She'd never seen the speech before. I'll probably bring my kids one day, once I realize I won't have the words to explain. On September 21, the day that would have been my sister's 28th birthday, my father gave a eulogy to this effect at her memorial. When one of the moviegoers told them to be quiet, they reportedly bombarded him with popcorn. Who played me? The world's attention validated the size of their grief. Yeah. Nathanial Osborne was a senior when he went on the field trip. And I found it very moving. That was cold.". Documenting Numbers of Victims of the Holocaust and Nazi Persecution Dachau Between 1933 and 1945, Nazi Germany and its allies established more than 44,000 camps and other incarceration sites (including ghettos). Who played me? And it's like, my emotions, I was like, how do I handle that? He started sharing it with people who usually had just as strong a reaction as he had-- reactions of various kinds. And I was thinking the same thing in my head. And what happened on that field trip with this group of black and Latino students became kind of a big deal, talked about all across the country because of what they did not learn. They never showed us Amistad in public school in Baltimore. The kids didn't own being insensitive to the pain and suffering of the Jewish people. I'm only trying to do my job. He was like, Aw, man. They were restless. Amon Goeth Stephen Spielberg was coming for a visit. This is to Governor Wilson. We declined participation in most of the ceremonies and pageantry in favor of figuring out for ourselves our family's new geometry, just like any family that has suffered a loss. His sister, Shari, had died in the Twin Towers. I think it's safe to assume this particular fact stood out to this girl because Jews were suddenly a trending topic at her school. . I went down into the lobby, and there were several dozen very angry, agitated people that were screaming at the manager-- what are you going to do about this? Three years later, he released Amistad, about a slave ship. A few months went by, and then some surprising news arrived at Castlemont. Stella, by Peter Wyden is an eloquent yet straightforward documentation about the life of Stella Goldschlag, who was responsible for turning over countless Jews to the Gestapo and their ultimate death. They wanted to talk about something else. She's Jamaican-Indian. Amon Goeth You know, white people this, or blah. Yes, I did. 17-year-old Nathaniel, who you heard earlier, was in a crisp white shirt and black necktie. You know? Why are documentaries like 'Shoah' and 'Night and Fog' considered acceptable by this rule, while 'Schindler's List' is not? Release Dates Inside these cabinets are the remains that, after nearly 13 years of the most rigorous testing known to man, have not been matched to the DNA of any of the victims. Hallways dedicated to tracing the hijackers' timeline, al-Qaeda's rise, and a video wall with people like Hillary Clinton laying out the justification for the unending war on terror, tying grief cannily to political ideology in a way that might seem crass if I were able to process it all with a clear head. Our senior producer is Brian Reed. It looks unnatural. Reiter But that didn't seem to calm the storm. Tracy Wilson was one of the students on the field trip, a freshman. Top 250 Movies Most Popular Movies Top 250 TV Shows Most Popular TV Shows Most Popular Video Games Most Popular Music Videos Most Popular Podcasts. to the extremely pointed "Zionist Jews are the new Nazis." Two buildings designed by her are extant: at Beliny-Pramowskiego 26 (19331935) and Pawlikowskiego 16 (19371939) - a tenement house constructed for Jzef and Eleonora Elsner. From August 1940, she worked in the design office of Kazimierz Kulczyski and she lived with her mother at Krlewska, until the creation of the ghetto in March 1941. Back next week with more stories of This American Life. I told Amon Goeth that I was a graduate of the University of Milan. By the time I finally reach the gift shop, the indignation I've been counting on just isn't there. - Yes, sir! And so recently, Brian decided to look into it. Diana Reiter. And it explains that the Trail of Tears led thousands of Creek Indians through Tuscaloosa, back when it was the capital of Alabama, on their way to the West as they were being driven from that part of the country. Angry. They were African-American and Latino teenagers applauding at Nazi atrocities. It also occurs to me that I am the only person here alone. Technical Specs. Governor Wilson championed one of the harshest anti-immigration laws in California's history, Proposition 187. : Well, I remember I was seeing a movie that was in black and white. As directed by Hitler's Nazi party, the Holocaust, also known as the Shoah in Hebrew, is a term to describe the genocide of Jews and other minorities during World War II. And so when some Jewish people offered to come to Castlemont to teach them about the Holocaust, they weren't in the mood for moral lectures on someone else's history. The Austrian woman is credited with helping rescue 7,500 mostly Serbian children from wartime Croatia's death camps. Yeah, they've seen a lot of violence, but when you see it, it's not a laughing matter. The kids from the field trip and the chaperones gathered in the school library. Lynched-- ropes tied around their necks and hung from trees for 100 years-- hung from trees, all these names, black people. Narrating the Holocaust Andrea Reiter (Author), Patrick Camiller (Author) Paperback $79.95 $71.95 Ebook (PDF) $71.95 $57.56 Quantity In stock $71.95 RRP $79.95 Website price saving $8.00 (10%) Add to basket Add to wishlist This product is usually dispatched within 3 days Delivery and returns info Free US delivery on orders $35 or over Description They didn't go skating. Or, man, that was crazy. There is one small room on the main floor of the museum that is not, in fact, operated by the museum itself and is not available even to many of the families. Which is why the corner of Greenwich and Liberty on this bright Sunday afternoon, surrounded by a riot of mid-spring tourists with winkled maps and exposed knees, taking photos of cranes, is the very last place I should be. It was like 70/30 split. The county in which Oakland sits voted overwhelmingly against Pete Wilson in the 1990 election. Let's go-- stand up, ladies and gentlemen. established by Spielberg to videotape and preserve testimonies of Holocaust survivors and witnesses. And then they're like, ah, OK. You know? I felt embarrassed. One of the Castlemont kids, who got a death threat in the mail, later hung it on her dorm room wall for motivation. We have all that. It gave us-- it gave me relief. "Narrating the Holocaust thus offers considerable insight into texts that are not well known, particularly to English readers." - Adrienne Kertzer, The European Legacy (Adrienne Kertzer, The European Legacy) "In Narrating the Holocaust, Andrea Reiter breaks ground in two ways.First, she focuses on a wide range of testimonies written by survivors, most of which have not been available to a . Amon Goeth I enter, sit down, and stare at the screen and say Shari's name and how I was 3,000 miles away that morning and didn't even know she was working there until I got the call at 6:00 AM, and that I wish I had seen her more in those last years and remembered more about her and had something better prepared to say, and that I wished my kids would have known her, and that she'd think it's pretty fucking weird that I'm here talking about her to an invisible camera in the bowels of a museum dedicated to the fact that she was killed by an airplane while sitting at her desk. : A man exits one of the confessionals, sees me, shakes his head and says, "Amazing idea." I have not done this, but I present a case number, which means the official from the medical examiner's office can indeed let me through. This American Life is delivered to public radio stations by PRX, the Public Radio Exchange. You can't pretend you're German. Allen, the theater owner, didn't know when he stopped the movie that the Castlemont students were kids of color, mostly black. The whole story was told as a morality tale about black teens and what was wrong with them. Yes. It was cold. Becaust I remember I was walking back up, and he was on my left. The teachers seemed to come to an agreement that it was the kids' incident, and therefore, the kids were the ones that needed to step out in front of it. I've been there a bunch. There were dozens of presentations about a variety of topics. That's what I want to say had some Jewish ties. Some of them had learned a little bit about it in middle school a few years earlier. She's the manager of historic and cultural preservation at the Muskogee Creek Nation in Oklahoma. An anguished Zygmunt, who had held onto the diary during Renia's brief time in hiding . And I remember he started talking, asking them questions. In the News. 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW Washington, DC 20024-2126 Mixing help today from Stowe Nelson Katherine Rae Mondo and Sharif Youssef. Diana Reiter, 16 Pawlikowskiego street, Krakw, Poland. One boy reportedly thought the Holocaust meant the US bombing of Hiroshima in 1945. Herr Kommandant, the entire foundation has to be torn down and re-poured. From this point, what actually happened in that theater and the motivations of the kids who were there became less important than how other people chose to see them. 57 people died. And it's three hours long and in black and white. This American Life is produced in collaboration with WBEZ Chicago and delivered to stations by PRX The Public Radio Exchange. Hela was raised in Dukla, a Polish village near the Czech border. They misbehaved on a field trip, and they said they were sorry. What was the name of the girl he married in the work camp? Especially this part, "In time gone by, I have thought that the white men wanted to bring burden and ache of heart among my people in driving them from their homes and yoking them with laws they do not understand. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. In this literary study of memoirs describing at first hand the horrors of German concentration camps, the principal question asked is: How did the survivors find the words to talk about experiences hitherto unknown, even unimaginable? This piece goes into some detail about 9/11. The high school administration decided it needed to nip this controversy in the bud. The kid inquired, well, why not? Two days after that, Tanzania remembers she was walking to school. The fact that everyone else here today has VIP status grimly similar to mine is the lone saving grace. Diana Reiter [Reiterwna] (November 6, 1902 - 1943) was a Polish architect of Jewish descent, one of the first female architects in Krakw. There had been a lot of discussion about what happened a while ago to a persecuted minority who wasn't them. Are you coming back? FunTrivia is a collaborative community effort, where we are constantly updating questions to keep them accurate. A holocaust survivor said the teenage Prince Harry saw her as "another boring lady," but "William is a different character altogether." Fri, Feb 24, 2023 LOGIN Subscribe for $1 Oh God, we have to sit through this to go skating? So though there wasn't any anti-Semitism among the students before the field trip, it seemed like a kind of anti-Semitism was growing at Castlemont High School. Raised in Austria's second largest city, he loved the outdoors, especially skiing in the Alps. Whoa! And these people in the lobby, some of them told Allen they were family of Holocaust survivors. Our website, We understood this and respected it. It says legislators teared up at the speech. And some entities felt that the kids didn't apologize for what they felt they should be apologizing for. No one bats an eye. Bjrn Lanna. It's This American Life. Schindler's List (1993) Elina Lwensohn as Diana Reiter. Thanks, as always, to our program's cofounder, Mr. Torey Malatia. You can see that happening in one of my favorite moments from that assembly with the governor and Spielberg. Note: This American Life is produced for the ear and designed to be heard. She is . It can be of use. It's just hard to accept the fact that he says, we know you mean us no harm. You know, we have empathy. What was the name of the black marketeer whom Schindler bribed to let certain people on his list? The Life Summary of Diana. I'm a graduate of Civil Engineering from the University of Milan. Oh! And then the senior class president, Kandi Stewart, went off script. One of the kids asked Spielberg, have you ever made a movie about the Black Holocaust, about slavery? I am allowed to enter the 9/11 museum a few days before the grand opening for the general public, but why would I want that? I told Oskar that the list he was looking at was accurate but Oskar wanted to know my name. Sir, she 's foreman of construction. The exhibition tells the story of one family's experiences during the Holocaust from the perspective of a boy growing up in Nazi Germany. And I have never forgotten this thing. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Also, here in the podcast, there are a couple curse words we have an un-beeped. As we would say nowadays, extra. Exactly. What was the real first name of Mila Pfefferberg? So but the people who are Creek, what did they make of it? Or so they thought. Diana E Reiter is Partner at Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP. And one of them asked why the Jewish people didn't just pretend that they were German so as not to be killed. And there was one woman that was in tears. One afternoon two weeks later, Steven Spielberg came back. : Yeah, that's what struck me about it. What did they feel they should be apologizing for? It's starting to come back to me now, everything. Jewish people just weren't on their radar-- to hate, to love, anything. Parker in New York City. Remember the Children: Daniel's Story is the Museum's primary exhibition program for young people and their families. The prospect of experiencing this stroll down Waking Nightmare Lane with tuned-out schoolkids or spectacle-seekers would be too much. Yet, most agree that the difficulties of coping with the misery and its lingering memories were eased if some purpose -- whether in the form of physical or psychological resistance or of hope for a future life, reunited with their loved ones -- could be found. On 5 August, a ceremony was held at Yad Vashem in recognition of the Zborowski family's continued support of the Diana and Eli Zborowski Center for the Study of the Aftermath of the Holocaust. It's a very good question. I see your visit to Oakland, a city plagued with poverty, from different views. Auschwitz was also a place of execution. In any Balkan country the names . But yeah, it was a gentleman. Tanzania was there. That should be headline news. An impressive and well-informed monograph with a sophisticated theoretical . I was also a black teenager who went to the movies with her friends, and there was always a feeling of being policed or policing yourself if you're young, brown, and carefree in a white space. Yes. And even though there was no school, the teacher was known for his great field trips, so 70 kids showed up. Ye. They walked into the theater. You know, I made him a martini. Two years after the Castlemont kids got kicked out of the movie theater, over two million public high school students had seen Schindler's List, and many more since then, including me. There was a lot of violence in the movie. That was so uncomfortable. So, both of these territories were under Romanian administration during 1941-1944. Coming up, a memorial you didn't want to visit dedicated to an event you wish never happened-- what you can learn from that. And then I ran down this little pathway down the hill, and I saw this marker, one of those historical markers. To get past the door, one must register for an appointment. And I remember seeing a lot of things that high school kids shouldn't be seeing. I do not believe our great Father means to harm his red children, but that he wishes us well. Never once during this press conference did the principal or any of the teachers make a statement. This time, it was unannounced-- no media. If not--Nathaniel Osborne. Well, today on our program, we have two stories about people who bump into unsettling facts from history. He always wants extra ice in the shaker. And I only thought of one thing, and that is, I have a riot situation on my hands. They were also going to go ice skating, which a lot of them were especially looking forward to. She had roles in the films Simple Men (1992), Schindler's List (1993), Amateur (1994), Nadja (1994) and The Wisdom of Crocodiles (1998). So I went into the projection room and I told projectionist, I said, stop the film. But that plot isn't clear for a long, long time. To the management and patrons at the Grand Lake Theatre and anyone else who was offended by our actions, we apologize for any discomfort and pain we may have caused you. And, did your family own slaves? And what do you make-- what a strange speech to make, as you're being exiled, to the people who are exiling you. We don't understand our own Holocaust, because I'm black and Indian. Those who stayed in the theater were shushed several times by the other patrons and also an usher and a chaperone. You lose the game, you shake someone's hand to acknowledge a good game and that we lost. But now that I'm an adult, I could see why people were clapping. Prettying up the place, and cutting the hedges, and painting stuff. I stare at the $39 hoodies, and the rescue vests for dogs, and the earrings, and the scarves, and the United We Stand wool blankets waiting for that rush, and can't muster so much as a sigh. Plays Fool in "King Lear" play by William Shakespeare, adapted by Royston Coppenger (The Brewery Arts Complex, Los Angeles, California, USA). So the marker's titled "The Indian Fires Are Going Out," in quotes. DIANA DUMITRU: I did a study of why some people harmed and others helped Jews during the Holocaust in Romania. In 1928 she married Elimelech Riemer and the couple settled in Berlin. This is all I have to say.". This story begins with a random encounter with history. 617.349.8970. The program to teach Schindler's List to high school students spread across the country. I'm like, oh, yes, I did. You can't pretend you're white. Diana Golden probably owed her life to a slave-labor assignment. Kandi got in trouble for this-- was reprimanded by the principal, vilified in letters to the editor, just like the kids had been before. And that's when I recall the giggle, shall I say. Whose perspective is that? And I thought, are these Nazi sympathizers? There are FDNY T-shirts and search-and-rescue sweatshirts. These plans were already in the works before the field trip happened, but where better to make the announcement than Castlemont High School? Then one of the kids said that out loud. Days beforehand, a bunch of workers came to campus to carry out this whole beautification campaign. New fires are lighting in the West for us, they say, and we will go there. Yes. [1] Born in Drohobycz, in 1927 she graduated from the Faculty of Architecture of Lviv Polytechnic. And people will find moments of grace or enlightenment or even peace coming here. And I talked to several historians, including two experts who are Creek themselves, and there does not seem to be evidence that this was sarcastic. I mean, to be quite honest, you have the governor there, Mr. Pete Wilson, who was also "Mr Budget-Cut Governor." To this end, Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks says it best. We also read Night by Elie Wiesel and The Diary of Anne Frank and were taken to the Holocaust Museum in DC. Diana received her bachelor's degree in Letters and Arts from Lucian Blaga University in Sibiu, Romania, and a master's degree in Public Administration with a concentration in Nonprofit Administration from Pace University, where she graduated with honors and was recognized with the Outstanding Student of the Year Award: For Excellence in the It did not sound accurate to me. Europe),chose to exterminate Jews. The Holocaust occurred because a nation, The German nation and its European collaborators (i.e. And during that time, a Creek chief addressed the legislature on their way out of the state with these words. The Riemers lived in an apartment building that housed offices of the Communist Party of Germany. Photos and Memories (0) Do you know Diana? - Shoot her. And since we don't actually know a lot about this speech-- we don't know for sure which chief it was, we don't know why he said it, the only account of it comes from this one newspaper reporter and leaves crucial questions unanswered-- in the end, it's unclear what to think. Just saying it out of anger because they've heard somebody say it or read it somewhere. Through the late 1930s, many of these families exchanged cards, letters and pictures across the . I mean, yeah. It's something lots of kids of color learn in lots of ways, but these kids learned it all of a sudden in a really public way. 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