You cant have every day be a rest day otherwise youre not actually exercising, but they are needed or you burn out and get injured or sick. Actual logic is about statements, facts, reasons, not about How Logical I Am. I hope you find your way to a nagging-free home, one way or another. I feel like this self-help book is the equivalent of the biggest Fight Club on earth. And when youve told him that hes being unhelpful, and hes told you its the stupidest thing Ive ever heard that you might have your own thoughts on your health and what you need That is him being a jerk to you. Just wanted to clarify that, unlike LWs boyfriend, I never tried to help my ex. I dont even support parents doing that with kids, where a certain degree of molding is part of the role. Heres some signs your relationship is over in all but name and Facebook status: It may seem like a good thing if you and your man never fight, but take it from a dude I never want to be wrong. Comfort from a relationship is something you are allowed to want. For example, he seems to want a skinny girlfriend, and she wants a boyfriend who isnt a nagging douchecanoe. Theyre frustrated with an inability to help, but love & respect their partner. Jedi hugs, if you want them. When I have the house to myself for a few days, I like to use some of the time for cooking experiments. Some things Ive done to help encourage my partner with quitting smoking (which he successfully did years ago, yay) and exercising more are: think of specific, loving things you can do that might help this wont always be something you can do, but, for example, when he was trying to quit last time, I had learned from previous attempts that part of the problem was wanting something to put in his mouth. Your workout didnt count according to my standards is a vague inference. Ugh, replying to myself. Walking is brilliant (assuming you have the spoons and physical ability to do it) its gentler on your joints than a lot of other cardio, you dont need special clothing, and its free. I suspect that if she did all those things, his critiques would ramp up x1,000,000 because she is successful and he wants to cut her back down and put her back under his control. Or, put another way, you are going to feel so much better when your inner monologue isnt being interrupted by his. While you sort out how you feel about continuing in the relationship, my suggested script for when your boyfriend starts telling you what to do or expressing his disappointment in you is I dont like it when you act like my Life Coach, please stop telling me what I should eat/do/how I should exercise, and/or From now on, I dont want you to tell me how to change or improve myself, at all. Be blunt and say the things that are on the tip of your tongue: No. The Logick Kraken might make a lot of sense to you, at first. Giving me grief for not doing the other 25 letters is NOT HELPING. Part of the reason my boyfriend and I managed to get through it (and got through it with a stronger relationship than I have with my mother) is the lack of picking and nagging. Or because he has decided you arent feeling magically better enough yet? Keep an anger journal to track your feelings, triggers, and management efforts. Im not sure if its changing who he is so much as finding out whether hes oblivious and well-meaning or a giant tool. The way to find out is to give him the information that would stop him being oblivious as clearly as possible if he changes his actions he may have been decent all along, if he doesnt then hes conclusively demonstrated jerkitude. He tends to expect peoples feelings to be comprehensible and based on clear, material realities. He used to be the one who cheered you up when you were down, but now he is also always in a bad mood. It would gross me out to have someone trying to act like a parent. So this guy is trying everything he can to fix the LWbut since depression makes people act against their best interests, the boyfriend doesnt trust said LW to deal with this on their own. The way I look at it, there is a big difference between someone who has decided they need to push you to be your Best Self (which is often their idea of your Best Self), whether or not you want/need/that kind of help is healthy for you, and someone whose support and encouragement lets you push yourself towards being what your own idea of your Best Self is. He both wanted me to look up to him, admire him, and follow his lead, and for me to be a more confident, assertive person who dressed sexier, partied heartier, and loved to dance. I have learned to back way off, although he tends to not to interact much at his worst and I have a hard time dealing with that. Dont sit around waiting for his call or text message because it could go on all day without either of you saying anything at all to each other just texts back and forth that dont really say much if hes not initiating the conversation himself. LW, I agree with a lot of the commentators that this may be an irredeemable situation, but it may help to tell your boyfriend what he can do to help. In high school, I was shy, introverted, and had low self confidence and poor social skills due to a history of being bullied in junior high and middle grade. Back in the dim times, when I was young and dewy and dinosaurs still roamed the planet, and I was married to my starter husband, I was unhappy with our relationship. No. When he talks to me like that, it starts to cancel out all my confidence. Theres also the fact that you are depressed, at least for now (although congrats on making what sounds like a lot of progress toward improvement). Id been through worse. Even after I told him I wasnt interested in doing that, hed bring it up ad naseum. I wish I could say I dumped him, but in fact what happened is we got through the sucky date, and he later told me our relationship had gotten stale, citing that fight as an example. You dont need fixing, LW. It is better to be on your own than to have the weight of someone elses expectations on you. Then reluctantly, because I was learning my own tastes, and Im not fond of tea in any of its many flavors. 1. He likes the you in his head that he wants to shape you into being. Because he has a low self esteem and is afraid of losing you. He is sorry he didnt call, doesnt have time, or that you never see him anymore. One of our deepest needs as humans is to feel understood, and true understanding is not possible without empathy. It really doesnt feel like he likes you. On the other hand, if your boyfriend puts a lot of stock into what your therapist says, this line might work really well. What Im getting at is its shitty when my father does this crap to me, its extra double wow shitty if your partner does that to you. its one of the downsides of having a toddler he still needs decent meals to function at anything like a survivable level. I had a boyfriend like that once. Emotions are *who we are* and theres no such thing as a feeling or desire that is incorrect or illegitimate. Neither one is going to work. But that makes deliberately exercising seem like Im bowing down to that warped idea of my self-worth. Attend an anger management program with a trained instructor. It was this one: Dont bring past grievances into it, either. It took me FOREVER to figure out, on my own, that a partner who was contributing nothing to the relationship and refused to take steps that would get him on the path to feeling able to contribute, was not someone I needed in my life. The way he goes about it though, is damaging my self-esteem and is a constant source of youre not good enough for me. He subsequently became paralyzed by any decision making because he could no longer prioritize between options without emotions. Anonymous: Anonymous wrote:Asexual people are asexual- they don't want sex even when the relationship is new and exciting. Flags! renovate the bathrooms, start an advice columnit doesnt have to be terrible. What he could and did do that helped me was: 1) shop for food and cook the healthy meals for us himself, and not guilt me when I planned to cook and then. Dont get me wrong, a self-confident woman can look up to and admire her boyfriend, but not in the specific ways he was after. Flags everywhere! They're Cold To You And more than. And hey, staying in bed, amiright? And Im never one to turn down a good Jedi telehug, so thanks for that too. Copyright 2011 thru 2023 Jennifer Peepas, all rights reserved. If this IS the case, he does mean well, but hes going about things all wrong. And a partner who wants to opt out of working through the bad times would worry me. Let me give an example. I was your boyfriend (not literally but, you know, in the way he acts) with my ex-wife. Though I would be concerned that a person who says the things he says would also have a completely not-of-reality idea of how much housework is being done by whom and, if hes anything like my ex who pulled similar stunts, possibly expecting LW to do most/all of it because hes riding on privilege+entitlement. A big thing about this for me is the control he seems to want over your life. Or is he expecting you to just bootstrap your way to optimal nutrition and well being? He seems to have set up this power imbalance in the relationship where he is right and the one to be listened to and you are the one who needs to be told what to do and that makes me very uncomfortable. Our whole relationship was based on me being the messy, emotional one that he had to take care of and he had no idea how to relate to me outside of that context. Send any friend a story As a subscriber, you have 10 gift articles to give . If someone has stated that they have a certain goal, I used to be overly helpful. Now I usually do not offer any help unless its someone Im close enough to to reasonable believe they might want me to. Yeah, my dad did things like that to me as a kid and it was bad. Its part of who you are but that doesnt make it a bad thing. Do either of you even know whether those goals are achievable? Feeling upset with the situation that your partner is not healthy? LW that may sound really harsh about your boyfriend, but from where Im sitting it sounds like a very toxic place for you to be. It doesnt matter what a partner is interested in controlling, your food intake, your hairstyle, how much work you do, how much sleep you get; when theyre trying to control you and cannot seem to be redirected, it is time to take the advice of the Doctor. Its something weve learned. Im sure your partner wants you to be happy and healthy and active, but why? I dont even have to duly note your concern or take that under advisement. The first few times you resist his help, I think he is going to release the Logick Kraken, who will logically and patiently recount all of the ways that you could be better if you only tried harder. [6] Say something like, "I've noticed you've been a little distant lately. but its not like, oh man, now that I exercise I never feel sad! LW, Im so sorry youre dealing with this. And when everything was totalled up the answer was no. Theres a difference. Boyfriend is still back in the pre-treatment you have no idea what youre doing because depression has fucked up your brain thing and is still in triage mode. Im sad because the person I love is sad, and I want them to be happy. He means well is one of those phrases that is just full of NOPE. The Captain makes some good points about transitioning from one kind of relationship to another, but there are some really worrying bits, here. If your guy used to care and suddenly cant be bothered, thats a red flag. It could be as simple as the fact that neither of you is interested in each other anymore. Following the health was hurt because of being pushed to overlook boundaries thought, what Im most afraid of is: does LWs depression come with any self-harming inclinations? You are healing, why shouldnt your home and your relationship be a place you can feel comfortable? For example, depression is very tiring in itself. Then, repeat what you want him to do and make the boundary plain: I hear you, but I want to be clear: I dont want you to do that anymore., Please stop correcting me and advising me., I appreciate all the help and support youve given me, but I actually need to navigate this on my own., I dont like it when you tell me what to do., The Silent Treatment is really not cool., Youre not the boss of how I eat or exercise, and I think its going to be healthier going forward if you stop monitoring that stuff and if I stop reporting it to you as if you are my nutritionist or trainer.*, I dont need you to change me or to be right about this, I just need you to love me and trust me to do the right thing for myself., I realize I was in bad shape for a while, but as I try to get better, Id like it if you would stop monitoring all these things about me and just found a way to enjoy my company., You may be right about that, but Id still like to handle this on my own without your input., I know you want to help, but I would like to set a boundary around advice-giving. It doesnt bother me because of how he asks gently, not sternly, the tone he uses, and because the rest of the time he demonstrates how damnably attractive I am to him. Excessively monitoring and correcting a partner (with the silent treatment, no less!) He is allowed to disagree with you and to hold a different view, but to shut down your view like that is a red flag. Make sure that the issues you address in your list are really what is bothering you. Despite that, I managed to meet a kindred spirit. That you are so incredibly lucky and your boyfriend is a saint for dating you and youre an idiot it you let him go. Yeah, this may be coming from a place of already focusing a bit intensely on food and exercise (history of disordered eating and over-exercise here) but to me this sounds like a recipe for mental health disaster. Apologise, and never say that to me again.. Don't let your wishes control your thoughts and feelings. But let me tell you a little of my story. I went through a phase when I asked him if he was feeling depressed almost every day at a point when he was beginning to feel better. It can be hard to stop caring, even when someone has done nothing but bring you down. If what he says pisses you off, take it as a good sign that your self-respect and self-preservation instincts are waking up and working. Emotional detachment. As someone wisely said much upthread, this choice doesnt directly effect me, so it is not my business. Is exercise great for depression? LW, your bf sounds like my ex bf with the bone deep conviction that you should always be allowed to comment on your sos appearance and choices and exercise and work ethic. Want to have breakfast next Saturday/Catch up by Skype or phone soon? Since it sounds like your family might not be supportive, avoid them for now, and avoid all people who tend to make you feel small or sap your energy or who have the same bossy/halping tendencies as your boyfriend. He sounds like a couple dudes Ive known in that he likes to be a fixer, which is not inherently a horrible quality in a person. Bravo! The LWs hard-won self esteem and motivation are ground down to their previous, pre-therapy levels When i try to move the battery lock switch thing it doesn`t move and it`s like stuck. He is not interested in you. This, again, is part of why we dont have a good relationship). Responding to your partner asking you to stop trying to control them by telling them that their opinion is stupid is pretty emotionally abusive. Weve been through some really hard times and some very good and stable times. I feel like Ive learnt to spot the signs now, but I really didnt see them when I was less experienced. He has literally never done this. You cant have all your food be treats otherwise youre not actually eating healthy food, but they are needed or you burn out and develop an eating disorder. All good things. And sometimes the answer is I cant. Remind you when I see its not done? Again, I dont know your boyfriend/relationship, but if he (and if you + your therapist are okay with this) is willing to come to therapy with you, it could be an option. . And there's a reason he can't let go of her, and there's a reason you feel like the bond you have with . Forgive me, but I get the feeling from your letter that its the latter. I could write something very similar, except were only at 20 years. Loving yourself is the most important love of all. I can't believe it. Hooo yes. One day, I might even believe it. Ive been dealing with depression for a while, too. They feel like Im not happy isnt enough, especially if they suffer from low self esteem. What your boyfriend is doing -whether he means to or not is *exactly* the issue that you are going to therapy to deal with. Not that I recommend my way. You know what, these are things that I have my therapist/doctor to advise me about. And they dont need to be The Worst for you to decide you dont want to be in this relationship anymore. My husband is at his parents place this weekend, and the first thing I did was make two meals worth of GF pasta with homemade red sauce my husband is diabetic, and the GF pasta does a number on his blood sugar, so we very rarely eat it. If he realizes how much fun his girlfriend is and misses the way she used to make him laugh all the time, hell come crawling back to you. Fun schmun, he can chop thirty onions and keep his mouth shut. And I am proud of him for taking a step toward being healthier. Its always so much easier to see things from an objective perspective when one is looking in from the outside. Id probably be a lot less functional had he pushed me. Thats such an underhand control technique, as is the not-so-subtle belittling that happens in the guise of help.. I know hes great and all LW, but everything I read about him makes me twitch.. My great-grandfather had families in the UK, Germany and Australia, none of whom were aware of each other until Facebook. I needed therapy, not just support, and his well-meaning attempts to get me active were grating and undermining to me. All the logical, reasonable, skeptical partners that the LWs describe are always trying to use their logic to make other people feel like crap about what they feel. How does this affect you will work on a reasonable person. You are doing FINE. My partner had to learn to adjust to a massive change in our relationship and in me. Its a very belittling thing to say. Just as your spouse needs time to heal from their alcohol addiction, you also need time to recover from the emotional and mental traumas of addiction. When were checked out its just not worth the effort anymore, so youll get more one word responses. okay you have got a lot of permission to dump comments here and I dont want to dismiss what other people read in your letter but offer another perspective. OopsI didnt see your reply to my first post when I posted this one. And if you have depression??? Your boyfriend has not yet learned this truth, because he is hiding it. I had to work this out with my young man. Soudns like hed already evolved into a wanker. be positive about the steps your partner does take every time I am aware of my partner taking a session on his exercise bike (which isnt every time he uses it, but often we watch tv together while he exercises), I comment about how I am proud of him. A very strange conversation with the chatbot built into Microsoft's search engine led to it declaring its love for me. What your boyfriend is doing is totally not how it has to be. Depression. Openly and blatantly. 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