The way I interpreted it was Superman is retaining his youthful looks & strength because of the solar energy from the sun, so being cut off from this source, his body was no longer able to sustain this and shriveled up like a sun dried tomato. The was a different tone in her voice, it sounded darker, hoarser, deeper.Are you alright? Lena asked and looked at her best friend as she stood there in her super suit. So, Supergirl's father should be credited as the first to discover this Kryptonian weakness. It only takes a minute to sign up. She doesnt (cant) vocalize that to Alex (or anyone), but its there in the back of her mind, on constant replay. In this 12-issue series, Supergirl travels the galaxy with a companion named Ruthye, whose father was murdered by a man named Krem. You're Earthling, but lots of Earth-based rocks can hurt you (Radioactive ores). In order to avoid the implication that they entrusted their daughter to some super-powerful stranger's care, it was later retconned that they discovered Earth some time before while searching for habitable planets, and they already knew Superman was family. That was enough to wake Supergirl up. Based on the Arrowverse Series and Injustice Series. While he has no superpowers, his genius and engineering skill makes him deadly. What other beatdowns did we miss? PTIJ Should we be afraid of Artificial Intelligence? Why exactly does kryptonite hurt him? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. That's also the reason Superman gained the ability to "absorb solar energy" from plants a power he point blank did not have in either Post-Crisis, or Pre-Crisis canon; Miller could not outright kill the icon for his plot, so he settled for humiliating him in story, to some degree, and gave a heretofore unforeseen ability as the reason he survived. So on a meta level, the reason one dirty nuke explosion could affect this Superman so much was because the writer's hadn't yet established that he was immune (or at least highly resistant) to such harm. Please consider turning it on! Dont be ridiculous, it chides. She wanted peacefulness, silence, vacuum. Her grip is firm and very tight compared to how the Kryptonian usually is. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. rev2023.2.28.43265. In 1958, the first Supergirl injury came along, specifically in Superman #123 (Dick Sprang, Otto Binder), when Jimmy Olsen used a magic totem to wish for a "Super-Girl" to help Superman. In comics, how many people have been killed by Superman? She beat at the creature, tried to shove it away. When Kara wonders if she could start now, Superman tells her that she needs further training before she's ready and then sends her to an orphanage, where she will reside. Kara and Diana fought each other until Wonder Woman used her Lasso of Truth to hold down Supergirl and force her to see the truth about his plan. Being so much weaker, it seemed logical, as well as useful, that Superman could take some damage from cell destroying radiation now, even if he recovered from it quickly. Superman rejects her offer and decides to develop a secret identity for her. Work Search: Work Search: "Kara," Alex said sternly, reluctantly pulling her eyes off the blonde when the light turned green. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. For a rare flower blooms near the window of her cell, rekindling her desire for vengeance. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. If they were to find a vast kryptonite mine in Starling City or Gotham, my bet is that there would probably be a pretty large "cancer cluster" among the nearby humans. And that's bad. Gohan gets up and charges towards Supergirl, who dodged in an afterimage and kicks Gohan forward, Supergirl punced Gohan with another Laser-Blast She knocked him on the ground and hit him hard with a powerful kick, BUT. She put both her feet on the edge of the bridge, her hands behind her back, gripping the bars. Supergirl initially refuses to get involved but changes her mind after Krem wounds Supergirls dog named Krypto with a poisonous arrow. Supergirl is hurt by a kryptonite-powered villain sent by Cadmus to attack National City. It was an accident. Why did the nuclear explosion cause Superman to shrivel up and absorb the life of other living things? And if anything is the lifeblood of CW shows its drama, so that wont do obviously. Lex Luthor got cancer from all the time he spent working with Kryptonite. Things get steamy when she hangs out with her best friend and secret crush Lena Luthor. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Ruthye seeks to hire Supergirl to take revenge against her fathers murderer. Kara's birthplace was "a street of homes" which survived Krypton's explosion -and retained a bubble of air- by sheer and unexplainable luck. In 2009's miniseries Superman/Supergirl Maelstrom (Justin Gray, Jimmy Palmiotti, Phil Noto), Supergirl faced one of her most devastating enemies: Maelstrom. Supergirljust ended her second season ofher hit TV show where she's winning new fans, so it's a good time to look at her most challenging moments. Lena steps in and tries to make her see reason but she's way past the point where she cared about anything or anyone. Kara vs. Kal-El (in Supergirl #2, Dec 2011). Byrne did this to make the hero "more human, flawed, and subject to injury", so that the stakes of his adventures would be higher, more "realistic" and engaging to the audience. Superman blames Hank since the kryptonite was stolen from the DEO. Do German ministers decide themselves how to vote in EU decisions or do they have to follow a government line? Alex pulls her back into a hug. Likewise, the core of the planet Earth is radioactive and would kill any of us. It only takes a minute to sign up. When Krypton dies, the remaining survivors flee to Earth and take the humans as their slaves. The extent of the radiation poisoning had to be shown to be catastrophic in order for him to be a treat to Bruce, but not something this older Batman couldn't "reasonably" overcome. On her left shoulder, a tiny devil aggressively raves on and on about how Kara lied to her, manipulated her, and kept her in the dark. In the graphic novel, the blast from the nuclear missile blocked out the light of the sun. With sufficient displacement of O2 molecules a person can die. Let us know in the comments! Can a private person deceive a defendant to obtain evidence? Kara's eyes bulged from their sockets. When Christina Greenwell reconnects with childhood best friend Niall Horan, she didn't expect 4 boys to be with him. With Supergirl's TV show having completed its second season, it's time to look at the hardest fights the Maid of Might has ever faced! That first panel makes it look like he pissed off Thor, too boot. Can they trek through grief together and find out who they are above the blanket of darkness? 13 Feb 2023 15:16:10 About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . His motives . One of her scientists had invented a pill to take away superpowers, and Supergirl was chosen to be the target. Sadly, the peace did not last and, as Kara grew older, a meteor shower smashed holes into the shield, releasing the radiation. are patent descriptions/images in public domain? I just never understood that. Kara! When the Anti-Monitor from an antimatter universe tried to destroy the multiverse, it brought all the heroes and villains from multiple Earths to try to stop him. Then came the Post-Crisis reboot, and all of Superman's powers came from the sun. I think they were also trying to imply that he had aged as well, along with everyone else in the story. He's also shown as emaciated and weak in the Flashpoint Paradox alternate reality, because the US government had kept him immobilized and under red sun radiation his entire life. Superman blames Hank since the kryptonite was stolen from the DEO. How did Superman and Spider-Man meet if DC and Marvel heroes don't exist in the same universe? Only a couple of issues later, Supergirl was beaten again by another obscure villain. With her weakened powers, she was knocked out and left for dead. Since he feels "drained" every time he's around it. Hi, Lena said when she heard the door open. Am I being scammed after paying almost $10,000 to a tree company not being able to withdraw my profit without paying a fee. Probably the same reason Flash is the fastest man alive but every season there is some bad guy faster than him. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? I asked this question hoping to get an answer from specifically you, @Thaddeus. She goes to Lena for help. I mean, she literally told everyone except for youand shes only known Nia for a year! Supergirl reached into a box said to hold another artifact, which allowed another banshee to take control of her. Weapon damage assessment, or What hell have I unleashed? Supergirl is effectively invulnerable (her cousin is known to have to use his heat vision to shave; presumably she does too for legs etc). Over the years, there has been more than one Supergirl and she's gone through a lot of changes, but the core idea of a woman with Superman's power remained. Since superman draws his Kryptonian strength from the light of the sun, its absence apparently prevented him from resisting the damage of the blast fully, or healing afterwards, or possibly both. New Movie News, Movie Trailers & upcoming Movie Reviews, 15 Horrible Hardships Wonder Woman Was Forced to Endure. Miller tried really hard to make sure you get that connection. Kara has always been Lena's champion. Her pod later escaped, and she arrived . With Congress's repeal of the Alien Amnesty Act, the powder-keg that was human-alien relations in America has burst open. Only temporary effects of course, but long enough for Red K Kara to have lots of fun with Lena. Kara Danvers and Lena Luthor Use Their Words. Reference information here: Light, heat, electricity, microwaves, infraredall of these are types of radiation, some of which. The Girl of Steel doesn't look so tough now as kryptonite ravages her body. The story was so popular that DC made an official Supergirl in continuity. Lena should have known that there's no stopping a god with no inhibitions. How do I withdraw the rhs from a list of equations? Supergirl Reveals Twisted Reason Kryptonite Is Deadly to Kryptonians, Supergirl Finale's Cover Art Is a Late Entry for Best of the Year, Zor-El was able to hold back the radiation, Supergirl Confirms: Everyone Misses Her Big Difference from Superman. Read with care. The book never showed how "weakened" he was compared to his normal levels, and he was strong enough to fly (at super speeds, no less!) Is the Dragonborn's Breath Weapon from Fizban's Treasury of Dragons an attack? If Kryptonite prevents absorption of solar radiation then why was it never used to treat melanoma? Everything afterward? In the game, Brainiac succeeds in conquering the world, so Lex Luthor steals his technology and goes back in time to stop him. If there's another Superman villain you don't want to mess with, it's Darkseid. Kryptonite blocks that ability. A nice analogy (promoted by AncientSwordRage) in a fashion similar to "carbon monoxide poisoning" where carbon monoxide molecules are being taken up by blood's hemoglobin instead of the normal Oxygen molecules. The Justice League tried to stop him, but were quickly defeated. But that was because he had been deprived of it his entire life, this happened in an instant. Help me understand the context behind the "It's okay to be white" question in a recent Rasmussen Poll, and what if anything might these results show? I cant believe you actually thought someone like her truly cared about someone like you. I think the origin of Kryptonite has varied over the years - IIRC, the original story was that it was created in the explosion, but the current version is that it was in the core and was released/spread by the explosion. Its the driving force of both her anxiety and her desperation to find Lena. Look inside for the complete prompt list. CaptP1. Here are 15 times Supergirl was beaten in comics, but came back to fight again! Next:Supergirl Confirms: Everyone Misses Her Big Difference from Superman. It's been a while since I've written any angst! This great answer would be made better with some sources/screenshots. Many pieces arrive on Earth because they traveled near the space-ship Jor-El sent baby Kal-El to Earth in. Kara's name is Kara, plainly. Alex Danvers has created a group chat revolving around Kara's uselessness and she is loving every second, J'onn J'onzz is not paid enough for this. In previous issues, Supergirl had been exposed to kryptonite and she still suffered from its effects, both physically and emotionally. With Melissa Benoist, Mehcad Brooks, Chyler Leigh, Jeremy Jordan. This was clear in 2005's Supergirl #3 (Jeph Loeb, Ian Churchill) when Supergirl tracked down Luthor in Utah. Within hours of the repeal, the White House is in ruins from a supposed terror attack by Supergirl, who attempted to kill the President for the repeal of the Act. But when the lines of friendship and morality are crossed will this mean the end for the friendship that Kara and Lena have worked so hard to build? In a flashback, Supergirl reveals the twisted reason why Kryptonite is so deadly to Kryptonians. We recommend having a look at the. I would think this is similar to the different radioactive elements contained within the planet Earth (plutonium, uranium, cesium, etc.). She hesitates, really looks at Kara, then carefully, Lena peels back her coat, revealing a ripped dress and bruises clearly marring her ribs. Kara tried to call to Alex. I did think this was a neat take on Superman, even if it doesn't fit in with Superman's official lore. Do lobsters form social hierarchies and is the status in hierarchy reflected by serotonin levels? Kryptonite gives off radiation that sickens Kryptonians and can kill them. [1] Power Girl is the cousin of the superhero Superman, but from an alternate universe in the fictional multiverse in which DC Comics stories are set. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. The story begins with Clark Kent picking up a strange sound far from Metropolis. The story begins with Clark Kent picking up a strange sound far from Metropolis. Alex still has those horrible memories of her sister saying that horrible stuff. Not only was Kara Supergirl but also she was in fact supposed to be Superman older cousin. That was just the beginning, and she and the Silver Banshee teamed up to stop the spirits. "Fantastic Voyage" Plot: In issue #283, Supergirl, who had been affected by a Red Kryptonite meteor, got shrunk to microscopic size, which she used to her advantage to take care of some infectious viruses that were inside Dick Malverne's adoptive father. The tyrant ruler of Apokolips, Darkseid commands legions, but is more than capable of fighting Superman with his bare fists. Now, to be fair, the Fortress didn't really exist at this time (it wouldn't be built in Byrne's stories til a year and a half later) but neither did the "plant absorption" ability! Superman blames Hank since the kryptonite was stolen from the DEO. Fans were surprised to find out that Alice needs the one component that has proved to be a significant weakness to Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) herself: Kryptonite. Supergirl had learned she still had more work to do to recover, and learned it the hard way. MELISSA BENOIST IS A GODESS WITHOUT HER THE SHOW WOULD NOT BE THE SAME. As if her spilling blood wasn't bad enough, it became a weapon for a supervillain. And maybe it would change her life forever, maybe this was exactly what they both needed. Does an age of an elf equal that of a human? She'd do anything to see that again, even experimenting with Red Kryptonite to free Supergirl's repressed side. Its also safe to assume that once the Kryptonite is a safe distance away, their super healing removes the cancer from their bodies. As the Man of Steel attempts to save the passenger, he is soon surprised to see that not only is the passenger, a young, blonde-haired girl, miraculously unhurt, but is wearing an costume similar to his! Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Did the residents of Aneyoshi survive the 2011 tsunami thanks to the warnings of a stone marker? Her feet were barely off the edge when a hand grabbed her arm. Once again, she never gives up. The writers of the dark knight returns just needed a plot devise other than the over used kryptonite, which they ended up using anyway, to even the odds for batman. Can patents be featured/explained in a youtube video i.e. Why does Superman use the Clark Kent persona? In the meantime, Kara's first day at her new job doesn't go as planned when she meets her new boss.Supergirl is hurt by a kryptonite-powered villain sent by Cadmus to attack National City. She threw open the fifth door, revealing Alex behind a curtain of thick smoke. (Re-post that ends entirely differently, less graphic, less dark, and allows Kara to fight her Red Kryptonite addiction in order to return to the person she once was.). 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