Elide? His son immediately stopped laughing as he stared up at his father. Elide even couldn't trust him. Not for her power. Come back to me. Gavriel comes to join him! I love how he refused to accept anything less. And when he looked behind him, at the mountain and valley that reeked of death, at the place where so many terrible things had begun, Dorian smiled and brought Moraths towers crashing down.. . You cant do this again. Fireheart, her mother had called her. I teared up as Chaol did when he read his mothers words. Cue my tears . And Maeve, should the worst happen. Empire of Storms and Tower of Dawn both ended with huge, gut-wrenching, jaw-dropping reveals and cliffhangers. It was her love alone that kept him alive that day. Ugh! I love how brilliant Elide is. . They encounter a group of Valg soldiers and find out that part of Moraths forces is headed to Anielle (Chaols home). TerrasenAelin GalathyniusBlackbeak Clan They are fighting for something and someone they believe in for the first time. Ive said it a million times and Ill say it a million more . You do anything but accept this!, Her heart thundered. A bellow of fury and defiance.. We rejoin the battle in Orynth and discover that all of the weapons have run out. Rowans knees buckled as everyone rose to their feet. Aelin realizes that Nehemia willingly gave everything for Eyllwe, but still felt burdened and wished she didnt have to give everything. This is horrifying. Chaol receives a letter from his mother! Because they just work; because I can see the effort that was put into making the two of them work. Manon and Elide barely escape the blast as Kaltain uses her powers to blow up a third of Morath. They truly accept and love every part of one another. Manon and Abraxos go to the battlefield where the Thirteen died to honor them. The are truly friends and love one another now. We need to chop it off.. Things always get better. The marks will guide you. Mala reveals that Rowan is the best and hid Wyrdmarks in Aelins new tattoo the tattoo of their story. Gavriel sacrifices himself by stepping outside the gate. It only seems fair that way), I bet you thought you'd never see a new announcement in here! are all meeting in a war tent to discuss their strategy when AELIN, ROWAN, GAVRIEL, FENRYS, LORCAN, AND ELIDE SHOW UP!!!!! Shes amazing! Is elide in Tower of dawn? After asking if Lorcan is Maeves lover, Elide thinks: She had not dared ask it, hadnt really wanted to know. Huh, I wonder why you didn't want to know, hmm, Elide? Elide thanks Manon for saving her life and sets off with the Wyrdkey to be reunited with her queen and her court. He is going to bring Morath down. She is still fighting. Lorcan and Elide makeup and its actually super sweet. . Indeed, after spending time with Elide, Lorcan shifts from someone who destroys for the sake of it to someone who defends what he loves. So I would choose to fight. . Elide mumbled something incoherent, and turned her head to look at him, her eyes lidded. She grinned right back at him. should i shave before my hysterectomy . Before Elidethere was never an incentive, never a female he loved enough to consider giving up a life of immortality and power. again and notice all the reasons why Aelin and Rowan fall in love. The battle had ended hours ago, the reek of the Valg still invading Lorcans senses as he searched and searched, looking for the woman he vowed to protect. . It will certainly make fighting easier, what with no hair getting in your face and blocking your sight.. Please also check out my review/recap post of the Throne of Glass series up to Kingdom of Ash. . So will Manon will bind her life to Dorian too? Sarahs main themes and messages that she presents in the. All of them still standing. Rowan smirked. Dorian, Manon, and the Thirteen go to the Ferian Gap to speak with Petrah, a Blueblood Ironteeth witch. crown shout out #2! And hungry. Their deaths were so heartbreaking, especially because Manon had to watch it unfold and couldnt be a part of it. It is my honor to serve this court. She is just incredible. where the sort of people who hurt us dont get to live. Aelin then uses Malas gift and her remaining power to lock, close, and seal the gate permanently. She not only keeps up with the fae males, but she contributes and is able to obtain extremely valuable information which ultimately leads them to Aelin. Way to go SJM. Erawan cast a spell on the King to erase his name from the world. Aelin makes it to Lorcan and Gavriel and into the cover of the forest. So well start with that.. They all honor the Thirteen with flowers, stones, and other small tributes. . She forged the Lock and closed the gate for good which prevents Erawan from being able to open the portal, BUT the gods wouldnt take Erawan. | Writing Masterlist | Ao3. Had felt little for months, save for those stolen, wild moments with Manon., Dorian goes to Cyrene and learns about her shifting power. Sarah J. Maas has done it again. To fight for what she promised us. Darrow said quietly, And what was that? Manon smiled then. She doesnt want Elenas soul to disappear. This forest is full of Fae and the Wolf Tribe! We see our first glimpse of Aelins captivity and torture, and Rowans journey to save her. I could see it all playing out in my mind and I loved it! Not helpless. My heart broke into a million pieces for Aedion. . His voice broke, but he made himself say the words, the truth in his heart. Aelin slammed her hand into the lid. I was just so damn happy. Aelin is reunited with Yrene!!! She is completely powerless except for the drop of water from her mother. He just held his friend, his brother. She feels the lack of his magic. I was sobbing and could hardly control myself. . They are unsure if theyll make it in time or if there will be anything left when they get there. She would never stop being grateful for that. When Aelin lets go of Rowans hand and loses his magic. He wanted to blame his son, but really, he couldnt. (LogOut/ He laid down and pulled her close. Even though he doesn't admit this until Kingdom of Ash, it's clear reading Empire of Storms that he's absolutely awestruck by her here. I dont know how Aelin is still standing. I wanted them to just get over their differences and embrace each other! . This leads to the GREATEST SURPRISE EVER . Aelin smiled grimly. She is so fierce and clever! Erawan has been using her the same way he used Kaltain, which is horrifying for this poor girl. Her mate. Only her. Granted, Lorcan did have an abundance of weapons, but those were locked away in a separate room of the house, behind two locked doors and one magically enchanted one. Not until things settled down, if they ever did. But life, Chaol realizedlife was just beginning. While shes doing this Yrene, Lysandra, and Elide come up with a plan. In Adarlan. While there he sees that Maeve has also come to Morath to meet with Erawan. At the coronation party, Aelin dances and is so blissfully happy. Maybe he would build Elide a garden in its place. Wow what an epic finale. She runs despite everything shes been through. A huge chunk of his hair was missing, straight from the back. Others had done it before. Not for them. . the spirit that could not be broken. Dorian tries to summon Gavin, but instead Kaltain appears. Darrow had given it to her himself. It is so devastating for Rowan. No sacrifice on an altar of the greater good. Aelin tipped back her head, baring her neck to him. As one people. And if she never returned to who she had been before this, he would not love her any less. Rowan knows that Aelins healing will be a process. . . I'm probably the only one who thinks this but I personally hate Elide and Lorcan. Nenia I yeet my books back and forth Campbell, Avery (Taylor's version) Kishimoto-Brekker-Greenbriar-Whitethorn-Havilliard. . So much of Rowans inner dialogue was heart wrenching. She only has an ember and the droplet of water from her mother. . She snaps at him and orders him around and is kind to him and takes none of his bullshit and he loves her for it. She chooses to face them even though she only has a fraction of her power left. And I will be with you . Waiting. Rowan returns in time to witness Aelin in one of the most gut-wrenching scenes. Aelin decides she is done with the gods. He also adds a new tattoo on her shoulders which symbolizes their story. She is no longer a selfish girl. all of the Ironteeth witches and their wyverns are gone. Even if he could still remember the reek and the feel of oily, black blood on his skin. Maeve tries to claim that she has broken a part of Aelin. She absolutely delivered with, , and I rode the emotional rollercoaster throughout all 980 pages. They are hoping the Lock will take half of each of them instead of all of Aelin. And there she was. Its astonishing that she was able to do that. Female and says, Someone very wise recently told me that Terrasen is not merely a place, but an ideal. Maeve tries to bait Aelin and Rowan saying that they probably want to finish her off because she has wronged them most. Maeve. Rowan stood to the right of the throne, teeth bared ina fierce grin that even his training could not contain. To Caraverre. Aelin met Rowans stare one last time. . . Youre my mate. Her words were a breathless rush. Some part of me knew that SJM wouldnt separate Aelin and Rowan, but I was still scared. After discovering that Elide is from Morath, Lorcan strikes a deal: he will protect her, and in return, she will give him every detail he needs to get into Morath. That for once, you are the one who gets knocked on your ass by a surprise.. But ultimately he enjoys it. He takes the seed of power and kills Cyrene. . She sits there screaming take it off! and clawing at her iron mask and restraints. Their friendship is beautiful and I love how they found a way to be there for one another. No longer an assassin. Live, Elide, was all the witch said to her before striding out of the hall once more. Thank the Godsor whoever he should thank, nowfor that. Aelin is struggling and missing her power. Hey, kid, he said, sitting down next to him,we need to talk., Ill be the first to admit this was a good prank, Lorcan started,but if you got caught doing this to someone who isnt your dad. Lysandra is feeling the immense pressure of pretending to be Aelin, but also having to deal with Aedions hate AND having to shift everyday to fight the Valg. The Khagans forces have decided to go North with Aelin to aid Terrasen. The sisterhood of powerful women were largely ignored in Kingdom of Ash in favour of bad Manon/Dorian sex scenes. Aedion is extremely hateful and resentful towards Lysandra because of her participation in and knowledge of Aelins plan. She shouldnt be here, she should be hearing her people, hearing their needs and helping and working towards making Perranth, Elide, its okay. Lorcan noticed her panic, it seemed. The heir of the Blackbeak coven Manon Blackbeak first encountered Elide whilst she was cleaning the fireplace. . Lorcan claims he was crawling after Aelin not Maeve. I just loved that they did this. Kingdom of Ash blew me away. Rhysand helps her and slows her down!! It was like a movie! SAME! He would not let the road end here. Now, how about you try out that trampoline?. Hed come to hope. Knew Yrene stood behind him, crying with them. Now, to commemorate this morning of relaxation, I got you a gift. I loved everything about this scene. And when he looked behind him, at the mountain and valley that reeked of death, at the place where so many terrible things had begun, Dorian smiled and brought Moraths towers crashing down.. Full stop. So Ive clearly been crying throughout this entire scene, but then SJM adds more emotion into the mix. . Inside the Wyrdgate realm the twelve gods appear. Her and Manon then run, only to be stopped by Kaltain, who informs them that she destroyed the Valg prince who was inhabiting her body and plans to help them. Also, I will mention this at least 2 more times in this post, but SJM is the QUEEN of writing crowns. This scene was heartbreaking. As for the actual battle, it is super intense. Dorian only held her tighter, and let Manon lean on him for as long as she needed, Abraxos staring toward the blasted bit of earth on the plain, toward the mate who would never return, while the city below celebrated. Not magic, never again as it had been, but a strength greater, deeper than that. . While in the war tent, Falkan enters (looking young again because Dorian killed the spider, Cyrene). . When she heard the stones falling to the ground, she went to investigate, worried something had gone wrongbut only saw Lorcan staring at where the tower used to be. Rowan laid a hand on her shoulder, and when she looked up, she found him near laughter. that Dorian is foolish, and jealous and resentful of Aelin. Aelin (as Celaena) swore to Kaltain that she would make sure they were all punished. Fenrys reminds everyone (including me because I had totally forgotten) that Vaughan is still out there somewhere and now free from Maeves blood oath! This scene had me STRESSED! Wanted to. Some days, swaggering arrogance had been her key to ignoring it. Aelin blinks at him four times. So she would not yield to this. . Chaols father refuses, but since Chaol outranks him he tells his father to suck it! I think that this is another example of how much Aelin has grown throughout the entire series. This is where her story started. The happiness is kind of ruined for me, though, because Dorian has all three Wyrdkeys. And despite it all, despite the rage and despair and ice hed wrapped around his heart, hed still found Aelin. She also tells him that Maeve would have healers heal Aelin after each session to stop her from knowing what had been done and what was only in her mind. He had come for her. Chaol and Yrene go ahead on a ruk to warn Chaols father. And how, even with all that work to be done, I will not mind a moment of it because you are with me., And tomorrow? she asked breathlessly, and they both paused to look at each other. Mercilessly. . 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