Biblical Data: The name of the grove of trees is evidently considered as derived from this sheikh or chieftain. Life, Death, And Facts About Harriet Tubmans Daughter, Bishop Noel Jones A Look into His Bio, Marriage, Divorce, 7 Untold Facts, Nikko Jenkins Family- See Members Of One Of The Most Troubled Bloodlines, Chalonda Jenkins Is Nikko Jenkins Wife- 10 Unknown Facts About Her, Kamo Mphela 10 Facts You Didnt Know About The South African Entertainer, Kemi Olunloyo- Bio, Age, Net Worth, Controversies, and 7 Facts You Didnt Know. Kaba Hiawatha Kamene In the latter half of the 17th century, the word Africa was first used. This is what they need to be teaching in school, instead of saying Africa, the current misnomer adopted by almost everyone today, was given to this continent by the ancient Greeks and Romans. WebBible verses and scriptures about different aspects of life. 1. It also means that every human being today, actually did physically stem from Black People. European white supremists tried to distort the truth from Black People, & other peoples about Africa, they failed in doing The meaning of alkebulan in the bible can only be linked to what historians and theologist have described it to be, since theres no record of the word alkebulan in the bible verses. It's not as if the bible is silent as to the race or skin colouration of Jesus Christ, the truth is there, but, it is just the way it has been presented in texbooks, movies, stories, Hollywood, making Jesus to appear to be a white man. In the Second Punic War, the great Carthaginian The war ended with Rome in Their distinct slanted eye look is due to down syndrome. It is believed that southern Egypt is where the biblical Cush was located. His body was like beryl, his face like the appearance of lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze, and the sound of his words like the sound of a multitude. The Original name for Africa is ALKEBULAN: Arabic for "the land of original people". One of King Solomons numerous wives was from Africa(Egypt). While dark eyes is common to every race, this particular verse debunks the image of a blue-eyed Jesus Christ that has infiltrated the world for hundreds of years. Now the priest of Midian had seven daughters: and they came and drew water, and filled the troughs to water their fathers flock. However, the top echelon of the Catholic church that introduced Christianity to Europe knows the truth. rebelled against YHWH. After Moses heard these words, he fled to the land of Midian. WebMAMRE. Cheikh Anta Diop The Holy Scriptures, which really originated from ancient This influenced the change of name from Alkebulan to Africa. Ham is the youngest of Noahs three sons along with Japheth and Shem. It wasn't lost at the Tower of Babel incident because it was Hamitesnot Shemites who The peoples,not Europeans. rather came from Yephet(Japheth), an offspring of also Adam and Eve according to the Scriptures. According to some historians the ancient name of Africa was Alkebulan. Alkebu-lan mother of mankind or garden of Eden.. (Yosef Ben-Jochannan) @Alkebulan_Trust. Origin of Amen. We also aim at promoting tourism across the African continent. It was used by the Moors, Nubians, Numidians, Khart-Haddans (Carthagenians), and Ethiopians. hatred for your brother, and a deep hatred for Alkebu-lan our origin. John G. Jackson that the world knows this truth! Some of these ancient bones have been recorded as being800,000 The Romans also used the word Africans in reference to the part of the Carthaginian Empire which is presently found in Tunisia. African Edenic History is what the people need to know right now. They call it black Madonna to conceal the name. From bible evidence, Jesus Christ would have looked similar to this: The Roman Emperor, Justinian the Great, who ruled basically from 527 - 564 C.E., 500 years after the time of Yahushua(Jesus), had engraved on a coin, the image of Yahushua(Jesus) with woolly / kinky hair and "BLACK" features. It is estimated that there are over 6,000 languages in the world and over 3,000 of them are from Africa. This is the land that was known as North-Eastern Africa. People speculated and even believed that the Greeks derived the word from the Greek word; Aphrika which referred to a land free from the cold weather. He intervened and killed the Egyptian. be found within Northeast Africa, what the Europeans later termed as the so called Middle East. More than 100 times in the Bible, Cush is referenced, yet its location is never made clear. Modern Africa(Alkebulan), & the Middle East,has To do this, let us use Moses as an example, since he was one of the popular original Israelites. They removed these ancient Hebraic booksbecause they didn't want the people to acknowledge History of Louis Africanus and Alkebulan's name change Publius Cornelius Scipio battled Carthage a powerful city-state in northern Africa which had established itself as the leading maritime power in the ancient world. Just think about it. How could Adam and Eve be white; when the first humans lived in Africa? The Bible today, refers to Israel being captive in Egypt and then uses other names for other parts such as Simon from Cyrene and etc. Then He uttered the words Let there be light, and light appeared. Comments on: Alkebulan in the Bible: Is The word Alkebulan in the Bible? It is time for the black race to rise and claim what is ours. The African History is a reliable blog site dedicated to sharing general African History, Culture and News. Read them and be the judge. formed within 6,000 years old, then why arethe oldest bones800,000 years old then? Really great article. But we can't reject the fact that this territory is a part of Alkebulan! The continent had been colonized at that time, and the Europeans had slave-ruled its inhabitants. They have all shown that the first humans that ever lived had lived in Africa. Africasoriginalname was Alkebulan. a Critical Study of the Christos-Messiah Tradition, The Bible Myth: The African Origins of the Jewish People, Afrikan Genesis: Amazing Stories of Man's Beginnings, African Woman the Original Guardian Angel, Bible myths and their parallel in other religions, Nailed: Ten Christian Myths That Show Jesus Never Existed at All, African Origins of the Major Western Religions, Shadow of the third century: A re-evaluation of Christianity, 101 Myths of the Bible: How ancient scribes invented biblical history, Caesar's Messiah: The Roman conspiracy to invent Jesus, What is Satan? Blessings. Although Jesus was under a different name and was depicted as an African. The borders of this land that Canaan and his African descendants lived in and ruled, according to the Bible (Gen 10: 19), extended from Sidon as thou comest to Gerar unto Gaza and goest unto Sodom and Gomorrah and Admah and Zoboim, even unto Lasha.. it is just after the Flood, & the Tower of Babel,when they began to inherit different territories for themselves The title Alkebulan comes from an historic time period meaning mom of mankind or backyard of Eden. Hebrew(Ibriy) which is derived from the Lashan Qodesh(ancient Hebrew, palaeo Hebrew). Africa which had established itself as the leading maritime power in the ancient world. Although there is still no agreed clear and direct explanation as to how the name Africa became widely accepted to refer to the Continent populated by Black people, it is widely agreed that the 18th-century theory which stated that as Latin became more popular than other languages, Afri which in Latin translates to mean people in Northern part of the continent was adopted and adding the suffix ica which means land to the word, the name Africa was coined, adopted and inculcated to indicate the area occupied by Black people. ancestors, and your Mind.". According to some historians the ancient name of Africa was Alkebulan. All rights reserved. Role of Christian missionaries in the colonization of East Africa Christian missionaries in East Africa (1). that the world knows this truth! Before I go further, let me inform you that if you're a serious seeker and you're interested in digging deeper for the whole truth and nothing but the truth, no matter where it may lead to, then you'll need to first find out What, IMF and World Bank: colonial tools to exploit the world "The United States has viewed all multilateral organisations including the World Bank, as instruments of foreign policy to be used in support of specific US aims and objectivesUS views regarding how the world economy should be organised, how resources should be allocated and how investment decisions should be reached were enshrined in the Charter and the operational policies of the bank." of Eloh "God" (cognate with Allah), a word of unknown etymology, perhaps an @Alkebulan_Trust. Alkebulan is the oldest and the only word of indigenous origin. Alkebulan is an extremely old word, and its origins are indigenous. In fact, this school argues that Africa was initially named Alkebulan and was widely referred to as Alkebulan before the name Africa was birthed. holy book, even though ones tried to destroy this truth. The changes were made in the renaissance period in Europe while we were deep in slavery. Africa is where civilisation first emerged. at? These first sets of Africans conquered empires, moving from one region to another, adding more territories to the Nations masses creating today the 2nd largest continent in the world. Role of Christian missionaries in the colonization of East Africa Christian missionaries in East Africa (1). The name was only initially used only to refer to the Northern parts of Africa. Before I begin, let me say this article is not about religion, but about history. out by these Europeans. The otherrivers(Tigris, Euphrates, & Pishon) mentioned can WebAlkebulan. The Watcher of Alkebulan. Several schools of thought have emerged on the true name of what we today know as Africa. Africa, present day Middle East. Missionaries signed treaties which were later used by colonialists to take over colonies e.g. I am not a religious person, I am not interested in religion. Take a moment to pray to God before you start reading. Moses was born at the 18th dynasty of the ancient Egyptian monarchy. Edenic paintings as their story. Shem, Ham, & Japheth are regarded as being theancestorsof all human beings, names, your homeland, your past, your civilizations, your heritage, your Alkebu-lan mother of mankind or garden of Eden . Biblical Data: The name of the grove of trees is evidently considered as derived from this sheikh or chieftain. Alkebulan is an extremely old word, and its origins are indigenous. The current locations of the old Midian area are western Saudi Arabia, southern Jordan, southern Israel, and the Egyptian Sinai Peninsula. that the Almighty Father created even beforeHe founded Israel. Africans were present when the Israelites arrived in Canaan to dwell. Cushi was also used as a persons name, like in Jeremiah 36:14, when Yehudi, the prince who read Jeremiahs letter to King Jehoiakim, was able to trace his ancestry to Cushi. Africason History of slave trade Lara Flynn Boyle. Who knew that God made Alkebulan, is the question I have now. I am raising money to build a model school that would produce students who will outperform those from our current system of education in Africa, in science and scientific thought. But we can't reject the fact that this territory is a part of Alkebulan! and the 1st cent. In the above verse, not only was the feet of Jesus ascribed to be bronze-like in colour but his entire legs and arms. Then, click through 1-19 to learn. From an archeological & scientificbackground, the oldest bones were excavated fromAlkebulan, African Edenites are the original people of the Most High& it is time Most peoplewould look to the Bible, tosearch for this kind of evidence, but even science, archeology, geneology, He buttresses his point by indicating that the Greeks occupied Africa in 332 BC, followed by the Romans in 30 BC. I don't want to dwell so much on ancient Egyptian history or other concerns, but let me show you what the bible itself actually said about the race and coloration of the person called Jesus Christ. In Kemetic History of Afrika, Dr cheikh Anah Diop writes, The ancient name of Africa was Alkebulan. Unfortunately, I do not have the resources to get the song heard worldwide, cause I'm an independent recording artiste not with a record label. Theresa Claiborne, the first Black female pilot in the US Air Force (USAF), Mali in West Africa was the richest Empire on Earth in the 14th century, South Sudans first female pilot risen to Captain with major at Delta Airlines (US), Kevin Hart facing criticism in Egypt after saying Ancient Egyptians were blacks. progeny, would be classified as modern day black people. Scriptures, with the material concerned being written during the last two centuries b.c. found in Northeast Africa, while the whole of Africa(including the so called Middle East)is the Biblical land of Eden. (2). Ham had seven sons with Egyptus, including Cush, Puti (Phuth), Canaan (Kanaan), Sidon, Heth (Hittites), and Jebusites. History of slave trade (From partition of Africa by Prof Sempebwa). That's why a new picture is being presented as Jesus, contrary to how the bible said he looked like. The dead end of African literature Thank you for listening and may the Almighty YHWH bless you! Cheikh Anta Diop I definitely know something is wrong some where. Therefore, we need to anul these ridiculous thoughts of Europeans being the ancients, it was they who In fact, this school argues that Africa was initially named Alkebulan and was widely referred to as Alkebulan before the name Africa was birthed. In the coin image, the front side shows the image of Jesus having 'wooly' or 'kinky' hair i.e. Since you have already read my statements given that African Edenites are the He was rather shocked by their response: who made thee a prince and a judge over us? I would encourage Black People to not follow the ways of the unrighteous like Below is an image of a burnished bronze coloured foot: Below is an image of bronze after being burned and refined in a fire: The feet of a caucasian or middle-eastern origin man spending some days in the desert would look like this: The colour of his feet is no where or close to the colour of bronze, before or after being heated in a furnace. Because, according to the bible, a Pharaoh ordered that every Israelite child in Egypt must be killed, however, the Pharaoh's daughter found baby Moses floating helplessly at the river banks and saved him, brought Moses to the king's palace, and the king could not differentiate Moses from his own sons. IMF and World Bank: Neo-Colonial Tool to Exploit Third World Countries. (From partition of Africa by Prof Sempebwa). The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the ruler's staff from between his feet, until tribute comes to him; and to him shall be the obedience of the peoples. also ancient Edenic scrolls, and quite similiar to these ancient Hebraic scrolls. In the In general it constitutes the excess of the LXX over the Heb. Below is a picture of a black man wearing his naturally 'wooly' hair in texture and white in colour: Contrary to the bible's own description of Jesus as having skin like ''burnished bronze'' and ''wooly hair'', below is the image of the so-called Jesus Christ being paraded worldwide as having ''blonde'' hair and ''white'' skin, whereas, the bible itself says his body was like ''burnished bronze'' color and his hair was ''white as wool'', not wavy and long. Alkebu-lan mother of mankind or garden of Eden.. Alkebulan is known to be the oldest name for the continent; Africa. Yosef Ben Jochannan Africa, the current misnomer adopted by almost everyone today, was given to this continent by the ancient Greeks and Romans.. Fortunately, both blacks and white people have written about it and the books are out there. I realise after reading the Bible, that Africa son that means Christianity has no legitimate claim on this word though it is morphed all over the biblical text as though it came with the content naturally. African son. From Arabic interpretation, it is known as the Land of Blacks and also, in the History of Afrika by Dr. Cheikh Anah Diop, he translated the meaning of Alkebu-lan to mean Mother of mankind or Garden of Eden. Origin of Amen. face of this Earth. At first, it was restricted to the northernmost region of the continent. almost every place mentioned in there is located right in Eden(present day Africa & the Middle East)! Africa, the current misnomer adopted by almost everyone today, was given to this continent by the ancient Greeks and Romans. From an archeological & scientificbackground, the oldest bones were excavated fromAlkebulan, Alkebulan or now, Africa, encompasses a whole landmass of 30.37 km3 and a population of 1.216 billion people. This is 100% false. The Garden of Eden can be Despite facts from archeology and paleontology, yet Hollywood and cinemas continue casting bible characters as whites! Also, another theory linked to the Roman word; Aprica which means sunny is a theory considered to be the birth of the name Africa. THEANCIENT LANGUAGE a woman who became his wife and wasn't part of Adam'sfamily, though some believe it was his sister. It was used by the Moors, Nubians, Numidians, Khart-Haddans (Carthagenians), and Ethiopians. In the book of Jeremiah, Cush was named both as a place and as a persons name multiple times. It was used by the Moors, Nubians, Numidians, Khart-Haddans (Carthagenians), and Ethiopians. The Brookings Institute Since the creation of both the International Monetary Fund (IMF) the World Bank (WB) over 60 years ago, both have provided trillions of dollars in loans to poor countries. , an offspring of also Adam and Eve be white ; when the humans. 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