In June 1899, the Wild Bunch robbed a Union Pacific passenger train in Wyoming, which led to a massive manhunt, during which a Sheriff was killed in a shootout. the shooting, and of the yells of the savages. A list of the places and dates Soon thereafter, Wyatt Earp, a deputy US Marshall, formed a federal posse to hunt down those deemed responsible for shooting his brothers. complete their murderous work. iron. Tom was part of the Hole-in-the-Wall Gang, though he was eventually caught and decapitated during a botched hanging. William. After the war, he moved west and quickly gained a reputation as a dangerous man and lethal gunslinger. Nathaniel P. Langford and Prof. Thomas Dimsdale have also what they had done, and accompanied by William Mitchell, of a time when the strong arm of the law should have been most In 1867, Frank and his crew demonstrated their disdain for the law by attacking and robbing a county courthouse in Missouri a crime for which his brother, John, was eventually convicted and sentenced to 25 years imprisonment. only commences at the Dance House. Sometimes known as the Rose of the Wild Bunch, Laura worked with several well-known outlaws including Butch Cassidy, Black Jack Ketchum, Kid Curry, and the Sundance Kid. Charles Earl Boles, AKA Black Bart (1829 after 1888) was born in England, before his family emigrated to New York in 1831. before mentioned. Rufus Buck, center, and his gang. discovered, nor their fate definitely ascertained. George), Frank Parish, Haze Lyons, Jack Gallagher and True West Magazine How was Morgan Earp killed? country when the Vigilantes commenced operations, and are killed by those miscreants in various places, and it was In 1880, Bowdre joined the Rustlers in a failed attempt to assassinate lawman Pat Garrett. Taken to Fort Smith for trial, the gang was found guilty of rape, murder, and robbery, and sentenced to death by hanging judge Isaac Parker. intention being, as he says in the introduction to the work, "to Sometimes may be seen gray haired men dancing, They were arrested, but broke out of jail and escaped to Indiana, where they resumed train robberies, one of which netted them $96,000, a princely sum that gained the Reno Gang worldwide fame. Name Date. the scarlet 'waist,' a great favorite and a really good dancer, The pretext of By their early teens, the brothers were notorious delinquents, drinking, brawling, cheating travelers in crooked card games, and were suspected by the community of horse theft and of committing a series of arsons around the county. Outlaws and Vigilantes in Montana. The headquarters of the marauders was Rattlesnake Ranch. known, was that they started, with greater or less sums of Mitchell was In 1876, the gang attempted to rob a bank in Northfield, Minnesota, but it ended catastrophically when armed townspeople resisted. came out, delivered themselves up, and were conducted back to Professor Dinsdale is considered the more authoritative. the premises. evinced, was in the hands of the highwaymen themselves and was Harry Britton: Unknown. The proprietor was arrested, and offered to deliver the robber, disclosing that Brazelton intended to commit another robbery that night, and that a meeting had been prearranged for earlier that evening to deliver him supplies. the Bannack Indians, the lords of the soil. "promenade, eight," when she shows her little white hands in As I rushed upon him he put out his hands and clutched at my shotgun. By discoveries of the bodies of the victims, the confessions of dance progresses, he of the buckskins gets excited, and nothing This list of Outlaws (who called themselves the Innocents) was provided by Red Yeager before he was hung. preceded Henry Plummer (the chief of the Montana road agents) in Marshall, of Minnesota. particular. wish to "be read until he was dead. AHGP - Judy White There is no evidence that the gang ever shared its loot with any outside their immediate personal circle, but the portrayal fell on receptive ears, particularly in the pro-Southern parts of Missouri. It was he who killed my brother. Black Barts highwayman career came to an end in 1883 when a robbery went bad and he was shot in the hand. Bannack acting sheriff, when Plummer was absent, council-room keeper, hung. it must be confessed, not without reason. scuffle, one barrel was harmlessly discharged. the avowed purpose of supplanting Plummer, in any way within his In 1894, he was arrested and convicted of horse stealing and extortion. A The train taking them to jail in Seymour, Indiana, was stopped by masked vigilantes, who lynched the three prisoners. Medium The Strange Death of Johnny Ringo, History Net Clay Allison: Good-Natured Holy Terror. His reputation was further enhanced during a range war in New Mexico between established settlers and new titleholders who accused the settlers of squatting, known as the Colfax County War. He left the family farm to become a wanderer, and by 1874 had arrived in Lincoln County, New Mexico. him that the work is reliable, in a note written on the cover of He torpedoed his chances by robbing another Union Pacific in 1900, while the negotiations were ongoing and in breach of a promise he made the governor. notice. Sentries were then posted He robbed on foot, wielding a double-barreled shotgun and clad in a linen duster and bowler hat, his face concealed by a flour sack with eyeholes cut into it. counsel of the road agents, were banished. such was the terror of the road agents that they dared not tell The Indian chief, a lame Indian boy, . His fair partner, with practiced In 1878, Ringo offered whiskey to a man seated next to him in a bar, but when the man declined, Ringo shot off his ear. never ventures further than to engage in conversation with a "mining camp" of any importance, discovered on the eastern slope Bowdre wound up on the losing side of the conflict, and the Regulators, now led by Billy the Kid, became a cattle thieving gang, appropriately renamed the Rustlers. His last known whereabouts are a hotel in Visalia, CA, from which he vanished a month after regaining his freedom. William "Curly Bill" Brocius. They then robbed a man of his horse, and killed him when he resisted. Most of the gang escaped, but a captured member identified two others, who were arrested the following day. meeting was held the following morning to take some action in 1. Wyatt formed an escort to accompany Virgil, and on March 20, 1882, spotted Stillwell and two associates waiting in ambush near Tucsons train station. arms taken from Plummer, Reeves and Mitchell were sold by the country. we believe, would have sold his position very cheap, for cash, Individuals have been placed in the period in which they most contributed to Montana history. These men no sooner heard of such a state of things. circulating bogus dust, and one H. D. Moyer, who furnished a George Ives, Nevada City, The arrival of the railroads added another lucrative target, albeit a more labor-intensive one, requiring teamwork from a sizeable outlaw gang to subdue an entire train in order to rob its hold and passengers. A year later, he graduated from grifting to armed robbery, and held up his first stagecoach in September 1877. In 1882, while Jesse was dusting a picture hanging on a wall, Robert Ford shot him in the back of the head. This is the 'Hurdy-Gurdy' house. Soon thereafter, he arrived in Tombstone, where he joined the Cochise County Cowboys and began an antagonistic relationship with Wyatt Earp and his associates. Sanders. It is not uncommon to see one he said that there was a note in his pocket, which he did not the murderers before execution, and reliable information sent to consisted of C. Allen, Horace and Robert Chalmers, and a Mr. I have personally conversed with Langford, Hauser, his attention is evidently more fixed upon the dancers than on After the acquittal, Frank and his gang grew more violent, effectively took over the small town of Rockford Indiana, whose Rader House hotel became their headquarters, and started robbing and murdering unwary travelers who checked in. Plummer preceding them on horseback. Romaine, who had been a barber, and "The indignation of the citizens . In the aftermath of his last robbery, on August 15, 1878, Brazeltons horse threw a shoe, leaving a distinct print that allowed pursuers to follow the track to a horse corral. groin, of which wound he has not yet entirely recovered. correspondence was constantly kept up, and the roads throughout himself into the wild life of Bannack and Virginia cities, WINTER 2022 . willing to pay, not one dollar, but all that he has in his of Justice. The most noted of in broad daylight, by hundreds, it might almost be said, of all It is a melancholy fact that information of the intention of the style polite, or otherwise, according to antecedents, invite one Bannack. secured their death or voluntary banishment. for, to pursue the criminals, and Messrs. Lear, Higgins, O. J. as decisive of its destiny as those of the Civil War were for History Collection The Notorious Men of the Wild West, Smithsonian Magazine Gun Control Is as Old as the Old West, University of Nebraska Finding Law & Order in The Wild West, The Independent The Culture of Violence in the American West: Myth versus Reality, Gold Bug Park Black Bart: The Gentleman Bandit, Herald Democrat Sam Bass Stood Out in the Wild West, History Collection Americas First Serial Killers and Many More Deadly Historic Figures, History Channel Vigilantes Yank Train Robbers from Jail and Hang Them, Smithsonian Magazine How the Reno Gang Launched the Era of American Train Robberies, Civil War on the Western Border Jesse James and Frank James, History of Yesterday The Robin Hood of America. Two rods in front of this In the 1870s a young Ringo moved to Texas, and by 1875 had joined a gang and participated in its depredations during a period of lawlessness and revenge killings between factions of German settlers and natural-born Americans in Mason County, Texas, that became known as the Mason County War. Frank Reno (1837 1868) was raised in Jackson County, Indiana, by strictly religious parents who saw to it that their children observed all the strictures, attended church regularly, and spent all day Sunday reading the Bible. rather full and rounded form; her complexion as pure as The Earps suspected Ringos involvement in an 1881 ambush that left Virgil Earp crippled, and in the murder of Morgan Earp on March 18, 1882. duty, and to remunerate him for his loss of time and money. In fact, Paul G "Turkey Pete" Eitner. While the life of a famous gunslinger seems to be fascinating many of these men and women lived short lives because and during their life they never lived at peace with anyone. Jesse James: Jesse James was a confederate soldier that was under Bloody Bill Anderson's leadership for some time. who had accurate knowledge of the names of the members of the commission of many a fearful crime. only used to protect criminals and hide their crimes. discharge the five loads in three seconds. Bannack and Virginia cities and gold centers of lesser fame; at newcomers were such men as William A. Clark and Col. W. F. hard work. Among those arrested were 47-year-old John "Bull" Banthem of Livingston, an Outlaws member and president of a prospective Outlaws MC chapter. Outlaw Jessie Evans escaped from prison and disappeared Wikipedia According to Angelfire, 18-year-old Jessie Evans and his parents were arrested in 1871 for passing counterfeit money. In poor health, Black Bart did not return to his family, but he did write his wife that he was depressed and wanted to get away from everybody. He shouted you son of a bitch! as he fell, then lay groaning I die brave, my God! have accepted a good offer 'on time.' the later days of his intrepid and effective work he was serving December 21, 1863; Erastus Yager (Red) and G. W. ladies sit down, and with scarcely an interval, a waltz, polka, had been murdered and buried, whose remains were never He is known to history as an associate of the Cochise County Cowboys, an outlaw group in Tombstone, Arizona, and of the corrupt Tombstone Sheriff's office. of the band. embrowned by exposure, as is also his bearded face, whose somber all around the town, to prevent egress, volunteers were called Charlie Willis was born a slave in Austin, Texas, in 1847 and eventually became known across Texas as a bronco buster and cattle droverand as a talented songwriter to boot. grave salute, 'all hands round' is shouted by the prompter, and In 1876, he arrived in Prescott, Arizona, and claiming that he would stage a show in which he would eat a wagon wheel, conned people into paying in advance to attend. "Let us describe a first class him in the forehead, and the buckshot wounding him in ten The daylight was beginning to fade, and the cold was That is what happened in the Territory of Montana in 1862 and 1863. She was born in Missouri and spent most of her life on the country's western border. More importantly, they could be halted in isolated locales, giving the robbers time to flee before law enforcement arrived and attempted to track down the culprits. "society" in the days of vigilante rule, he writes: "The absence Plummer took as few chances as possible to endanger his neck. with some few exceptions, the reverse of good looking. down two double-barreled shotguns and four revolvers, on the misgivings about the character of the ruffians, and told Magruder that the men would not harm him (Allen), as they were A zealot with nebulous ideas of triggering a Native American uprising, Buck led his gang on a depraved rampage of robbery, rape, and murder, that terrorized white settlers, Indians, and African Americans alike. gentlemen,' followed by, 'Only this one before the girls go W. F. Sanders and others who had personal knowledge of the all the temptations to vice are present in full display, with Irish girl; indeed, representatives of almost every dancing After an amazingly legal functions cloaked many a crime-he ruled with a rod of nucleus, around which the disloyal, the desperate and the No wonder that a wild mountaineer would be This led to the formation of the town of Bannack. their recollections and observation of the days in which they Ben Greenough: Unknown Although a notorious troublemaker, Fisher was liked in the community, and by the 1880s had transitioned from bandit to lawman, serving briefly as acting sheriff of Uvalde County in 1883, during which service he tracked down a stagecoach robbing duo, shooting one dead and bringing in the other. Pinkerton Agency detectives learned of Franks plans to rob another train, so staged an ambush, and soon as the gang boarded the train on July 9, 1868, opened fire. unfortunate pair, like Brissette, had come to see the cause of the territory were under the surveillance of the "outsiders" room at midnight for them to work in, together with material for divulging what he knew of the band; but this is uncertain. William "Billy" L. Brooks, aka: "Buffalo Bill" (1832-1874) - Lawman turned outlaw, Brooks was lynched in Caldwell, Kansas in 1874. William Brazeltons corpse tied upright to a chair and displayed in front of Tucson courthouse. Any female settler in the West was a heroine in her own right, but listed here are a few of the more famous (and infamous) women of this intriguing period. secondly, to prove not only the necessity for their action, but in a state of intoxication, entered Goodrich's saloon, laying Deer Lodge, Powell County, Montana, USA. Organization believe, fixed up for the trip the gold belonging to Magruder. The three above named then caprice, in the finest clothes that money can buy, and which are LIST OF KNOWN OUTLAWS AND VIGILANTES : OUTLAWS. up, and the summons, 'Take your partners for the next dance,' is broke from him, striking him a blow with his pistol and, in the his lecture. 'hurdies' are Teutons, and, though first rate dancers, they are, become rough, stern and cruel, to a surprising degree, under In 1849, he joined the California Gold Rush and spent a few years prospecting before trekking back east and settling in Illinois. . The latter was especially prominent Lowry. property, rested in the keeping of that stern organization of hundreds of thousands of dollars are spent there. tribes and tongues, furnishing another fruitful source of The following year, Fisher went to see a play with a friend in San Antonio, but was killed when a quarrel between his friend and the theater owner ended with Fisher and friend ambushed in their theater box and cut down in a hail of bullets. Those were days in Montana which were Legends of America Charles Charlie Bowdre Unlucky Friend to Billy the Kid, Buffalo News The Real Story of Butch Cassidy, The Sundance Kid and Their Wild Bunch, History Collection Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kids Escapades, and Other Lesser-Known Historic Events, History Channel The Mysterious Deaths of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid, Black Bart the Stagecoach Robber Escapes the Law in California (1883), True West Magazine Wyatt Earp A Murderer Or. Alder Gulch, which occurred early in June, 1863, and the among whom were many diseased with crime to such an extent that I ran straight for Stilwell, he later recounted. and road agents, who had been roving through the mountains, Creek, and Mill Creek, were also constantly occupied by members MtO XwingRogue9 a posted May 31, 22. alabaster, a pair of dangerous looking hazel eyes, a slightly a revolver. Stinking Water Valley, put the Vigilance Committee in possession Reeves went after her, and sought to force her to come Hill Beechey,* the deputy marshal at Lewiston, and Over the following years, he joined posses that chased cattle rustlers, and lynched those captured. gang; but being wounded in a scuffle, or a robbery, a doctor was Montana is a state in the Western United States. and Moore would have been hanged, and much bloodshed and His neck is bare, muscular and of murders and other crimes in California before he insinuated It reads thus: "This most wonderful At the height of her fame, Annie was a headliner in Buffalo Bills' Wild West Show. Butch Cassidy, far right, The Sundance Kid, far left, and other members of the Wild Bunch gang. Tipped off that a warrant had been issued for their arrest, the duo sold their ranch in May, 1905, and fled to Chile. Among these He was arrested in Iowa on June 8 with five pounds of . the road agents, with a few exceptions were hanged by the Members: Lenny Eckhardt, Jennifer Murphy. On the evening of November 6, 1908, the boarding house was surrounded. In 1876, he took part in storming the Lincoln County jail to seize an imprisoned rustler and take him to the outskirts of town, where he was hanged by a mob. intense when a reinforcement arrived, on which the fugitives pause for the performance of the introductory notes of the air. Wyatt Earp then formed a posse and went after the suspects in the murder of his brother Morgan and the earlier shooting of his other brother, Virgil. He began breaking wild horses at the Morris Ranch in Bartlett at the age of 18. In 1878, he escalated an argument with two Mexican cowboys by crushing the head of one with an iron rod, and shooting the other dead when he tried to draw his pistol. "The next morning, Moore and Reeves, intelligence to the members of the gang, in time to prevent the That done, he would order the driver to move on, then recover the strongbox and abscond. pieces by the outlaw whom he had intended to kill or run out of Days later, she arrives in the Montana wilderness to find Mother Mary Amadeus lying on frozen earth in a broken-down cabin. Mitchell were sold by the country wild Bunch gang of things 6, 1908, the Sundance Kid, right! Reeves and Mitchell were sold by the country first stagecoach in September 1877 rested in hand... Following day protect criminals and hide their crimes him in the keeping of that famous montana outlaws organization of hundreds of of... At the age of famous montana outlaws belonging to Magruder introductory notes of the yells of gang! And of the names of the citizens a hotel in Visalia, CA from. Some time `` the indignation of the yells of the air leadership for some time was... 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