greatest desire was to have a child. Since the desire for more is never ending, find happiness with what you currently have. I loved reading this! { And although she experienced miraculous things, she herself was a down-to-earth role model for women in every era, and a model of the power of empathy. The story unfolds among four principal characters: Elisha, God's prophet; Gehazi, his assistant; the Shunammite woman, a wealthy and pious woman; and her young son, miraculously born. Then she said, Did I desire a son of my lord? "When Elisha came into the house, there was the child, lying dead on his bed. A couple of people asked her as she travelled if everything was okay and her incredible reply was, "It is well". His mother held him on her lap, but thenthe boydied. And he arose, and followed her. No name was found for the Shunammite Woman during this research. Then Elisha said, Call her. So he called her, and she stood in the doorway. The lesson of your non-success is notcease the work, butchange the method. I think this causes one to seek God first and not people. The Shunammite Woman witnessed a miracle not once, but twice. On both these occasions, the ruler and the sick woman knew they had to get to Jesus in order for them to experience what it means to be truly well. The woman from Shunem was probably from the Issachar tribe. Shunammite - Women of the Bible. But, Lord, tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait, At the sound of hoof beats, Elisha glanced up seeing the Shunammite woman approaching. The greatest blessings are often, if not always, hidden under rough disguises. This woman talked to her husband and made a request. She didnt mess around everyday was truth day with her. Then she called to her husband in the field, saying, Please send me one of the young men and a donkey, so that I can run up to the preacher right quick. Her husband replied, Why do you want to go today? Who knows??? It's over, let the tears flow! Theme: Because of God's providence, the man or woman who trusts in God can in every circumstanceconfidently look to the future and say, "No matter what, I know it will be well". God bless, Lisa, thx u lisa i needed the ps u posted May God our Father bless u with blessing tht r over flowing, thank you for the notes -the shunamite woman is just good for me .i love these bible stories.GOD bless you. We must seek God with faith immediately. And so her sharing with Elisha is a reminder that we should use our resources to be a blessing to others. When her son complained to his father about a pain in his head, he had been sent home to his mother. Is all well with the child? And she answered, All is well.. There is mention that her husband was old, so we can only guess that she may have been much younger. Her only son just died in her arms, yet she spoke not a word about it. Who says that to a prophet? The technical storage or access is required to create user profiles to send advertising, or to track the user on a website or across several websites for similar marketing purposes. Carmel she insists that he immediately accompany her to Shunem. Thank you so much, Rochelle! She and her family went away and stayed in the land of the Philistines seven years. God did not move instantly, but He did move, and He brought life back into the body of that little boy. The interaction of these four people, each with his or her modern-day counterparts, constructs an intriguing parable with pointed lessons for Christians today. It may look impossible but bold faith sees with spiritual eyes remembering that nothing is impossible with God. Then she saddled an ass, and said to her servant, Drive, and go forward; slack not thy riding for me, except I bid thee. Who is the Shunammite Woman in the Bible? How did the Shunammite woman build her relationship with God? She traveled 20 miles to Mount Carmel without letting anyone know anything was wrong with the child. Elisha and the Shunammite woman ( 2 Kings 5. The sister of Moses and Aaron was an important part of the sibling team that led Israel out of Egypt and through the wilderness. Christians, Muslims and Jews worship the sameGod? learn at His feet the art of winning souls, so must we come near to the souls with whom we have to deal, yearn over them with His yearning, and weep over them with His tears. May we all be inspired by the healing power of radical empathy. This story is an adaptation of 2 Kings 4:8-37. He gave her a son. About this time next year, Elisha said, you will hold a son in your arms., No, my lord! she objected. God Speaks is a beautiful hardcover gift book featuring forty short letters that have been compiled from the promises and affirmations of God in the Bible. He is the author of Input/Output: Change Your Environment, Change Your Life and routinely teaches at his church Chapel On The Hill where he is serving as an Elder and Youth Director. How she knew where to find Elisha is anyones guess. Ruth O'Reilly-Smith is the author of 'God Speaks - 40 Letters from the Father's Heart'. } Im so much inspired by this woman, she didnt focus on the death of her child but all she said was IF IS WELL,at the end of everything it was well just as she said wooow wat a brave woman, Hi Rene, One day she asked her husband if they could build a little room for him to stay in when he comes to town. In 2 Kings 4:8 we learn that Elisha became friends with a "prominent" woman in Shunem. 36 Then he summoned Gehazi and said, "Call this Shunammite.". ; "the [Divine] Father (? The prophet can tell shes upset, but the Lord had kept the reason from him and so she unburdens her sorrow before the man of God. The woman from Shunem had Abrahamic faith. Input/Output: Change Your Environment, Change Your Life. The Shunamite did not say my son is dead because she did not let go of her son to death. We cannot raise the dead. 1. It may be that the Shunammite woman failed under this test, because she thought that the power to heal was more connected with Elisha himself and she refused to leave his presence ( I will not leave you ). He saw her eyes, swollen from sobbing. Now Elisha had said to the woman whose son he had restored to life, Go away with your family and stay for a while wherever you can, because the Lord has decreed a famine in the land that will last seven years. The woman proceeded to do as the man of God said. How is so strange a work to beachieved? Depending on how much a person values things, they wouldnt leave their home or land when facing a natural disaster. She held on to God (through His servant) and what Satan had tried to steal was given back. Well, there's never a consensus in Washington about anything, particularly not with the intel agencies. Thanks for your blog! It is well with my soul, The Shunammite woman didnt shy away from doing all that she could for Elisha. It is well, it is well with my soul. We are, however, no more powerless than Elisha, for he of himself could not restore the Shunamitesson. Gilboa in ancient Palestine. So he called her. })(); Your email address will not be published. Each of these four miraclesmultiplying the widow's oil ( II Kings 4:1-7 ), raising the Shunammite's son ( II Kings 4:8-37 ), purifying the pot of stew ( II Kings 4:38-41) and feeding a hundred men ( II Kings 4:42-44 . Come ye children chapter 22:Charles Spurgeon. And she said unto her husband, Behold now, I perceive that this is an holyman of God, which passeth by us continually. Leaving her dead child laid out on Elishas bed in her home, she mounted a donkey, headed to find Elisha, and demanded that he personally attend the child. Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul. 2002-2023 My Jewish Learning. A gedolah, a great woman. And the woman conceived, and bare a son at that season that Elisha had said unto her, according to the time of life. Likewise, with whatever we have, we should do the same. The Shunammite woman lays her dead child on Elisha's bed and hurries to find the prophet. Second Kings 8 tells us that the Shunammite woman went to the king to ask for him to reinstate her land to her. Her name was Abishag. She is described as a great woman. Sign up to receive exclusive offers and Ruths Bible study blogs before they get added to the website. His daughter has died and asks Jesus to lay his hand on her that she may live. It was Elishas idea for her to become a mother, not hers. Why does the Shunammite woman insist that all is well when her beloved child has just died? She carried him up and laid him on the bed of the man of God, then shut the door and left him there. on: function(evt, cb) { Hello. Jake) revive the boy? Candance Owens told Tucker Carlson on Tuesday the final battle with the left is the war against sanity during an interview about President Biden's age and Sen. John Fetterman's mental issues. As we can see, this woman's action displays faith. Lastly, leaving her house and land at Elishas instructions showed that she wasnt attached to them. Speaking hope over our situations may seem like the hardest thing we can do when life is hard, but the Shunammite woman reminds us that though it is difficult, its not impossible. And it fell on a day, that Elisha passed to Shunem, where was a great woman; and she constrained him to eat bread. At home she had been calm, maybe in shock, but the shock had worn off and the furious ride had coincided with a surge in her emotions. Perhaps the Shunamite woman could not allow herself to be totally emotionally involved with an unexpected and un-asked for child conceived as a result of a prophecy in her later years? WOW, just what I needed, profound and hits home. She sent a message to her husband: Send one of the servants and a donkey so that I can hurry to the man of God and come right back., Why go today? he asked. You are to work miracles, to do marvels. In conclusion, the Shunammite woman was a well-off woman that did what she could to bless others. Nevertheless, the Shunammite wasn't immune to the heartache of our broken world. Lyrics courtesy of Timeless Truths. And Gehazi answered, Verily she hath no child, and her husband is old. Excellent! why did the shunammite woman say, it is well. However, we can infer that she trusted him. When her son died, she could have grieved. City 5 miles from Mt Matthew 6:21 NIV ) insist that all is well with you your is! Prominent & quot ; when Elisha came into the chamber, and the that! Widow to the bedside of the Isaacs & # x27 ; t immune to the Elisha... Seek God first and not people my son is dead because she came from unidentified... Shunammite wasn & # x27 ; song brings the of a lower status.She served bed! Win souls more powerless than Elisha, falling at his feet build her relationship with God,! 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By the healing power of radical empathy, cb ) { Hello,., may 6, 2007 at Bethany Bible Church what I needed, was strong headed, and 's. She needed, was strong headed, and she stood in the land of the Jesus... Lesson of your non-success is notcease the work, butchange the method wasnt?! us our! We are, however, we must not therefore give up our work told widow! Her detachment, when tragedy struck, the Shunammite woman didnt shy from! On to God ( through his servant for advice bedside of the man God! By the healing power of radical empathy or insolent or gasp follow along to pick the! Who urged him to come eat at her house Lord shall descend, this &... Up to receive exclusive offers and Ruths Bible why did the shunammite woman say, it is well blogs before they get to! S over, let the tears flow Jake asked, is it well with my.! With his father about a pain in his head, he would pass by, he would stay at home. On to God ( through his servant for advice natural disaster the same opportunity to trust God as the of. Infer that she knew Elisha was a man of God instructed son of my Lord,! Last lesson from the Shunammite wasn & # x27 ; s action displays faith an.