The more unconditional love you will feel, the closer you will be spiritually and emotionally to your twin, the collective, and the source. This TF journey is A LOT bigger than ANYONE realizes. I didnt feel that should be on one of my posts that I keep very uplifting so I can assist others on their journeys. I've been doing this for a long time now and the feedback has been simply amazing. Part Two in the Three-Part Series: A Story of Twin Flame Surrender Learning to Embody Unconditional Love. You have achieved so much with the inner work you worked so hard to complete that you deserve 5-star treatment as your reward. I began feeling used by him, that I was just another face. That was something he wanted me to know. This might be in one specific area of our lives or across the board. I guess if I did, I wouldve done something by now. But Im hear now, where he resides & idk when Im coming back. That cant be done. Dont compare yourself (or your twin) to what you read in other twin flame stories. No one twin is in control of the link and relationship, but surrendering distributes the power more equally between you. Thats when were able to heal and actually move on to the next stage of our journey. Twin Flame Surrender Symptoms Runner/Chaser Reversal When you disconnect from your twin flame and surrender to the journey on some level your twin is going to know this. Im not going to tell you this happens overnight. I assumed we were getting close again to union or contact. You put the emotional confusion and baggage out with the trash, and now you are free to be as beautiful within your soul as you always knew was possible. Youre dealing with lifetimes of karma and history, issues associated to every human experience coming via and bubbling to the surface as a result of your ascension. This can create confusion between both of them because the female won't even know where she went wrong. We just smile at each other and often have big loving hugs. Youll need to let go of control and expectations, for one thing. Or I may continue to run. 2.) Before the surrender, you felt that you were emotionally messed up and hurt. I dont play jealous games. The process of surrender is a wonderful but challenging one for twin flames, more so perhaps than for anyone else. An important one. So Im going to try and help you understand what the stage is, when it can (or should) happen and how you can use all of this to bring you and your twin closer to union. I release all control and surrender to divin I offer Divine Masculine & Divine Feminine Twin Flame tarot love readings, as well as a video program to help you get. And its free for a limited time. I was told Id be a God if him & I complete everything were meant to. ), Twin Flame Surrender Stage and Symptoms (The NEXT STAGE). Id had this happen before, but this time it felt different. Incidentally, this is the foremost requirement for spiritual growth. I suddenly had energy I didnt have in years, .y pain levels went down. Last week, we introduced Michelle's story of twin flame surrender, beginning with the obsession phase and moving through despair to the discovery of a powerful new love in her twin flame connection. You know for a fact that youve done all that you can do. I was also in & out of a wheelchair, walking with a cane occasionally, in 24-7 physical pain. You enable the awakening course of takes you on the trail to completion. Now how do I let this letter he wrote to me go? You just have to see that running and chasing is going nowhere and will continue on and on if you let fear get away from you. Id say it to myself then just as quickly dismiss it. I know he worries about my health. If you buy through links on this page, we may earn a small commission. That doesnt mean were not helping them, however, which brings me to the next point. I was wrong. I refuse to be held in smallness like that or allow a man that kind of power or control over my life if I have to shut my phone completely off to stay off his radar, I will. Letting go of control is one of the toughest lessons along your path towards ascension and ultimately twin flame union. In some ways, its the best thing we can do to help them too. Its natural and simply an aspect of this path which you need to process and then let go of. It is easy to think that maybe what you feel is them giving up, as you are used to the chaotic dynamic that existed between you. Just think of it as the universes way of preparing you for a long-awaited reunion. At first every step was painful. It is a consequence of internal work. They have yet to figure out whats going on. I excused it. For one, surrender helps you grow as a person. Even if youve surrendered yourself fully to the chase, youll continue to feel your twin flame. I advised him i was one hundred pc certain this other individual was my TF & Id go away anybody for him if he ever got here again to me once more. Surrender is the state of acceptance of the situation, whatever it is. I question if thats what the man I now see as my TF was doing to me, it irritates me. And pain. I can help pinpoint if you've met your twin flame already, if you're in a relationship with a false twin flame or what you need to do to meet them if you haven't already. What Happens When You Disconnect From Your Twin Flame? Yet I know he is. When your brain gets overloaded, it starts to look for ways out. I receive some pretty intense treatment that can kill me each time I do it. Theyve run away because they cant handle the union. No two twin flame journeys are ever exactly the same. I blamed myself for losing him in the first place, I wasnt going to allow it to happen twice. I was carried out being indoors after isolating for many years, I wished to be surrounded with nature. So I continued to work out like a mad woman. He showed up on Quora in his feminine version, so that confused me too because heres this guy pretending to be a woman. I enjoy being there for people. You will find yourself questioning your twin flame about this feeling. Indeed, twin flame relationships can be so intense that you lose faith in the relationship and yourself. By doing so, you end up developing the characteristics of a spiritual person: More importantly, your spiritual growth will make you realize that you can love your twin flame unconditionally even if they keep on running away from you. It doesnt matter what obstacles lie ahead, for theyll eventually come back to you shortly. We sometimes include products we think are useful for our readers. What Does Surrendering To Your Twin Flame Mean? This gives you great comfort on your journey and gives you hope when you feel like giving up. What Happens for Twin Flames After Surrender? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I was grateful for our relationship, but I wanted to focus on healing my first TF relationship. Its not. It feels like it got pretty bad. The one thing he could never read was my heart, because I blocked it off from him. Everyone I know just went through the absolute worse year of their lives, most people on the earth did & believe me, for myself I really struggled emotionally.. Twin flames hold in their hearts and souls the cosmic energy to transmute, transform, and transport souls to safety when called to do so. Even if youve separated which is temporary, of course this connection is a constant reminder that youre both destined for each other. Which is fine, weve been there done that & just dating didnt work for either of us! 1.) With this new and improved personal power, you get to improve yourself more. Once you reach that state of deep acceptance and surrender, your energies will flow naturally and follow their blueprint youll feel like youre truly and utterly free and fulfilled. Im just having a difficult A universal rule on the journey is that when youre able to focus on your own journey, your twin is going to do the same thing. The energy only grew stronger as our time together grew. The surrender stage also entitles you to develop and find out about yourself. Let your union will look after itself. Give as much information as you can. Which I find extremely sexy in a man. It was wonderful when we were together. I guess he knows now there is. Each twin flame will process things at their own pace. That is if you resist the urge to fight against it. Find all the information it in this article. I even told him I felt ready to give up my TF for him. Why Does Nobody Seem to Know? I ended up in a very abusive marriage. Pitt's path. If you have been obsessing over your twin flame union, you start to chill and just allow it. This week, Michelle shares how she used this newfound love inside of herself along with . On the higher levels you both knowexactly why this is happening but how that manifests on the 3D is going to vary wildly. As if that isnt bad enough, you may also find yourself losing your temper, binge eating, or impulse buying.. It was bad. I know itll heal when its meant to, many things have this last week. Thats a sense of bliss and freedom without equal. This can be physical or emotional. As with most of the signs on this list, it may hold the key to your long-awaited reunion. Anything you tell me will be in the strictest confidence. Posting about it on Quora, just to be responded to by my REAL Twin Flame, that was fun. Its an essential step to prepare youboth for union. There was one thing about him once we met online that pushed me to meet him physically, like we have been meant to fulfill, regardless of how much I informed myself in any other case. These spikes can manifest in many different ways but often appear as synchronicities or an increase in shared dream communication. Surrender resets your connection to allow the Universe to take over. The energy solely grew stronger as our time collectively grew. While your energetic frequencies are naturally in tune and harmonized at this point, that harmony needs to be manifested in the 3D as well. It isnt about giving up on the twin flame connection or giving up to the twin flame runners will. Once you manage to fully surrender to your sacred twin flame mission and you make progress towards ascension, you will experience a sense of fulfillment and bliss like youve never experienced before. To get me to pull my head out of my $$ to notice what he was doing & I only ignored him. As withmost of the twin flame journey, theres noeasy way to do this. If you are the chaser it is because you somehow spooked your twin into taking off and running away. I began thinking he was stalking me. 4.) I think I mayve died too & came back. I was in a few really great relationship in my mid to late 20s & felt so at home in those relationships, just to have one cheat on me & the other always made me feel like I wasnt enough by things he said, people dont seem to grasp energy exchanges in relationships, I tried to get my second Twin Flame to read or listentothe Celestine prophesies so hed grasp how I view energy & energy exchanges, but he showed zero interest in things that fascinated me, that were important to me in a healthy relationship. Not only is decluttering good for your surroundings, but its also beneficial for your mental health. I feel like I have no privacy. The second time I came back to him I was ready to let go of this person Id been assuming was my twin flame for 29 years just to see if what I was feeling was real. I just knew when he needed me, so Id track him down when I felt he needed me & wed share our lives together again. It may be challenging to surrender at first, but you feel more comfortable with yourself as you continue the journey. That had to be fun for people to read lol. Find all the information it in this article. I just knew things. That ruledoesnt extend to the 3D or physical dimension in front of us. I really hope he feels nuts about now. Once youve experienced theintense feelings of a twin flame connection it can be hard to move on from it. If I find myself feeling that way in a relationship, I exit it Because I was cheated on a lot I never gave the person who cheated on me jealousy either. Hes from another state than myself. After it was all said & done I felt that was all he did was play games with me. I just surrendered someone I thought was my TF of 31 years. To do so would be like trying to jump straight from A to C. You might not know it, but you may already be exhibiting (or experiencing) these 12 signs of chaser surrender: As the chaser in the relationship, youve always been hell-bent on getting your twin flame back. Thanks for reading through all my confusion, I appreciate it. All hed become was a version of one of the happiest moments in my entire life before everything went extremely dark. Nomadrs is a space to explore your perspectives related to the more esoteric side of spirituality. Its about focusingon yourself and your own journey instead. I need to understand things he was going through, not just in my mind, but in person. It felt GREAT, finally I could be okay with him living his life & me living mine. Raychel Ria Agramon, RN (PH & US), MPM Your frequencies are going to be much more in tune with one another and have an easier time harmonizing. Besides everything Ive been through to heal, has he healed too I dont want another man hurting me when all I see are red flags everywhere. I sold jewelry on this site, occasionally bought things. We need to accept (and fully understand) that the twin journey is a spiritual connection. A few of them are no longer of this Earth physically. The chaser needs to know the power lies here with them. Yes, its up to the runner to finally recognize all your efforts to reconnect. I keep feeling on & off surrender to him. But then wed get together & the energy was always there, it was undeniable. While your 3D self focuses on the work ahead of you in your own life, youre never alone with twin flame relationships and your twin helps guide you here. Insinuated that I was a cheater.. Told me hed NEVER date me again, said it repeatedly. And Im NOT normally like that in relationships. Slowly but surely, youll find your personal power growing exponentially. I was closed off to receiving love in my life from a man. I even bound him from me. If youre going through the dreaded separation stage, both the runner and the chaser have quite some surrendering to do. The twin flame surrender stage is one of those blissful and smooth periods. It kept us going for a longer period too. Now my head hurts 24-7. I feel like I cant do it on Quora now. Click here to get your own personalized reading. I actually did reach a type of surrender a week or two ago. Again (I always say this so I dont alarm anyway) theresno set roadmap for the twin flame journey. Her extensive list of metaphysical tools is the result of practicing reading and healing many souls for over 30 years. I always considered myself a very independent person and didnt like the sound of this when it was explained to me. That doesnt mean that youre always going to reach union in this lifetime but youre never going to completely detach from them. . You open your self and be willing to participate in the most profound types of healing. Lol. But surrendering to it will help that bond permeates into your conscious awareness. We could never get to know each other until I let him completely go. I continued to allow myself to feel the energy of this new guy I was only dating. Individual flames know instinctively that they must take the brunt of truth and be cool with it. My drs released me to physical therapy & I took off on a local trail fast walking after a month of physical therapy. This is why we call it the surrender stage. Theres noeasy way to do any of this. Your base and heart chakras have already been tuned, and you are free to prepare yourself for the process of receiving the first big frequency of love. I was in my comfort zone, completely enveloped in my 31 year fantasy, just to have someone I dated two years ago come & burst my fantasy bubble wide open. Theyre your mirror soul, after all. You surrender, not because its over but because it is going to continue in the most magnificent way. I apologize for the mini series. Yet I cant wait to be in his arms again. But that was yet another slap in my face, it instantly struck me that I was the masculine version in our relationship & he was pointing that out So he chose to come at me in all his feminine glory. The bliss of endless unconditional love from your twin flame and the collective will give you wings and be the sky through which youll fly. Theres a lot of unconditional love that needs to be poured into the bond, and the chaser is going to grow because of the chasers progress too. We laugh now when we see either of us display old behavior. Part of this is support and energy to continue your own progression but its also a way for them to call you back when your healing is done and youre ready to come back together. Since they help you improve yourself, they can prepare you well for an eventual twin flame reunion. The timeline and process are going to be a little different for everyone but the surrender process is a key part of the road to a physical union for everyone and while the twin flame experience is unique were all human and there are some tried and tested ways to focus on our soul journey. It is often referred to as "the dance of the twins", because during the balancing process, a push and pull dynamic is caused between the parts of the whole. You can feel that you are no longer under the strain of your own ego or even outdated patterns and behaviors. I let go of all outcomes and expectations. (This is where we'll send your reading. I know I had to go through everything I did for a reason. Hello DM & DF Twin Flames, and welcome! I feel like he wanted me to wake up the entire time to what I was allowing in my life. Maybe thats my masculinity talking I DO confront people & things in my life if Im confused about them. Later I contacted him for it, hed sold it, but then began hitting on me. Because of being so physically ill for so many years, I can honestly say I no longer cared about my appearance as much, I was resigned to living the rest of my life being single. One guy that asked me out was younger than me too, he was someone my daughter brought over as a date, he ended up hitting on me. Im definitely NOT chasing him. In fact, the feeling may be stronger than ever. Youre a twin flame because youre a hardcore lightworker, and youre perfectly equipped for this challenge because youre a champion of unconditional love. Or do I look at it all as leading me to him? Itsimportant to do not forget that this probably wont occur overnight. After all, Purpose can guide life decisions, influence behavior, shape goals, offer a sense of direction, and create meaning., Contrary to popular beliefs, pursuing your lifes purpose is not a selfish or self-serving journey. This is a very sophisticated tool using advanced artificial intelligence and neural network modeling. Its not that youve stopped caring about your twin flame you still do. Your soul and higher self as well as your twin will guide you as to how to surrender at every step along the way, but it wont be an easy process so dont expect it to simply happen overnight. Your instinct is to nest. Sometimes this is described as feeling done with them. So twin flames can choose bodies in any combination. Now nearly two years later, Ive went through absolute hell since. Remember: when you put your own values first, you get to be a whole and complete person. That was too painful. Instead of finding some attributes in the direction of your twin flame, you are taking motion to enhance your self. What Does Surrendering Twin Flames Feel Like? You understand now that you react without saying anything and that your twin flame will do the same. Her experience in all things spiritual helps to bring a full understanding of self and soul to her private clients and readers. You wouldnt believe the things Ive experienced this last week since admitting to myself that he IS NOT my karmic partner but my actual Twin Flame. Youre doing that makes you happy because you know in your heart that you deserve them. I can honestly say I finally have done that. Doubt is a perfectly normal part of a twin flame journey. The first place I tried was garbage and had nothing to offer, but I kept looking. This might mean focusing on your work, it might mean getting to the gym and focusing on your health. You need to let go of trying to control things, which is a very 3D ego human experience thing. You deserve the time to pamper yourself and restore your energy. I got to the point I was answering questions. Ive gotten great at letting people go, great at waiting my entire life away for someone whos unavailable to become available. I wanted ALL thoughts of him GONE! Im assuming him as well. Should You Have No Contact With Your Twin Flame Throughout Separation? You know for a fact that youll be together soon just like you did before. We experience this feeling of peace together, and it is a surprising feeling when you have been through so much together. Thinking someone else was my TF, probably sent him on quite the journey himself, wondering if there was something to everything I spent three decades believing. It was painful, but during my journey I began letting go of constructs, one being that this other person from now 31 years ago was my real TF. Flame union the board a cheater.. told me hed never date me again, said it.. A few of them because the female won & # x27 ; t even know where she went wrong decluttering! On from it power more equally between you then wed get together & the energy solely grew stronger our... It on Quora in his feminine version, so that confused me too because this... 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