Here are the contacts for our three key partners. What is Vision? 1995 Why we live in community. The World Bank defines good governance as -. After we ve shared our own visions we ll return to the ideas of great and not so great thinkers of the modern and the ancient worlds. Glassman: Bearing Witness Those who do plan to explore alternative service may wish to attend the VOLUNTEER FAIR at the Campus Center on Monday, September 11 from 11-2. Dewey believed that participation, engagement and experience were the key to strong democracy, strong citizenship and effective education. endstream endobj 301 0 obj <>stream THE ASSIGNMENT:Read one of the selections on the list below. Women have been considered 'janani', i.e., the progenitor and 'ardhanigini' i.e., half of the body. Chapter Three suggested five principles of a good society: 1. You can check out what others are saying about our book here . Wolff, Robert Paul In what ways does it succeed and in what ways does it fail. Additional Required Readings: Weekly Writing/Guided Reflection:Writing assignments are designed to help you reflect on the relationship between classroom discussions, assigned readings, your real world service and your own life and how you want to live it. Together they comprise a very diverse set of visions though the majority take a liberal-progressive slant (perhaps because the notion of The Good Society has been central to liberal and progressive discourse, less so to conservative writings). It also depends on creating the right institutions and processes for discovering those conditions. In both books, forcing to . Read: From the Reader: McKnightClass 8 Oct 3 (TU): Cross Cultural Visions of The Good Society II: The Bruderhof and Camphill 1995 Rebuilding community in America. As indicated by the title, this paper will discuss "Marx and Engels' Vision of Building a Good Society." "A Marxist Vision of Building a Good Society" could be something quite different. In what ways was it similar to socialist revolutions in our own time? Schor, Juliet In this essay, the author. "Discuss both views" means I must present each view, together with the main arguments for each view . Coles: Interlude and Chapters 4-5 Richard Hamer. Marx argued that in a communist society nobody would have an exclusive sphere of activity instead people would share the activities together. Class 25 Dec. 5 Health Care and Welfare Reform: Moliere challenges the philosophies and prevailing ideologies of this period through two female characters in the play of Tartuffe as he demonstrates that they are the voice of reason, with well-developed and exposed personalities that question the well-defined codes of behavior. 808 certified writers online. Candide and his valet. Vision serves as a guide and can be used to provide a sense of purpose. Here is a short preamble to the answer, which we will explore more thoroughly throughout the term. 1984 Ways we live. For example, maybe your long-term career goal is to become a veterinarian because you are passionate about the welfare of animals. Check out this FREE essay on What Makes a Good Society? We hope that you will be able to see connections between your readings, your in-class discussions and your experiences at the service site. We will explore a number of different visions of the good society this term. What parts of the novel spoke most clearly to you about the prospects of building a good society? Through the evaluation of natural human qualities, many different opinions have been formed. Activity: Discussion of the readings/measuring them against our own service. Whatever I set my mind to, I will go about it with passion and determination and when I . Having researched a number of successful companies' vision statements, I've shortlisted 20 good examples for the new startups: 1. Conventional ethnography tells us that these characteristics are not compatible with industrialization or even intensive agriculture. These books, along with several others of similar titles (e.g. Amherst Survival Centerprovides a variety of services to needy people in the Amherst area including a soup kitchen, a furniture and clothing exchange, emergency food pantry and a variety of referral services. These will consist of two or more questions, one of which will help you reflect on your readings for the week (and will also help you prepare talking points for our in class discussions) while the other will help you reflect on your ongoing service. U. Cal Press: Berkeley. A holistic approach to education would recognize that a person must learn how to be with other people, how to love, how to take criticism, how to grieve, how to have fun as well as how to add and subtract, multiply and divide It would address the need for purpose and for connectedness to ourselves and one another; it would not leave us alone to wander the world armed with plenty of knowledge but lacking the skills to handle the things that are coming up in our lives. Topic 6- Building a good society! The individual mentoring program has flexible hours,requires a 9 month commitment(we can arrange for you to get academic credit in the spring term) and a car or access to transportation. Conscientious and timely completion of weekly writing assignments (2-3 typed pages / week due each Thursday). A society of two could also be the best. Step 3 - The quantification. What is the difference between charity and social justice? 1.2 Values Help in Decision Making. Completion of a mid-term essay (5-7 pages) focusing on one classic work on the good society. 2001 Seeds of Peace: A Buddhist Vision for Renewing Society. Read: From the reader: Twenty first Century Schools Programruns after school programs in 7 different middle schools in the Pioneer Valley providing important diversion activities and mentoring for youth at risk. In the Good Society, sociologist Robert Bellah and his coauthors challenge Americans to take a good look at themselves. Berry: Conserving Community CLASS 3 SEPT 14 (TH): Thinking about Service & Doing Service: Participation, Engagement and the Good Society:Today we will explore the role of participation and engagement in creating the good society. Volunteers serve as individual and group mentors while supervising after school activities. Read: Heintz and Folbre, Chapter 6. Many of us have had limited experience living with or working with people whose lives, experiences, values and orientations are quite different from our own. It vibrates with many themes of liberation, morality and justice in classical sociology as pioneered by, The Universal Declaration of Human Rights asserts that `Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural life of the community'. Explains that black people existed in the eyes of a white american for the sole purpose of slavery. 1996 The Consumer Society. 1997 The good society: the humane agenda. Harvard University Press. A greater sense of belonging and trust with residents. Brainstorming for next year We've been asked to discuss two views on this issue: View 1: parents should teach children to be good members of society. And he says, speaking to his Father, "As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world" (John 17:18). Social media has become a big part of society. The Study Guide, written by Paul Brians, a Professor of English at Washington State University contains provocative questions and hints to help you get the most out of the reading. Step 2 - The twist. Mosle: The Vanity of Volunteerism We do service for a variety of reasons in this course and we will explore these reasons throughout the term. What is ironic about engaging in community service? Firstly, I will outline what a vision of a good society entails and briefly the characteristics thereof. In this essay I will be discussing the significance of a vision of a good society as it relates to the South African Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Fortunately, authors Richard Leider and David Shapiro have come to the rescue with an elegantly simple definition of the good life: "living in the place you belong, with the people you love . The task is not as simple as it might seem. Putnam, Robert What is/should be the relationship between servant and served? Additionally, ethical considerations, with special attention paid to exclusivity and to equality, are addressed. These changes will be explained in full details in the allowing paragraphs. 4 1uP S# 1|}RAzPyS)UCzX Class 17 Nov 2 (TH): Obedience and Disobedience: IKEA: "To create a better everyday life for the many people". Do they have differential rewards? The class includes a service learning component which requires each student to participate in a term-long service project which will bring you into contact with real needs in the communities surrounding UMass and which will allow you to work side by side in partnership with people who, struggle on a daily basis to persevere in the face of such needs. a more productive approach is to focus instead on building -A Good Society is what we strive for and we aim to build it around core values: Equality, Democracy and Sustainability. Why are such services not offered to all in our own and how does this differ from Welfare States like Sweden? In what significant ways do the essays that you read for this week differ on the connection between service and strong democracy? According to Merriam-Webster, vision is defined as, "the act of power of imagination.". Tolstoy, Leo I feel like that argument will forever remain a topic for debate. ALL STUDENTS MUST HAVE FINALIZED THEIR SERVICE PLACEMENT BY THE THIRD CLASS MEETING (SEPT 14) AND MUST BEGIN THEIR SERVICE BEFORE SEPT 21. al. Libertarian municipalism. hbbd``b`f @QH$ J"?H>R\$^d`bd2@ O We will not ask therefore, what is possible or how can we do this, but rather, what is imaginable. Lyndon Johnson had a very fundamental role in developing civil . Dewey was however concerned with how growing alienation of citizens from each other and from the larger institutions of society posed a threat of effective democracy. for only $16.05 $11/page. OR, what have I been doing (description), what does it mean (interpretation) and how does this impact on how I will act (or what I need to know) in the future (a plan for action). Activity: Lecture/discussion. 13. What kind of a society do we want to live in? Historically women in India were revered and the birth of a girl was widely believed to mark the arrival of Lakshmi - the Goddess of wealth and riches. Read: from the reader. Ibsen aspired to reveal to the audience the oppression of the 19th century Norwegian society by presenting Hedda as a "human", to feel sympathy for the life that she was forced to live in. It may be that the best society is determined by the number of good relationships which can exist within it. We end the semester as we began, by returning to the imagination and considering what a good society might look like if we were freed from the political and economic and even historical constraints that we currently face. We will write a custom Essay on Liberal Vision of the Society specifically for you. The practical experience in the community will give each of you the opportunity to apply what you learn in the classroom to the real world and to bring the real world into the classroom. Jane Tompkins,A life in school: what the teacher learned. ?{axTVMT`:o>)gMO&3fdcRA :+v.fWv]JN0L-_7v(Fb[-/dre/JrboZuvqbrbYUVeU{V]?-lv.4X},P^KH#f"o%`C-Wi1/}rxhY.falcQF7.x =; d %(}'TLh*1[,,zdi6*FCGWtlr:@ }J!QqOlV[s2}ME#y5YzL0`Xs%wtAdNoSk$f5'gNWrHq| @cW[P? Some additional sharing of our personal visions. hUk0W=l(&[Xa+ KLbHblww%/c?t/I`*,aIV *Q,Ibwj:]bJX? Therefore we do not begin by asking what do we think is possible, but rather, what do we think is desirable or necessary. My ideal world would take place on an island called La . 0 0. Barack Obama's inauguration speech is seen as a model in this respect. Berkley, CA. Re: making the revolution work how did the pioneers overcome all of the cultural, historical baggage they brought with them from their previous capitalistic existence? Arnold, Eberhard 10. Here we are explaining characteristics of a good vision that prepare future for an organization. Has our imagination been catalyzed or liberated? When you apply vision to the future, you can create a mental picture that can be used to direct your actions. Understanding Society Essay. Then write carefully crafted and elegantly written essay of 5-7 pages in which you do the following: Provide a clear summary of the author s vision of The Good Society, carefully outlining the key elements and their relationships. Step 4 - The human connection. Class 4 & 5 Sept. 19 (TU) & 21 (TH): Imagining the Cued Society: the role ofCross-cultural Studies. Activity: discussion of readings and, if time permits, in class simulation. To combat racism, as a society, we must condemn racial discrimination and work to create an equal and fair society that values every individual, regardless of our differences.m. Everyone has a different unique view of the perfect place to live. 3. For at least some left republicans, it is important that the common good should be understood fundamentally in terms of specifically civic and secular ideals, such as liberty and equality a point of agreement with the centre republicans. Bellah, Robert et. Sahlins, Marhsall Knopf, NY. Of course - there are other ways to write a well-thought-out and effective vision statement. Seeking the Good Society in a fictional U(dis)topia. Norman S. Care read the penultimate draft of this essay and, as always, was perceptive in his comments. Conformity and Rebellion. ), philosophically (what are the criteria for good service) instrumentally (how does participation/engagement instill a sense of commitment and how does it sustain democracy) and methodologically (what is necessary to do good service)? Wright: Family Time. (Pick a few.). 1 As such, the human rights discourse has been employed as the predominant means by which . But one key reason is that it gives us a chance to share in the lives of others who may not be like us. our notion of human nature)? New Americas Library. We should celebrate that achievement before moving on to consider the next 30 years. CLASS 20 & 21 Nov 14 (TU) and NOV 16 (TH) Pre-Thanksgiving reflection. Self and other /pitfalls to others and ourselves, Read: From the reader. Where has it been least successful? 1998 (1893) Walk in the Light while there is light. Rand, Ayn L,azarre: Color Blind I dedicate myself to being the best son, brother and friend that I can possibly be. Lowry's society as presented in The Giver has a very efficient and stable government: the society has a committee that governs by coming to a consensus, and if the committee is backed up in a . In 1937 the columnist Walter Lipman published a book entitledThe Good Societywhich addressed some of these issues. The idea is inherent to biblical writings (both old and new testaments). Plato's idea is very similar to the genetic ideas of today.The main goal behind each is to produce the best and the brightest. We all have a decent basic standard of living. Our first task will be to articulate our own vision a vision hopefully untainted by the cynicism or pessimism of the day. 9. Although we desire peace and tranquility, harmony and social stability, life can be harsh and brutish. The other deals with the method and philosophy of service. Society is made up of individuals who have agreed to work . What are the historical conditions that gave rise to Annares (to the best of your ability to piece the story together)? Jesus was sent by his Father "to proclaim good news to the poor . Shevek is, to some extent the anthropologist on Urras. This book explores the role of architecture in shaping a more connected and just society. We began the term by trying to unfetter our imagination. What is the proper scale of the good society? The challenge of creating such a society will be taken up during your last semester in the program. Nevertheless, you need not stick to the list. 1984 Capitalism, The unknown ideal. What are the questions we want to be able to answer by the end of the term? Pierre Trudeau once said, "The past is to be respected and acknowledged, but not to be worshipped. This guide is designed to help ensure the main strategic 'building blocks' common to most institutions are fit for purpose. Claire Andre and Manuel Velasquez. Activity: Discussion of the difference between charity and justice and of the irony of service. The Importance Of The Individual Vs. Society. We need not stick slavishly to the map but it is there to give us some direction when we need it. The introduction is the first paragraph of the essay, and it serves several purposes. It is easy enough to sit in the classroom and engage in lofty discussions concerning how we ought to live. There are many advantages that are associated with receiving an education. The greatest advantage is the presence of peace in the society. endstream endobj 300 0 obj <>stream Marcus Garvey once said "A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin and culture is like a tree without roots.". Certainly bringing such visions about must begin, like any journey, with a single step. South Africa has been held up as the first state that is the virtual product of post-World War Il's 'Age of Rights'. Norwood, Ken and Kathleen Smith It has been argued that government, class structure, hierarchy etc. Witt and Swan: Land, challenge and opportunity. Just like vision chooses our direction in life, it also chooses our friends and the company we keep. What does it mean to bear witness? 1.3 Values Can Give Direction to Our Life. THIS WILL POTENTIALLY ALLOW YOU TO HEAD HOME EARLY AND WILL ALSO GIVE US SOME TIME TO CONSIDER SERVICE AS ACTIVISM BY VIEWING A FILM ON THE HIGHLANDER CENTER IN NEW MARKET, TN. Come prepared to engage, to get involved and to find your connection with the other members of the seminar and with the communities in which you will be working. In these roles the course will consider some of the most fundamental questions concerning service: e.g. In what ways does it differ? Read a couple of several appropriate articles from the on-line library atwww.catholicworker.orp-/dorothyday/index.cfm. read it selectively but carefully. Houghton Mifflin: NY. Not really a treatise on the good society but a series of reflections on the role of consumerism in shaping the quality of life. Visualising and articulating what it is that your institution exists to achieve (its 'mission') and what defines its character and ethos (its 'values'). University Western Sydney University; Course Understanding Society (101551) Academic year 2020/2021; Helpful? We expect everyone to approach the seminar as a learner and a teacher. Class 6 Sept 26 (TU) Motivations for Service:What are the different shapes and forms that community service takes? 1998 (1970) In defense of anarchism. Contact: Renee Moss 253-2591 or see Keene for an application. Healthy environment maintains the balance of nature and at the same time helps to develop, nurture and develop all living things on earth. endstream endobj 301 0 obj <>stream Society requires teamwork. Heintz, James and Nancy Folbre,A Field Guide to the U.S. Economy(2000). 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