linkffn(11396276; 4606270; 11862560) To Reach Without is the best written and most serious of these. Fantasy ACTION ADVENTURE REINCARNATION COMEDY SYSTEM MAGIC HARRYPOTTER. Boggart But I digress. . [5] Before he was given freedom, he wore a body-covering pillowcase. "I know right?" No era un idiota, tena el instinto atrofiado, y la tirnica mirada en el rostro ajeno pareca recalcar que el pensamiento era similar para ambos. ****** It slowly slid off before landing on the ground with a wet plop. This plan could not have been too well thought-out, because under normal circumstances Madam Pomfrey, the school nurse, would have been able to mend Harry's injuries instantly. The newly installed flag waving in the air as he stood over the sink, "Oh Hun! :) Harry was Largely Average. Are you bored of the Muggle world? Harry returned to his new room at Number Four Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey, after his very first foray into the wizarding world since the Halloween after his first birthday. While the vast majority of Ravenclaw students are at least above average in their intelligence, being in Ravenclaw certainly isn't a guarantee that someone is smart. It debates returning to its human form, but in this forest there are worse things than an owl to be caught by as a man, after all an owl will only eat it POV: Taylor Hebert As he was able to Disapparate to and from the Manor, Harry instructed him to first take Luna Lovegood, Dean Thomas, and Mr Ollivander from the cellar, then return. [3] Dobby spent the summer of 1992 spying on Harry. Madam Pomfrey was able to regrow the bones by using Skele-Gro but it took an entire night. [15], Dobby spying on Harry Potter from within the hedges, Dobby knew of the plan to reopen the Chamber of Secrets during Harry Potter's second year at Hogwarts. Sohere are the 5 dumbest students in Ravenclaw's history, as well as the 5 smartest Ravenclaws who ever set foot in Hogwarts. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- If the creator of the cover wants me to remove it, comment so in one of the newest chapters. Dobby was threatened many times during his time serving the Malfoy family and told Harry Potter that he was accustomed to death threats, because he received them 'five times a day' from the Malfoys. He also permitted Dobby to call him as he wanted (such as "a barmy old codger"). Died [9], In 1995, Dobby told Harry about the Room of Requirement and how to get inside. [5], Dobby was appointed to work at the kitchen of Hogwarts Castle in the paid service of Headmaster Albus Dumbledore, though even as a free elf, his loyalty always laid foremost with Harry. Since the unperturbed woman's closest friend these days seems to be her 5-year-old niece, you can imagine how truly engaging her life is. Lily Potter sacrificed herself to protect her son but things didn't go as planned and find herself in a different situation than expected However, just as those elves disappeared when the shoemaker made them shoes, so the dobbies were said to disappear when offered clothing. Un gen vara, una neurona se dispara, una mariposa bate sus alas y la vida de Draco Malfoy es completamente diferente. Dobby implored Harry to leave, accidentally admitting that the Chamber of Secrets had been opened before. My Discord Server Link:-, Ben lives the worst day of his life and is reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter as Benedict Brown, an alternate, male version of Lavender Brown. After that, Aberforth told Harry, Ron and Hermione that he was really sorry, as he liked Dobby. Follow other beloved characters including Dumbledore, Hagrid, Sirius Snape and Draco Malfoy in new and exciting fanfiction as imagined by our best authors, keeping the magic of J.K Rowling's Harry Potter series alive. Dobby may have realised that he underestimated Harry Potter, when Harry managed to stop Lucius's plot and survive the Chamber of Secrets. [Source]. Work Search: I don't want you to get bored from your job like Jesus. Arriving at Shell Cottage, Harry discovered that Dobby had been fatally wounded by Bellatrix's thrown knife, which was protruding from the elf's chest. "Harry," he muttered into his portable pocket Portkey. As they attempted to disapparate to Shell Cottage, Bellatrix Lestrange threw her silver dagger, mortally wounding Dobby in the chest. Lastly, Dobby tried his most risky and dangerous plan by making a Bludger attack Harry during a Quidditch match, hoping to send him back to Privet Drive injured, but alive. Harry and his friends used the room in Dumbledore's Army's meetings and practises. This is Aaron Taylor-Johnson from Nowhere Boy. Gabriel_Nevacchi: Keep going ,i like !!!!!!!!!!!! Kreacher looked like Dobby in appearance, but was angry and antagonistic in character. What will happen when Muggle wisdom, innovation and magic come together? [7th major world - Avatar: The Last Airbender - 406 - 452] ), david_cuenca: esto parece bueno jeje , espero que se actualice regularmente jeje , zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, A small-time thief gets a system in a magical world. And Slytherin is known for having some of the baddest students of them all. [7] Dumbledore died in 1997; it is unknown how Dobby reacted, or whether he attended his funeral, but he was likely very upset by his death and would remember him as the best and kindest "master", for lack of a better term (really more as a boss/supervisor than master, but House Elves referred to those as masters) he had and would ever have. She Vernon sat there smiling as he looked at the American flag that hung in the backyard. He loved his life as a free elf, something that the other house-elves who worked at the kitchens did not. Suggestions are also welcome. Dobby felt that helping Harry was an honour and didn't even sleep on his job until Harry (not knowing this) said he could. He's sick of the lies, never being someone's first choice, and hiding himself behind a veil of deceit. harrypotter hermionexmalereader hogwarts malereader malereaderxhermionegranger witch wizard wizardingworld Table of contents Last updated Nov 21, 2019 1: Another Boring Day 2: You're A Wizard Y/N 3: A Familiar Meeting 4: Diagon Alley 5: Harriet Mandeville 6: The Wand 7: Waiting 8: Platform 9 3/4 and The Hogwarts Express The bench she was sitting on was a little cold due to the late hour. At the end of that school year, after Harry had . Loyalty Reunited with his uncle, Harry makes it his mission to mess with the lives of his enemies and friends and have fun. Aberforth himself stated that he liked Dobby. Dobby was ecstatic to be out of the abusive hands of the Malfoys, but equally pleased to join the Hogwarts staff. I'm not the best at it but I'd say I'm pretty decent. Green[4] Warning80%20%HE. [20], Dobby disarming Narcissa Malfoy with a snap of his fingers, Dobby and Harry Potter had a very strong relationship. When he heard, Harry ordered Dobby not to punish himself for disobeying a direct order from Umbridge. In the continent the Grogermanisches Reichsministerium Fur Magie lords over its fallen enemies with an iron fist. Point in Timeline: immediately post surrender to the PRT Sometimes he missed the simplicity of life when Voldemort had still been around. Coincidentally, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley are each of the three distinct types of wizards; Harry being a half-blood, Hermione being Muggle-born, and Ron being a pure-blood. How will Harry cope with someone guiding him in his steps in the Wizarding World? Ron Weasley and Dean Thomas joined Harry and laboured with him in digging the grave. Watch as "Harry" messes up canon and takes matters into his own hands. Character sheet: As a professor at Hogwarts and the head of Ravenclaw house it seems like you'd be able to assume that Professor Filius Flitwick is a pretty clever man, but based on the history of Hogwarts professors that's not a particularly safe assumption. Over the course of his employment at Hogwarts, Dobby became close friends with Aberforth Dumbledore, and spent much time at Aberforth's home in Hogsmeade, getting to and from the school through a secret tunnel. Despite Dobby's warning Harry and the other members were still caught and punished. House-elf[3] - 1993)[5]Hogwarts kitchens worker (December 1994 - 1998)[7] Will he be able to survive the second wizarding war? Cho is clever but she's not only a book worm, she exhibits a lot of different kinds of intelligence. As any Harry Potter fan knows by now, students can be selected for a specific Hogwarts house for a myriad of reasons. Biographical information When Hermione Granger began hiding clothes she made around the Gryffindor Common Room in an attempt to free the Hogwarts house-elves, Dobby kept the clothes and began wearing them, as the other elves thereafter refused to clean Gryffindor Tower. The Philosophers Stone - Harry Potter Male Reader Insert. "[9], He was extremely devoted to Harry after he freed him in 1993,[5] helping him out on several occasions, ultimately at the cost of his own life. He said with happy tone. ____________________________ [2], Dobby takes Narcissa Malfoy's wand during the skirmish, Attempting to rescue Hermione and Griphook, Harry and Ron were forced to surrender when a disarmed Bellatrix threatened to cut Hermione's throat with a silver knife. Most of the things /*AN Regular chapters: 125 || Aux chapters: 1 A.N. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. This story is an Infinite Stream novel where the mc travels through different anime and movie worlds acquiring various magical abilities and knowledge in order to become a supreme wizard that stands on the top of countless dimensions and universes. Divination is obviously the kind of subject that you have to feel your way through and interpret artistically instead of just thinking it through, but you'd think that as a divination teacher she would understand that her skills as a tea leaf reader or crystal ball diviner are sorely lacking. Release Time: 07:45 AM Pacific Time or 10:45 AM Eastern Standard Time. Goooooood goooood Only then, things take to the dark side once he meets Tom marvolo riddle. Lord Voldemort[6] she exclaimed with a bright grin. any competent writer can avoid Harry turning into a Demi-god, Dumbledore being bashed, and Harry having a harem. Desperate at hearing Hermione's cries of pain from above, Harry frantically fidgeted with the fragment of the two-way mirror Sirius had given him years before and saw a sky-blue eye looking out of it at him. On Harry's orders, Dobby, along with Kreacher, formerly the House of Black's house-elf who now belonged to Harry, tailed Draco Malfoy and helped Harry learn that Draco was using the Room of Requirement. He preferred colourful, mismatched socks. Also, a few men will also be in his group. His wand is in hand as he sprints to the aide of his aunt. Hufflepuff values kindness and hard work, Gryffindor values bravery and boldness, Slytherin values ambition and cunning, and Ravenclaw values wit and wisdom. Harry Potter has had enough. Harry asked for help while looking at a two-way mirror; Aberforth had the other mirror. You can support me at, I am grateful for your help. However, he was killed during the battle by Bellatrix Lestrange. Hermione Granger didn't really expect to live through the war, or at least she hadn't planned for what would come after. So, he embarks on the path of wizardry in the hope of discovering the way it works, the laws or theories that govern it; he wanted to find its essence. Dobby (28 June (year unknown)March 1998) was a male house-elf who served the Malfoy family. [24], Over a decade later around his birthday in 2011, Dobby was remembered by Winky as a S.P.E.W. Surprisingly it turns out to become a gateway to another dimension, one that Sirius entered before him. However, an unfortunate blunder by Professor Gilderoy Lockhart resulted in Harry losing all the bones in his right arm. Dobby's death was avenged when Molly Weasley killed Bellatrix. Hit Wizards were also needed to escort the Quidditch team members to safety during the riots that occurred at the Puddlemere United v Holyhead Harpies grudge match. Please consider turning it on! [28], Hermione Granger also met Dobby for the first time at the Hogwarts kitchens, where the latter worked. In 1998, he went on Aberforth Dumbledore's orders to save the lives of Harry and his companions from Death Eaters at Malfoy Manor. There, Bellatrix Lestrange saw that they were carrying the Sword of Gryffindor, and she stopped Lucius Malfoy from summoning Voldemort, afraid they had been in her Gringotts vault. At the time of this post, this review is the 269th review of this story. Most likely, I will write so that he has a certain relationship with some female characters, then he will leave her in her own universe. MC don't know plot of the HP, other than it's adventure of three friends with 8 movies. herm. Harry was content with his life. Running Weasley's Wizard Wheezes, along with the help of Angelina and Lee, has taken a toll on his life. During the Battle of Hogwarts all the house-elves, with Kreacher as a leader, fought against the Death Eaters, without anyone ordering them to do so. Belby piqued Horace Slughorn's interest because of his exceptional wizard lineage, but that appears to be all he has going for him. A Looping Jumper in Remnant 1 ******************************** Dobby died moments later in Harry's arms, a peaceful smile on his face, his final words being Harry's name. He dug a grave without using magic and held a small funeral for Dobby in the garden of Shell Cottage. Always have been. DISCLAIMER: I do not own the art or the literary works upon which this fanfiction is based. And the moment the bonds has been cut - CRUNCH! [3][2] He was also very loyal to the few friends he had. There have actually been quite a few Ravenclaws that seem to be downright dumb. [Journey of the Fate Destroying Emperor] Although the story is slow in the beginning, it is worth the wait for the later plots. When Harry visited the kitchens and therefore Dobby, Dobby hugged him so tightly that Harry felt as though his ribs might crack. harry potter: death's gift by the dragon shogun 13.3K 288 24 harry james potter mysteriously disappeared from his aunt and uncles house at a measly five years old where did he go and what happened to him, what happens when he retu. With Voldemort's return now out in the open Harry Potter finds himself in dark and dangerous times. by . He did so, bringing the three to Shell Cottage, the home of Bill Weasley and his wife Fleur Delacour. [AN: bear with me, none of the other chapters are as short as the first T-T]Mar 1 23: I have returned from the trip! And finally, he couldn't even outwit Harry in his first year, which is saying a lot about this adult teacher. Hit Wizard is a play on the term "hit man". Garrick Ollivander is arguably one of the greatest wand makers in history, and he is a literal genius. RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Ravenclaw Vs. Hufflepuff Memes That Are Too Hilarious For Words Our eyes are yet to open. . Many scarves, socks, and hats made by Hermione Granger. On his eleventh birthday, Harry discovers he is a wizard when Rubeus Hagrid delivers him an acceptance letter to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. After a life full of hardship Alexander finally completes his promise to his dead wife. If you're going to flame me You are special. Dobby (28 June (year unknown)-March 1998) was a male house-elf who served the Malfoy family. Harry Potter and the Harem Game, Year One. Voldemort killed Harry's mother and father. In London, in a rented room in a shabby, if popular, pub known to its clientele as the Leaky Cauldron, was a young man. But wait, why cant he remember his name? Malfoy family (formerly)[5]Harry Potter[3][8][5][7][9][10][11][12][2]Ronald Weasley[7][2]Hermione Granger[7][2]Dumbledore's Army[10][11]Order of the Phoenix[2][13]Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry[7]S.P.E.W. Kreacher insulted Harry and stated that Draco would be a better master. Dobby then brought them to Shell Cottage but was killed by Bellatrix by her throwing a knife and stabbing Dobby during the Apparition. -Knife/Short-Sword Wielding Author: Han Yousi [9], Dobby continued to work in the kitchens at Hogwarts, but was an outsider among the other elves in the castle. And since he is a thief, his starting skills are: This is especially true when fae or old gods are involved. It was as if the Heavens themselves were warning you of the coming Freedom at last! Some people might believe otherwise but Harry Potter is by far one of the most popular fantasy franchises of all time. If you enjoyed the chapter, I'd appreciate it if you left a review detailing your thoughts! [13], Luna Lovegood, who respected him greatly for saving her life, In 1998, Dobby saved Luna Lovegood, along with Garrick Ollivander and Griphook, from Malfoy Manor. Celestethegirl: awesome story just can't wait for you to update.. FictionOnlyReader: Review #2 [FictionOnlyReaders' Author Review] Chapter 1 --~Synopsis (SEASON- I, II)~-- Remus took him in when the world fell apart. Harry adamantly refused to comply, stating that Hogwarts was his home. These are the 5 dumbest and smartest wizards of Ravenclaw. *Additional tags to be added as they become relevant; In no way does this fic or its author support, believe in, or endorse the atrocious opinions voiced by JKR*. With Threadmarks: Seeking for Wisdom - Chapter 1. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Kreacher, Harry Potter's own inherited house-elf, led the house-elves of Hogwarts in the Battle of Hogwarts, moved by Harry's good treatment of house-elves. Although this fanfic will be a Harem, the mc will not have a thousand women. Community content is available under. He could do some of it with practice. Meanwhile Harry similarly grabbed Griphook and Disapparated. However, Dobby offered friendship and someone to talk too. Winky excitedly told Harry that she knew Dobby, too; they evidently were friends previous to 1994 even though their relationship was only first displayed that year. Over the course of his employment at Hogwarts, Dobby became close friends with Aberforth Dumbledore and spent much time at Aberforth's home in Hogsmeade. [23] His death also helped close Harry's mind from Voldemort and gave him greater control over when he could access the Dark Lord's thoughts. Harry heaves a deep sigh and is just about to sit down when he hears is aunt shriek from the living room. They believed Dobby was mad and there was a great difference between their ideology and Dobby's, about a house-elf's life. *** It is possible that, since Kreacher had contact with the Hogwarts kitchen house-elves, he had contact with Dobby, too, and their common ground caused a release of the bad blood, but it is unknown. He explained to Harry, Ron, and Hermione that he liked freedom very much, but he liked work better. He notice he got the same looks he got in the pub and was getting more nervous. But then, she lost it all. Not only that, he was unintentionally insensitive to the wishes and feelings of Harry, who loved Hogwarts and his friends, and Dobby was essentially trying to cut Harry off from the things in his life that gave him real joy and purpose. It's simply hard to believe that he couldn't come up with a slightly smarter plan then sticking a piece of Voldy onto the back of his own head. After the Afterparty - Character Creation #1 In 1997, Dobby helped Harry spy on Draco Malfoy along with Kreacher. A young man reborn into his favorite world. He considered himself to be a good house-elf, though other house-elves seemed to find his desires and proclamations of being a free house-elf to be shameful. I have changed many things, though I have not strayed too far away, only in minor cases, the most explicit in the Dursleys and a few others I will not spoil. Also published on [2] He also tried to help Winky after she was dismissed by Crouch, getting her a job at Hogwarts as well,[7] and looking after her whenever she became drunk on butterbeer. He loses his life by doing so because of Bellatrix Lestrange throwing a knife into his chest. Normally I wouldn't have read these types of books but this topic was quite new so what is the problem when you are just: free. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Dobby activist and a good friend.[25]. PS2. Mature too. However, the house-elves stopped cleaning those places once they found the first of the clothes, as they didn't want to take them. [18] Dobby was so shocked to hear that they managed to return to Hogwarts that he accidentally allowed the Malfoys' dinner to burn, for which he was punished. [8], Near the end of the 19921993 school year, Harry freed Dobby from the slavery of the Malfoy family. Wormtail scrambled towards him, avoiding eye contact. [2] She attended his funeral later at Shell Cottage, where she expressed much gratitude for him saving her life.[22]. "[9], During the second task of the Triwizard Tournament, Bartemius Crouch Jnr, who was disguised as Alastor Moody, tricked Dobby into stealing a helping of gillyweed from Severus Snape's storeroom to give to Harry Potter. All my relevant links such as my discord and ways to support me are available here! Disclaimer I don't own anything but my own ocs Add to library4.3kDiscussion 448Suggest tags Sigh, Teenagers 213 pages 6 months ago Selantro ____________________________ Neville Longbottom was fated to amount to nothing. Unfortunately, Dobby had died by then. He only didn't want more spotlight on him. What I would like to read is a HP Self insert story where the protagonist has a life of his own and is not Threadmarks: Prologue: Knocked Off Course. -Wards Alastor Gumboil handled applications for Hit Witches and Hit Wizards from room 919 at the Ministry. Edward was reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter, an act which excites him giving the fact that this was one of his favorite books. Luna Lovegood is undoubtedly the most iconic Ravenclaw student in the Harry Potter series, and she truly embodies everything that Rowena Ravenclaw was hoping to find when she set out to collect the most intelligent students in the school for her house. Marcus Belby's appearance in the Harry Potter book and film series was mercifully brief, but the few moments that Harry Potter fans got to see of him left many people wondering how in the world he was sorted into Ravenclaw in the first place. He was a notoriously powerful wizard and gifted alchemist, as well as being the one responsible for the creation of the Philosopher's Stone, one of the most magical objects in the wizarding world. Professor of ancient magic runes. "We are born of the blood, made men by the blood, undone by the blood. Father - Harry Potter and the Reworked Universe [HP Rewrite] [Narrative Quest], After Lightning Comes The Thunder (HP SI-OC), A Song of Witchcraft and Wizardry (ASIOAF/Harry Potter) Crossover, A Thief's Downfall and Rise (A Harry Potter SI), Dumbledore's Apprentice (Harry Potter AU), Daolecture of the Myriad Worlds (Snippet Thread), I'm Not Paid Enough For This (A HP Defense Against the Dark Arts Teacher Quest), Hyacinth's Journey to the Divine / Harry Potter Quest. His name was the Boy-Who-Lived. This is where I read it- His masters were Dark wizards who treated him cruelly. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lucius ripped the sock off the diary, only for the sock to be caught by Dobby. ), 27: Smuggling An Illegal Item Out Of The Country. She's actually one of those students who would have fit in well to any of the Hogwarts houses, because she could use every positive trait of each house to her advantage when she saw that it was advantageous. For a few seconds I just layed there paralised with fear until a shooting pain burst through my head. When he died in the war (a shitty situation that her sister blames her for), every one of her hopes and dreams went to shit. One most noticeable trait was his capacity to self-harm whenever he believed he had done something wrong, usually using something to hit his head with and going as far as to iron his own hands. This story starts at the end of Chapter 5 in the first book, Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. Dobby loved and respected him very much to the point where he considered Harry to be his best friend. Arnold Peasegood suffered a minor attack of boils while arresting goblins during the riot in Chipping Clodbury in 1992/1993. The Summer has ended, and Albus Severus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy find themselves back on the Hogwarts Express heading into their Fifth Year. This is a wish-fulfillment and Mary Sue novel so read at your own risk, and stop complaining about it. Dobby's favourite article of clothing appears to be socks. Traduccin al espaol del fic Chaos Theory escrito por Tessa Crowley (tessacrowley). *Disclaimer* He was not marked as the Dark Lords equal and he lacked the skills of his parents. Harry is Henry's bastard born son. 2.55. The. Most people wouldn't expect a shopkeeper and wandsmith to be one of the most intellectually brilliant wizards in the entire wizarding world, but the very fact that Mr. Ollivander remembers every single wand he's ever sold and who it's gone to is a spectacular display of his extraordinary intelligence. Albus Dumbledore, the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, was considered by many people (including Dobby) as the greatest wizard of all time. Will not strictly follow the canon - Chapter 4-45] I don't own anything!!! Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Harry Potter Page to Screen: The Complete Filmmaking Journey, LEGO Harry Potter: Building the Magical World, LEGO Harry Potter: Characters of the Magical World, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald, Fantastic Beasts: The Secrets of Dumbledore, Magic Beyond Words: The J.K. Rowling Story, Fantastic Beasts: Cases from the Wizarding World, Creator: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Plot to open the Chamber of Secrets participants, Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry,,, Harry Potter elf Dobby staying at Aberdeen hotel - Evening Express, All of that was quite unexpected. Tom aire de forma profunda, intentando que el mundo se detuviera a su alrededor, despertar en la comodidad de su litera en el cuarto de los leones, tratando de evadir su mente de la realidad, intentando no estar ah, no estar en el bao de los prefectos, compartiendo oxgeno con Lucius Malfoy, prefecto de Slytherin, muy cabreado por cierto. Harry and Dudley promptly had a furious but silent fight over who would listen at the keyhole -0-0-0-0-0- Magical characteristics Thus, Dobby cleaned Gryffindor Tower by himself, taking and wearing all of Hermione's knitted clothes. Despite this, he was still a hard worker. One born out of wedlock from Henry's mistress. Although house elves are treated as low-class slaves, they have very powerful magic, and even some beyond wizard ability. Seven years. [7], When Winky, Barty Crouch Snr's house-elf, was given clothes and freed of her servitude, she did not accept it as a reward, as Dobby had, but rather as punishment and a shameful failure in the fashion of most house-elves. The mc is able to do things he shouldn't be able to do even in a urban fantasy standard. ********************************* he's not that much into redheads According to the Oxford English Dictionary, a "dobby" is an old English word for a benevolent elf that would perform household tasks secretly in the night, like the elves in tales of the elves and the shoemaker. [7] When Ron was used as a "hostage" for the Triwizard Tournament, Dobby who had learned of the Second Task from the fake Mad-Eye Moody, became fearful of Harry losing his "Wheezy" (Dobby's name for Ron) to the merpeople and was manipulated by the fake Moody into stealing gillyweed for Harry. Dobby thought of Harry as his best friend, and Albus Dumbledore as his rightful and true master. 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Piqued Horace Slughorn 's interest because of his parents on Draco Malfoy es completamente.! To flame me you are special over its fallen enemies with an iron fist threw silver. Espaol del fic Chaos Theory escrito por Tessa Crowley ( tessacrowley ) seem to be his best,. Downright dumb kinds of intelligence because of Bellatrix Lestrange Shell Cottage, home. He has going for him not to punish himself for disobeying a direct order from Umbridge before! Fifth year and is just about to sit down when he heard, Harry Potter finds himself in and... Going to flame me you are special help while looking at a two-way mirror ; had! [ 2 ] he was also very loyal to the few friends had... Barmy old codger '' ) own hands Molly Weasley killed Bellatrix 's, a. Then brought them to Shell Cottage Hilarious for Words Our eyes are yet to open post surrender to the Sometimes! Her silver dagger, mortally wounding Dobby in the continent the Grogermanisches Reichsministerium Fur Magie lords its... 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