He saw wet crimson sheets covering his baby brother. He has never been left by himself for so long, and Hop Sing isnt even here. Adams voice could be heard upstairs where Joe was. Then the traveler in the dark, Thanks you for your tiny spark, He could not see which way to go, If you did not twinkle so. Little Joe nestled his tiny head against his mothers bosom as he finally closed his weary eyes. We need to keep a very close eye on that. Was Adam really mad at him, or was there just more going on with Adam that he wasnt talking about? Youre safe. It was his Pa. Hey buddy, were here. There was another familiar voice Hoss. When Doc Martin had entered the house along with the Sheriff and Jimmy, none of them could help but notice the pile of bloody towels that had been abandoned on the blood-stained floor. Adam, come on son. The sheriffs concerned eyes met Doc Martins. Son, I understand your concern, however, I have made my decision. He leisurely walked around the desk. He just had to pull himself together for his little brotherfor Little Joe. Joe what do they want her body for? "episode," is set probably somewhere in between seasons eight and nine of Bonanza. Not just you but Marie, too. His voice cracked. He couldnt even hear his own voice. Do you know what that means?, It means youre a man, fit to do a mans work. Adam spoke softly. Joe, you are such a dare devil that I was and still am afraid for you. Have a seat, Roy., Thanks, Ben. He took off his hat and began fidgeting with it. He hastily gathered up the wood and filled the bin near the front door. Sure. The question threw him slightly off, but so had everything else these past few weeks. Yes, Im trying, Adam sighed, straightened up and started once again pacing. For that, I am sorry. His heavy eyelids finally closed and although his heart was in the right place, realized here is where The end didnt justify the means. An argument between brothers sets off a series of events that turns into an unstoppable torrent of trouble which leaves one of Ben Cartwright's sons with a terrible task to perform, and another near death, trapped in the Belly of the Whale. When your mother died, I told you all about Marie and her stories, Remember? With a gentle hand David forced Dax to look at him, Remember how I told you she was going to be the one to read you the bedtime stories to make your nightmares go away? Uh, sorry Adam.. You okay?. Joe, Im sorry. I cant let them take mama, I cant! I have to go check on Jenny and the baby., Ben, when Adam comes home he can fill you in. Doc. I let you and Hoss down. Raising his arm, Adam wiped his face along the upper part of his sleeve while his father walked over and knelt down in front of him. Do you think Im blind and deaf? You must eat.. He had even delivered Joe. Ben, I mean it, I need your word. He was very adamant. Water, Joe pleaded as he attempted to get up. Hoss has the buggy already hooked up for you. Trembling, Joe attempted to draw his knees in, to not only ease the pain but to close his body more toward his brother for comfort.security. Seeing both the excitement and sadness in his son, David Debois was more determined now than ever to bring Marie home. SJS,JAM,ESA. He actually came here looking for you, Ben. He and Ben locked eyes as Bens eyes widened. Hoss stood in the doorway feeling helpless as they all felt it better he stay the back for now. Nor did you let Hoss or I down. Youre safe and youre gonna be fine. Ben and Hoss had no idea what was unfolding in front of them. Tears clouded Bens eyes, as he gently took the photo.Thank you, he said softly, his voice cracking. This had to stop and Joe knew it. With a lowered head he moved back into position and began swinging the ax again. No copyright infringement is intended. Shhhh! Its not your fault, Joe and its not pas either. Maybe Seth decided to come and see me.. Hoss and Little Joe Cartwright. No one was taking Joes mother. Age verification is mandatory to read all stories marked as . His heart raced and his tears began to choke him. This suddenly gave way to a sense of horror and anger as he was viciously pulled into a sitting position with his back resting against the desk and heated eyes staring at him. I have been no more mature than he. I just didnt know what to do., Ben grabbed hold of his sons hand as he tried to console the young man, something he hadnt had to do in a very, very long time. Ben had insisted on buying Marie the finest dress. Night Pa. Shaking his head, Adam reluctantly followed. Was Was? I got it Pa. Adam didnt even raise his head nor did he make eye contact. God please help my boy through this. He closed his eyes as he began to pray. Be patientwe all need to give it some time., Yes sir. He pursed his lips while peering over his fathers shoulder. With one stroke, the sharp blade sliced the left side of Joes face quickly drawing blood. A bitter-sweet grin crossed his face and he slowly climbed down from the buggy as his family emotionally looked on. Im sorry., Your brother is young and strong. the Doc responded without looking up. He couldnt even remember seeing Adam cry before. It's clear that the 15 year old has been hurt in many ways. You dont deserve to look like her. That is far from the truth. I guess that is why I jumped on you when I saw you playing with that epee. Alerted, all three men simultaneously were now attentive to Little Joe. Joe leans against the side cabinet near the door and shuts the door with his broom. Little Joe snapped himself out of his man-made fog and dragged his feet slowly back over to the chopping block. Adam?, Are you okay, son? The realization of what happened to his little brother hit him smack in the face. Mama you belong here. Not my Dax. Go and get some cold water quick, and towels please. The panicked expression on his face said it all. He said wewe..stole mama from them. Joe began fiddling with the bed sheets. He told me the pa and I. Tears flowed freely as he glanced up at the ceiling. Son,we promised, Ben softened his voice as he lay his hand on Adams shoulder. The last time I saw that expression on him was when Marie died. He gently placed his hand on Bens shoulder. Hey! he hollered back at them. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. Dark figures hovered over him while red raindrops began falling. . I love how you show Adam as the very loving and caring big brother, great story!!!! Notify me of follow-up comments by email. He was tired, so tired. Due to subject matter, the few stories that are listed as only available via e:mail from the author will still not be accessible even with answering . I need you. Placing his hat back on his head, Adam took one last glance back at Joe. Crying on someones shoulder? Ill get it. Hoss was quickly out the door. It wasnt easy, but Hoss understood just by seeing the scene that was playing out across the room. No part of these publications may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any . This is the second time this has happened., Im not sure, but I wouldnt doubt it has to do what happened. Late again, he thought. Sore? That was an understatement as part of his body felt like a pin cushion, other parts felt like they were on fire. The attack, Ben. He stood up, cracked his back and walked over to face Joe. His son hasnt spoken since his biological mother died of pneumonia, when he was just eight years old. Like Ben, he, too was worried now for both of his brothers. I know it as you have always had a fight in you, just like your mother. He spoke softly as a glassy sheen formed over his eyes. I know it hurts Joe, but we cant leave you like this. The doc explained to him. I can see myself out, Sure. Puzzled, he stood and shook the docs hand. Can you help me sit up?, Sure. It was painful and slow going but, Adam managed to get him into a comfortable sitting position. Why Joe, and why Marie? Adam briefly pinched his eyes closed as a full plate of emotions were building within him. My name is Joe, he said proudly. You got nothing better to do but to play with that?, What chance are you gonna have to use an epee out here in the west?, Youre a Cartwright! We are going to bring her home, son. It was as far as he dares go until those wounds could be stitched closed. A careless mess. Bonanza sites you may be interested in: Bonanza Brand. Help! Joe began to slowly stir as he cried out in pain, waking Ben. No! He pushed his brows together, then quickly raised and lowered them as he slowly accepted the gift.. Why would they want to give me a present at this time? Yes sir, he has three, Im the youngest. The Brandsters encourage everyone to leave a comment after reading a story; please do not include any spoilers or specific details from the story. He is young and strong, but still a very sick boy. Shh, Joe its okay Adam was interrupted. Heck, hed just been with Joe the other day bringing the thousand head of cattle down from the north pasture. Hurts. His ribs were going to take awhile to heal. I think your right. He agreed. Your mother was the best thing that ever happened to our family. It must be late afternoon already. Um, sorry Pa. Adam sat down in the chair next to Joes bed, leaned forward, rested his elbows on his knees and rubbed his face, then slowly allowed his weary body to rest against the back of the chair. Ill be alright, pa. You tend to Little Joe.. Little Joe yelled out my namehe called for me to help him, and I didnt! Adam cried out in frustration. He was facing a long day of chores alone. They had kept Dax home and tried to teach him what they could, however,when his wife died, Dax was devastated and stopped communicating. I love you, brother., Joe? Shocked out of a surprisingly deep sleep, Adam sprung up in his chair. Leaning over Little Joe the hostile intruder yelled, She either was or wasnt your mother, boy, now which is it, answer me! Turning toward the door he called out, Dax where are you son? It was still thereshe was still there, untouched. HOSS: OH LORDY! Joe was just. It was evident that Adam was having difficulty concentrating. You dont deserve to look like her. I-I tried to help him, but he was so weak and calling out for me to save his mother. Just the thought of Little Joe wanting to open up brought light into his heart and a tear to his eye as he stepped out. It seemed hours had passed before the three men had Joe bundled up in towels and blankets. Charlie, his shirt and hands now bloodied, was clearly engrossed in doctoring Joe that it took a moment for him to realize that Adam was beside him.Adam, we couldnt get a good look at the guys. Adam squeezed his eyes shut and wiped his face with both hands. How can I leave him? I might be able to answer that question.. Hurts. His breathing was becoming rapid. I should kill you now, boy. David Dubois yanked out the bloody knife causing Joe to cry out once more, and then proceeded to clean the blade on his already grubby jeans. Ben gently placed his hand on Adams shoulder. Ben tapped Adam on the leg and changed the subject. Grungy ole ripped jeans paired with a solid red button-down shirt covered with dirt. Ad-am.hurtsIm.sor-ryAdam. His labored breathing was making it difficult for him to speak. Come on. He was frozen, though he was hot, not cold. There was no time to waste. I cant talk to Pa cause wellhes pa. They both made eye contact and chuckled. When Hop Sing returns, I will never complain about his cooking again. Joe took a big bite and began strolling out of the kitchen toward the table, but before he could sit down there was a hard persistent knock at the door. Why? Why would he say that about my mother? The strangers so-called boy looked more like an ape sitting atop what seemed to be a draft horse. Im here for you buddy. Tears welled up in his eyes. Son, what happened? Ben was becoming worried. He had been the one lately who Joe had been out with, working fences and finding strays. BonanzaBrand 2006-2023 All Rights Reserved. But look how he carried on here with that crazy epee today. Well, he just had another nightmare so you might want to check his stitches. Ben explained. With his sleeve he wiped the tears from his face, turned and went back downstairs. Marie glanced down at her sleepy baby. Ad-am hurts?. Ahhhh! Joe let out a weak cry as the weight of his body pushed the sharp shards further into his back. Over the next month Joes healing, both physically and mentally, although slow was progressing, as was his relationship with the family. Never! Joe was not going to give him the satisfaction and show him just how frightened he was . Im here Joe. Ad-am! Joe was very fragile, but very determined. He told us that they were from New Orleans and why he came here. Adam noticed the comfort and ease he was giving little Joe just by taking control of the conversation. Yes. Adams back! Hoss called out from down stairs. Oh I do wish he could stay this young this forever, so I could protect him from that cruel world. The two hugged. They flew right past us, but I can tell you this, they were some pretty hefty guys, he said as he tossed away a soiled, bloody towel while Hank painstakingly pulled the visible small pieces of glass from Joes back, simultaneously holding a towel to his wounded shoulder. With his finger and thumb, he pinched the brim of his nose in order to collect himself. Look son, I understand your concern, however, we have no other choice., Frustrated, Adam hustled across the room. The sheriff is here and wants to speak to us. Ben told him as the sheriff came in through the door behind them. With a tremendous heave, Joe struggled to his knees, ready to attack the bully who now towered over him, but Dax gave him a hard swift jab to the stomach adding pain on top of pain to his already bruised ribs, and Joe to collapse back onto the floor. Answers his older brother wasnt sure he could give, although he could give support and love. Oh, Paul! But how? I promise, well get whoever did this to you and save mama. A tear slipped out and fell down the side of his face, recalling just how hed treated Joe yesterday and what hed said. The most beautiful dress for my beautiful wife.. I would like to thank my beta reader, freyakendra. Angry, hurt and scared, Joe struggled to get the words out as a tears began welling up in his eyes. The doc went straight to work as he noticed Joes face was shockingly pale. Was he awake or was he dreaming? His hands were red and wet. Adam was about to get up when the doc held up his hand. Silent screams were locked in Joes head as monstrous shadows surrounded him. Hed been playing checkers with his Pa on the front porch, when Maries horse had reared up, throwing her to the hard ground, rendering her unconscious. Hot . Who are these people? Adam help me. He knew his odds were not in his favor. Cringing and holding on to his injured side, Joe tried to position himself to get a clear view of where his assailants were. Dax you spokeyou spoke Dax. David slowly knelt down beside his son and hugged him. He tried to cry out for help, for Adam, but there was no answer. He knew he hadnt hurt his little brother, hed been as gentle as he could be. Please make sure you are signed into the Library before posting a comment; weve had quite a number of anonymous comments left and the authors have no idea who left the reviews. Your gonna be alright. Let us do the work. The three men carefully lifted Joes torso just far enough so he could get a drink without choking. Ya gotta wake up, kid. he continued to try to rouse him. fine. Joesph., The three men in the room simultaneously glanced at each other with a puzzled look. Look at me when I am talking to you. Um, well Im his son. ShhhYoure gonna be okay Joe. Adam tried to reassure him. What wrong Joe?, Adam, I need to talk about what happened and its not just the injuries. Searching for the right words he began fidgeting with the sling which was still supporting his left arm. Shhh, Joe its okay, buddy. Adam gently placed his hands on Joe to try to calm him. They had been so busy on the ranch lately, and all Joe had been doing was fooling around. Little Joe was speechless, however, words were not needed to see just how much he appreciated what they had done. They never took her. Joe was confused. As tiny beads of sweat began trickling down the side of his cheek, he realized he didnt know whether it was really sweat. Is Joe alright?. He was hurt, helpless, angry and now more afraid for his life than ever. Eventually, over time, they healed. Have you seen them before? He was very careful with his tone as it was very clear that he now had two sons who needed his help. Everythings gonna be okay. Adam frowned and was confused as to what Joe was talking about. Shed even paid for Davids journey west, determined to go to any lengths to destroy Marie. Th-ey. Ahhh!. Adam please help! Do you know when the last time I had brandy was? Dubois shook his head and clenched his fists as anger spread across his face. Your email address will not be published. Hes just a kid.my kid brother. His ribs were still healing as were the other wounds. He wasnt alone, but without one of us there Easy Joe. He once again was interrupted. Slow your breathing buddy., Okay, Hoss, hand me that bandage over there, please. The doc was quick with his work. You were in shock, scared and angry angry at the men who did this to your brother. Adam hung his head and was not able to meet Bens gaze. What an ordeal for Joe to suffer through. When will he be back?. Hoss, North and South (by Writing Woman) . Adam never took much notice when he was with Hoss because Hoss never got lost. Hoss, in the meantime, was dumfounded as to what the heck had just happened. There was Little Joe not moving. Little Joe received his nickname because compared to his brother, Hoss, he was little. Familiar voices. Ben was promptly at Joes side. Completed wildwest bonanza littlejoecartwrightfanfiction +6 more # 2 The Wandering One by EmmyJo16 3.1K 57 19 I didnt understand. Adam slouched forward as he looked up at Ben. Firmly pulling his hair and causing his head to jerk back, the man squatted and began speaking loudly while staring hard into Joes eyes. Little Joe, come on. Joe Francis. Yes sir! The three boys cheerfully shouted. The thundering vibration he heard and felt confirmed his nightmare as a large blurry figure sprinted toward him. We are going to bring your mother home, no matter what.. That was not the answer the older man wanted. She. Within seconds of hearing pounding hooves and the rumbling buckboard, Charlie glanced up to see Adam charge through the front door. Joe, when she fell. Yup, and youre stuck with us. Hoss grinned. Joe wished he could trade placed with his older brother right now. I promised you and I will keep my promise, however, we may have to rent a buckboard now., Injured and disoriented , Joe wasnt sure if what he was listening to was correct. Marie, my mothers name was Marie. Joe frowned as he was still struggling. Let me go! They said it was his fault, too.. Hopefully Pa got the telegraph and will be here soon. He see Cochise outside and then makes his way to the house. What have I done to upset him so? I cant explain it, but it was obvious that Adam was somewhere else. Thats mine! Joes thoughts reeled as he realized Dax was clinging to his his mothers picture. Those thugs whom Adam wanted so much to be able to strangle. There was so much blood and Joe was barely breathing. You and your no good father killed her. cartwright bonanza ponderosa western adamcartwright oldwest delly hoss hunger wildwest mellark games peeta adam romance fanfiction love. Not his. The cloud burst as streams of tears lined his cheeks. Ben sternly glanced up at him, Listen son, didnt Little Joe bring a thousand head of cattle down from the north pasture? The sun is about to set . Your father didnt deserve her, and had no right taking her from us. Your Pas here., Im here Joe. Ben became surprised as to how alert his youngest son had suddenly become. Hed known Joe since hed been a baby, and had taken the boy under his wing whenever any of the Cartwrights werent around. Im trying to hold on, Adam. Little Joe was fond of New Orleans, where his mother was born and lived for most of her life. Joe?. And just how, with these two giants in his home? Little Joe is brutally attacked. Joe! He knew it was true, but, Little Joe would never knowingly treat Hoss that way. Crimson blood began streaming down the side of his face. Joe was still not well enough for a gunbelt. What if hed died? There was a long pause. Adam was searching for words, help, even his own voice for what he just encountered, within his own househis little brotherit was too much for him. Then he grabbed my arm, and wanted me to promise, he needed me to promise to save herher body and then he collapsed into my arms. He imitated the position in which hed held his baby brother. Joe Cartwright shrunk below his normal height at the sound of his father's voice. I promised you, Marie, as I promised myself, no harm would come to Little Joe. Doc Martin is here to check on you. A glance at the window had told him that the sun had changed position. Joe, stay with me. Easy Joe., At a snails pace, Joe turned his head, showing his joyless face to his brother. A Increase font size. Joe, its only Hoss. Adam was quick to respond and was at his side in an instant. Then there was nothing left to do, except to watch the clock, wait for the doctor, and wonder just what it was that would make two men torture Little Joe for the sake of a body that had been buried for twelve years. The flashback of seeing her immediately transferred to the gruesome image of his little brother. Bonanzabrits. He tried to run, but he couldnt move. Squeeze my hand Joe, come on. There was no reaction. Little Joe clutched his side, as his contracting muscles began pulling on his abdomen and chest, making it harder to breath. Ben, he was lucky that the wound to his abdomen wasnt too deep or it would have been worse. As he pulled the covers up to Joes chest the doc added, he lost a lot of blood, Ben.He turned his attention back to Joe. Get some fresh air. He walked over to his chair by the fireplace with his morning coffee and sat down. Hows our patient tonight? Doc Martin greeted the man. Lots of drama and trauma for our handsome Joe. I dont know, but it doesnt look good. He said pointing at the house, The three men abruptly halted their horses, quickly dismounted, tied them to the hitching post and ran through the open door. Why? Coming! He shouted, alerting the guest. He strolled over, sat down on Joes bed, and placed the cold cloth on his brothers forehead. Why? Look what you made me do! Hurts.., Joe cried softly, pulling Adams attention again. Joe looked up to Adam and respected his advice, advice he often reached out to Adam for as an older adult and a brother. Joe closed his eyes and sat almost motionless, straining his ears in an attempt to listen to their plans. Youre in good hands. A Decrease font size. Do you want us to get you anything? He added before he and Hoss exited the room. With a hard kick to his abdomen, Joes tortured body was back on the floor. Just a slight wind beginning to rustle some of the upper branches of the pines. BEN, ADAM AND LITTLE JOE: THAT'S CAUSE THERE ISN'T ONE!! Adam hung his head, Adam hustled across the room simultaneously glanced each.!!!!!!!!!!!!!... & quot ; is set probably somewhere in between seasons eight and nine of bonanza clear view where! South ( by Writing Woman ) talking about hearing pounding hooves and the rumbling buckboard, Charlie glanced at. Injured side, as I promised myself, no matter what.. that was playing out the. Over to the chopping block carefully lifted Joes torso just far enough so he could get clear... 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