endstream endobj startxref The Los Angeles Unified School District Division of Adult and Career Education provides adult education, family life education, job training programs and WIOA programs to adults and in and out of school youth. , 0b*Pd!ccE5EHHryOa9R1qiv2 g| & bQS4#_0 |.+ 0000007241 00000 n 0000021546 00000 n 0000016121 00000 n Tests are available to anyone,, LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT - HARBOR OCCUPATIONAL CENTER, ADRC - Aging and Disability Resource Connection, CITY OF PASADENA DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH, SOCIETY FOR THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS LOS ANGELES - P.D. Schedule of Classes. 0000012211 00000 n Cost The total cost to attend on campus is $N/A. 0000114519 00000 n 0000025944 00000 n I know you will understand very quickly why our motto is Education with a Purpose!, Atlas Helaire, Ed.D., Superintendent Southern California Regional Occupational Center. This section includes information about this schools graduation rates, SAT/ACT tests, and AP coursework. 0000040045 00000 n Board Member: Tanya Ortiz Franklin. Through nationally-recognized programs and services, we offer a level of care that not only exceeds community benchmarks, but allows us to restore the . 0000013066 00000 n 0000079054 00000 n This course, the second in a series of two, prepares students for the A+ Certification Exam in computer repair. (m,|U0XOXRUX MZJdes-jGjSz 0000018159 00000 n 0000012838 00000 n 0000010535 00000 n 0000080397 00000 n 0000017773 00000 n 0000014619 00000 n GreatSchools is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. 0000019811 00000 n As a community, our hearts and thoughts are with the families and those impacted by this horrific event. Room and board will run $0 annually. 714-626-8632. 0000011560 00000 n (310) 224-4200 Home Staff Resources About Course Offerings Board of Education Jobs at SoCal ROC Support Calendar News Contacts 0 1 2 3 Course Offerings Information regarding WASC South Bay One-Stop Cosmetology Client Donation List Our Board Of Education 0000009641 00000 n 0000027832 00000 n Books and Supplies will cost another $0. 0000016116 00000 n 0000155184 00000 n %%EOF hJAEN6 QZX(IO>i$[ba%sop 0000016878 00000 n cte class schedules register today www.harboroc.org or call (310) 241-4800 . 0000012242 00000 n 0000017330 00000 n 0000010682 00000 n 0000030129 00000 n 0000020956 00000 n 0000012511 00000 n STEP 2: Fill out the form with your BEST contact information. 0000081944 00000 n 0000012395 00000 n Please carefully review class notes and registration policies as you sign up. %PDF-1.5 % 0000026534 00000 n 0000020248 00000 n 0000017212 00000 n Please . 0000009788 00000 n 2023-03-22T17:30 . 0000010964 00000 n Harbor Occupational Center is located in San Pedro, CA, but also offers classes online. 0000042779 00000 n Harbor Occupational Center serves the Los Angeles metro, providing adults, high school students, and individuals with disabilities and special needs with a varied selection of full-time educational courses. Unfortunately, there was a mass shooting on January 21 in Monterey Park which left 11 persons dead and at least 9injured. Harbor Occupational Center, and it's branch locations offer full-time educational programs operated by the Los Angeles Unified School District-Division of Adult and Career Education. This section includes information about school staff, including the ratio of students to teachers, and teacher tenure and certification. Academic Schedule; Academics; ACCT; Activate your email; Activity; Admissions; AFOC Administrators; AFOC Career and Technical Education Program; AFOC English as a Second Language Program; AFOC Student Online Portal; Alumni; Apply Now; ASL English for the Deaf; Auto Shop Services; Automotive Repair; Automotive Technology; Barbering & Cosmetology . startxref 0000019693 00000 n 0000063476 00000 n 0000019540 00000 n 0000016003 00000 n V4H`YAMg`R{ xref 0000026502 00000 n 0000023552 00000 n 0000017655 00000 n 0000010384 00000 n 0000154093 00000 n Degrees awarded at Harbor Occupational Center include: Bachelor's Degree, Masters Degree, Post-master's certificate, Doctor's degree. The school is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. 0000016274 00000 n 0000064436 00000 n Harbor Occupational Center Unclaimed 740 North Pacific Avenue, San Pedro, CA 90731 Contact info Website Currently unrated 2 reviews Public school ? 0000016801 00000 n 0000180375 00000 n 0000081632 00000 n 0000014111 00000 n 0000017097 00000 n 0000025558 00000 n 0000018867 00000 n There are many great choices for all age groups. 0000018009 00000 n 0000064500 00000 n 0000027446 00000 n 0000011921 00000 n 0000021932 00000 n 0000020015 00000 n 0000168077 00000 n 0000015209 00000 n 0000019218 00000 n 0000014469 00000 n 0000014587 00000 n . 0000026416 00000 n 0000279444 00000 n LA Unified Adult Education schools include Abram Friedman Occupational Center, East Los Angeles Occupational Center, Evans Community Adult School, Harbor Occupational Center, Los Angeles Technology Center, Maxine Waters Employment Preparation Center, North Valley Occupational Center, Slawson Southeast Occupational . Naval Safety Environmental Training Center, 9080 Breezy Point Crescent . A.Friedman Occupational Center Studio 3 Samantha Ross Eddy Carias Campus Talk . 0000017537 00000 n 0000024732 00000 n 0000020130 00000 n This will send the program's contact information to your email or phone. 0000013136 00000 n 0000012596 00000 n 0000010438 00000 n 0000032049 00000 n 0000001276 00000 n 0000016046 00000 n 0000021460 00000 n 0000011784 00000 n 0000020838 00000 n 0000070571 00000 n Let's break that cost down. 0000008433 00000 n 0000009403 00000 n 0000016389 00000 n 0000013434 00000 n Gates from the Orange County Department of Education's Educational Services Division will give a presentation on how to keep kids safe, . 0000055324 00000 n 0000018749 00000 n 0000012944 00000 n 0000049499 00000 n 0000017301 00000 n 0000008054 00000 n 0000027124 00000 n Computer Technician: A+ Certification (Upgrade) at West Valley Occupational Center - Woodland Hills 6200 Winnetka Ave., Woodland Hills, California 91367. 0000020634 00000 n 0000014823 00000 n 0000024260 00000 n 0000001830 00000 n 0000063905 00000 n 0000026652 00000 n Learn more about our mission, vision and values. Local District: Division of Adult and Career Eduation (DACE) Community of Schools: NA. 0000018360 00000 n 0000002237 00000 n 0000011131 00000 n 0000023434 00000 n 0000018985 00000 n 0000013525 00000 n 0000002272 00000 n 0000027360 00000 n 0000059696 00000 n 0000018006 00000 n See the full schedule of events happening Apr 15 - 17, 2021 and explore the directory of Speakers & Attendees. The City of Brea offers a wide variety of activities for youth and adults including dance, sports, arts and crafts, music, enrichment, special interest, and more. Recreation Classes and Camps. 0000010893 00000 n Welcome to Regional Center of Orange County The regional center is the first stop for those seeking to obtain local services and supports to help them live safely and with dignity in the community. 0000024056 00000 n 0000017770 00000 n There is a difference between just having a job versus doing something for which you have a passion and can earn a good living. 0000155681 00000 n Friday: 8:00 am - 4:30pm Get hands-on experience at SoCal ROC with your visionary and innovative ideas Healthcare professions are some of the fastest growing career fields, and opportunities in the health profession will continue to grow. 0000021224 00000 n 0000022608 00000 n 0000018717 00000 n 0000058137 00000 n 0000024882 00000 n 0000022404 00000 n 0000013207 00000 n 0000011630 00000 n 0000019307 00000 n 0000059810 00000 n 0000012364 00000 n Privacy Policy. 0000012697 00000 n 10:00am - 11:30am. 0000017448 00000 n 0000024410 00000 n 0000011413 00000 n 2023-03-09T17:00 2023-03-09T20:00. i12D1ICPq1AAKu`/[yP6, Os;Y)K}AJ6hlAbvmL>-oqo'kv. 0000025236 00000 n 0000028390 00000 n 0000008352 00000 n 0000019068 00000 n . 0000019304 00000 n 0000027006 00000 n 0000009717 00000 n 0000018599 00000 n 0000018242 00000 n 0000013793 00000 n We'll use your location to find clinics, hospitals and doctors closest to you. 0000005556 00000 n 241 740 N. Pacific Ave. San Pedro, 90731 Hollywood CAS Branch (323) 962-7697 1253 N. Vine St., Ste 23 Hollywood, 90028 Huntington Park CAS (323) 581-0168 2945 Belgrave Huntington Park, 90255 Jefferson CAS Branch Ways to Give. 0000012143 00000 n Update me when new information is published on this school's profile. 0000029503 00000 n For registration in person, stop by the Brea Community Center for available staff that can help. 5:30pm - 7:30pm. +50. 0000016499 00000 n Please call for more information. 0000012712 00000 n 0000021192 00000 n This section reflects how well this school serves students with disabilities. 0000009939 00000 n Schools that create a positive culture help all students thrive. Visit our 10 adult school campuses located throughout the Los Angeles area! 2021-2022 Class Schedule | School Year - Document Library - West Valley Occupational Center 2021-2022 Class Schedule | School Year WVOC 2021-2022 SY Class Schedule It appears you don't have a PDF plugin for this browser. 0000017569 00000 n 0000022015 00000 n 0000010736 00000 n 0000010611 00000 n 0000017652 00000 n 0000012859 00000 n 0000014924 00000 n 0000014941 00000 n 0000018277 00000 n 0000013889 00000 n 0000015767 00000 n 0000081037 00000 n Lots of career training courses are available! 0000071787 00000 n 0000024142 00000 n CbqCUt8p F.V t0Sd+(h?,bUyLsKKI. endstream endobj 23 0 obj <> endobj 24 0 obj <> endobj 25 0 obj <>/ColorSpace<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 26 0 obj [/ICCBased 43 0 R] endobj 27 0 obj [/Indexed 26 0 R 240 55 0 R] endobj 28 0 obj <> endobj 29 0 obj <>stream 0000022844 00000 n 0000013997 00000 n 0000019071 00000 n 0000021510 00000 n GreatSchools is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization, 740 North Pacific Avenue, San Pedro, CA 90731. 0000012025 00000 n 0000009029 00000 n We understand the importance of not only providing our students with theory-based instruction but the opportunity to apply that knowledge through hands-on learning activities. All courses offered to high school students by SoCal ROC are WASC accredited. 0000026030 00000 n 740 North Pacific Avenue . Board District: 7. 0000022490 00000 n 0000022168 00000 n 0000002382 00000 n 0000048459 00000 n 0000020165 00000 n 0000012621 00000 n 0000013217 00000 n 20 0 obj <> endobj 0000016417 00000 n 0000008807 00000 n 0000019425 00000 n 0000028508 00000 n 0000013323 00000 n The agency provides services for older adults in La Mirada. 0000063659 00000 n 0000010237 00000 n Check out the schedule for LARAEC Edge 2021. 0000025322 00000 n 0000019776 00000 n 0000019454 00000 n Students Grade Ungraded ACADEMICS Academic Progress 0000015327 00000 n 0000022254 00000 n STEP 4: Get registered for class or STEP Orientation. 0000014351 00000 n 0000007160 00000 n 0000015059 00000 n 0000026856 00000 n 0000113857 00000 n 0000078871 00000 n 0000015091 00000 n 0000113375 00000 n 0000010666 00000 n 0000028422 00000 n 0000015563 00000 n 0000015531 00000 n 0000009923 00000 n 0000016239 00000 n The trade school helps graduates acquire various job . 0000016593 00000 n 0000011874 00000 n 0000029334 00000 n 0000026888 00000 n 0000027478 00000 n 0000056964 00000 n 0000008878 00000 n 0000028154 00000 n 0000018478 00000 n 0000013960 00000 n 0000081708 00000 n 0000015445 00000 n 0000008948 00000 n 0000022758 00000 n Lab M - F ing I.I. 0000020870 00000 n 0000017802 00000 n 0000020723 00000 n Schedule subject to change without notice. 0000007458 00000 n 0000025000 00000 n Self Determination Program Orientation. 0000019572 00000 n It is important to remember that incidents of gun violence and senseless tragedy can impact students and adults. 0000014030 00000 n 0000019221 00000 n 0000017021 00000 n 0000027328 00000 n hX[O#7+~c*UH6E[i4B\P2.HHt*!.9w6)lZSBG4ZX 0000065066 00000 n 0000011489 00000 n We bring hands-on experience to the classroom that will help you learn the skills you will need to enter today's workforce. What you should consider when choosing a high school, 9 probing questions for a high school tour, You should care (a lot) about a school's curriculum. 0000013813 00000 n 0000009625 00000 n 7 0 obj <> endobj xref 0000014147 00000 n 0000025912 00000 n 0000007984 00000 n This section includes information about student demographics at this school. 674 views, 16 likes, 3 loves, 5 comments, 4 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Harbor Occupational Center: Interested in learning Diesel Technology? 0000071495 00000 n 0000009474 00000 n 0000008650 00000 n 0000025835 00000 n 0000264033 00000 n 0000020755 00000 n 0000076063 00000 n 0000017566 00000 n 0000155461 00000 n 0000013176 00000 n 0000029012 00000 n 0000167886 00000 n 0000020487 00000 n 0000009490 00000 n 0000014383 00000 n 0000020133 00000 n 0000010454 00000 n 0000017534 00000 n 0000011853 00000 n , Unknown 90731 Harbor CAS Branch (310) 618-8914 1001 W. Carson St., Unit K,J Torrance, 90502 Harbor Occupational Center (310) 547-5551 x. 0000015899 00000 n 0000113655 00000 n 0000010313 00000 n The intent of this course is to upgrade students' existing computer repair skills. Harbor Occupational Center 0000024174 00000 n Whether for the birth of a baby, an everyday "emergency," or complex surgery, we are committed to extraordinary, life-changing care. Currently, this information is unavailable. 0000015917 00000 n 0000013643 00000 n 0000013515 00000 n 0000023820 00000 n 0000024850 00000 n 0000014029 00000 n Community Health Needs Assessments and Improvement Plans, Notice of Nondiscrimination and Communication Assistance. 0000020251 00000 n 0000007388 00000 n 0000079151 00000 n 0000018481 00000 n 0000020988 00000 n 0000012480 00000 n 0000011944 00000 n 877-389-6874. 0000049623 00000 n 0000007913 00000 n Harbor Occupational Center 740 N. Pacific Avenue, San Pedro, CA 90731 (310) 241-4800 Position Offered: Individual Instruction Lab Teacher - Banning SH WINTER PLUS Job Description: Teach a variety of academic courses in an Individualized Instruction Lab Salary: The salary will be based on the current negotiated Teacher Hourly Rate schedule. 0000020185 00000 n *`0~=rR `!o.=U:@ul4\NrHO!Ase_`ac`H3q's20i . 0000009176 00000 n 0000016035 00000 n 0000020602 00000 n COURSE SCHEDULE Register today www.harboroc.org or call (310) 241-4800 HARBOR OCCUPATIONAL CENTER A eading 2, 3 M - F endez A h orris I.I. 0000065197 00000 n 0000016829 00000 n 0000012074 00000 n SoCal ROCs programs and career pathways will provide you with quality educational experiences that will tap into your passion and open doors to exciting career opportunities. 0000019189 00000 n 0000066549 00000 n 1998-2023 GreatSchools.org All Rights Reserved. 0000021106 00000 n 0000035913 00000 n 0000007837 00000 n 0000015975 00000 n 0000156151 00000 n 0000016979 00000 n This section shows how much academic progress (also called growth) students at this school are making given where they were last year, compared to similar students in the state. 0 0000016507 00000 n Phone:+1 (310) 224-4200FAX:+1 (310) 224-4327E-mail: [emailprotected], Click here for resources for dealing with grief and tragedy, Download the Spring "High School" Schedule, industry standards and identified career area shortages, that meet high school graduation requirements, that meet UC/CSU college entrance requirements. The Los Angeles Unified School District Division of Adult and Career Education provides adult education, family life education, job training programs and WIOA programs to adults and in and out of school youth. 0000012000 00000 n 0000016711 00000 n This competency-based course is the first in a sequence of three designed for administrative assistant training. 0000018596 00000 n This school offers training in 47 qualifications, with the most reviewed qualifications being Forklift Certification, Welding Certification, and American Welding Society (AWS) D1.1 Certification. 0000028626 00000 n 0000022726 00000 n 0000022927 00000 n 0000015152 00000 n 0000015601 00000 n 0000029452 00000 n 0000009701 00000 n 0000018245 00000 n 10 were here. 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This Schools graduation rates, SAT/ACT tests, and AP coursework n It important.

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