Whats your favorite memory from traveling? I think Chinese food is probably my favorite food. 102. 13. As a result, recruiters now place a greater emphasis on applicants personalities rather than just their adorned CVs. Unfortunately, theyre also notoriously hard to answer! Its just cooked mashed chickpeas mixed with tahini, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and garlic. Below, you can also read 10 good example answers (go straight to the answers here). Photo: Shutterstock, HKDSE - Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education. Dont make the mistake of speaking for too long in your answers. Whats your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? Building on this idea, if you need an icebreaker game for Zoom meetings, try 'can . Another fun question to ask is about what food you like to eat. My mum once told me that if I got 80 marks in my next dictation test, she would buy me one. Q53.What do snowmen like to eat for breakfast? IELTS Speaking (20 Example Answers), What Food Do You Like? 1. In my opinion, you cant beat Italian cuisine. I guess my favorite soup is a Spanish-style soup made with chorizo sausage and butter beans. Q104.What word would you use to describe a man who does not have all his fingers on one hand? To answer a "fun facts about me", keep it brief, relevant, and appropriate to the setting. In part one, dont worry too much about using complex grammar or vocabulary. Hope you enjoy reading here. Whats your favorite animal to have as a pet? Whats your favorite YouTube channel? 70. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Q50.How many books can you put in a (2ft x 2ft) empty backpack, so that it is not empty anymore? The best you can do is choose whatever you have eaten just before your interview. Whats your favorite tour youve ever done? Some companies use funny interview questions to gauge the personality of candidates. Whats your favorite food to eat when traveling? Whats your favorite thing about where you live? If youve written about topics that werent your specialty, you should be prepared to explain how you efficiently found the information you needed. So, Junk food is never a great option for answering in an interview unless and until you are specifically told to answer. Cooking. Give this question a go yourself. If you have different cuisines, they cant wait to try and are curious about, then ask them what theyre most excited about trying. 103. Its basic theme is humankind's first encounter with alien life. Whats your favorite heavy metal band? My wife is a fantastic cook and she keeps me well fed. Q13.Why do birds fly south during winter? However, never lose sight of the need to be professional. Dont speak for too long. She studied Industrial and Labor Relations at Cornell University, Information Science at East China Normal University and earned an MBA at Washington State University. 87. Q95.What happened to the lion when he ate the clown? 213. Here are some possible hobbies and interests you might base an answer around. What is your favorite way to communicate (email, Slack, texting etc.) Still, its designed to gauge whether a candidate will fit into the companys culture. Whats your favorite thing to eat at Christmas? 3. Lets think about how you can answer this question easily. My favourite subject in school was English, so I decided to become a writer. What is your favorite part about working remotely from home? 206. Whats your favorite family vacation? 111. Does Mountain Dew Make Your Pee Pee Small. What is your favorite appetizer to share? While your instructor says to spit your gum out, and the coal-train says chew chew [choo-choo]. 5. Are those foods easy to cook or hard to cook? Be honest about your past mistakes. What would you say in response? He grew up in the UK and enjoys spending his time traveling to new places, supporting Liverpool FC, and blogging about his adventures. What is your favorite way to contribute in a brainstorming session? 212. When I was small, my family and I often went to the restaurant where my father worked. That doesnt mean that you will portray yourself as a complete foodie in front of the recruiter. 6. What is your favorite book to read for pleasure? I find that to be a really hard question to answer. It all depends on the season when it comes to fruit. 30. lamb chops. Answering junk foods would leave a bad impression altogether. What are Some of Your Favorite Foods From Different Parts of the World? Q19.Why was the joke about the butter kept under wraps? I still remember eating it almost every day as a child. A question on food may be exciting but is not as easy as it sounds. 215. Thus, I started TheInterview.top to share my knowledge & experience with you! What is your favorite kind of snack your parents save for special occasions? What has been your favorite movie this year and why. Recruiters nowadays offer uncommon questions in interviews to test the interviewee. If you speak for too long you are more likely to: Remember that in Part 1 you are only warming up, so keep it short and simple. Content Expert at teambuilding.com. [A collection of fishes is called a school]. Whenever I am feeling blue, my mums home-made snacks always give me a warm feeling. My favorite food is ramen noodles because ramen is so tasty and convenient. A question, You might be asked about the weather in part one of your IELTS Speaking test., Let's take a look at a common IELTS Speaking part-one question, "What is your favorite, Holidays could be a topic in part one of your IELTS Speaking test. Q102.What can be broken, but is never held? Ans-. Q20.What did the stamp say to the envelope? 8. According to experts, questions asked in the interview should never be taken sparingly. Just 10 or 20 seconds of talking is fine. Its not only tasty, its a very traditional type of food. Below youll find many tips and 20 good example answers (go straight to the answers here). Whats your favorite musical instrument? These questions are often put to the test of your personality altogether. Try to answer quickly, without hesitation, using simple English. 186. 5. Send in your answer to next weeks question: What is the first thing you want to do when you turn 18? Your favorite food to eat or your favorite comfort food; Your favorite food to make; Your hometown, especially if it's vastly different from your current location; . What is your favorite drink to start the day? What is your favorite piece of clothing to wear when you want to feel powerful? 80. If your secret favorite meal is chicken nuggets and mac-n-cheese Forget about fancy Gruyre macaroni and cheese or panko-coated chicken tendersif you like your pasta straight from the blue. Its not uncommon for Whole Foods interviewers to ask several questions and decide if youre the right fit. What's your one favorite food? And the fight scenes are out of this world. Q62.Why did the robber always take a bath when he robbed a house? The interviewers responsibility is to choose only one or a few best-suited individuals for the specific job role. 170. Mild food tastes too boring for me. You and your family are trying to decide on where to go for summer vacation. During the interview, the interviewer will ask you about your experience. To answer this specific interview question, you may need to understand the recruiters purpose. You should definitely feel free to choose something that's not on this list. Some classic Indian dishes include biryani, pani puri, tandoori chicken, and banana chips. Today's quiz topic is really very interesting- the 'What is your favorite food' quiz. What Does Your Favorite Food Say About You Quiz! Ive loved this dish since I was a little boy. What is your favorite activity to do on a first date? What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? If you were a potato product, what would you be? It will typically require you to go through three rounds of interviews before being hired, ranging from fifteen-minute meetings with a team leader to a two-hour panel interview. Use Poll Everywhere to easily insert interactive poll questions into your presentation and see the audience responses fill up the screen. 10 BEST CAREER ASPIRATIONS EXAMPLES FOR INTERVIEWS & RESUME. Manage Settings Again, the question is meant to loosen the candidate up while providing insight into their intellect. Whats your favorite picture youve taken on a trip? Whats your favorite mythical creature? Learn more about Tom on our About page. Q94.Why is the mushroom always invited to parties? What skills and experience can you bring to this role, 7. And you. Have any other countries contributed to the cuisine in which your family owns ingredients not commonly found in your country (e.g., the language)? What's your best dance move? Chinese cuisine is simple and exotic, and most of all, delicious! 16. What is your favorite kind of project to work on? Whats your favorite song to listen to when youre working? Some classic Indian dishes include biryani, pani puri, tandoori chicken, and banana chips. These questions are also a great way to discover what your co-workers might like to receive if you ever want to give a personal, thoughtful gift. When I go to one of my favorite diners or restaurants, I generally order this meal. Have you ever questions A fun variation of never have I ever you can play with family and friends. You found our list of fun what is your favorite icebreaker questions for groups. What's your favorite fruit? Im a bit of a chocoholic, and I eat chocolate almost every day. It goes back four seconds. 204. Q61.What did the left eye say to the right eye? Some of my favorite foods include Bluebell cookies and cream ice cream lasagna Papa Johns cheese pizza Cheez-its salad with a lot of toppings avocado scrambled eggs grilled salmon sushi turkey, cheese and mayonnaise sandwiches trail mix with chocolate coconut chocolate chip Larabars chicken enchiladas tacos oatmeal chocolate chip cookies antiquity February 28, 2023, 2:02pm 12. It really hits the spot. Nothing can cheer you up like chocolate. Not only that, students can ask each other these questions to learn more about their classmates. For example, trader Joes, a popular chain of gourmet grocery stores, has a question that seems a bit ridiculous. Q38.Where can you find an ocean with no water? TripleAWingingIt 1 day ago. The interviewer will want to know if you have the speed and quality to meet deadlines. Twist cone, definitely. Whats your favorite thing about playing a sport? IELTS Speaking (10 Example Answers), What kind of movie it is (action, science fiction, romance, comedy, animated, fantasy). Hotpot is a kind of soup or broth made with lots of vegetables and meat, or sometimes fish. What is your favorite way to keep yourself from feeling isolated while working from home? 144. Whats your favorite thing to do with your family? 33. Q96.Did you heard about the origami store? You get a person who likes to pitch tents. Its about humans trying to get special resources from another planet, which has tall blue aliens living there. These questions are carefully crafted to understand the candidate their personality, and much more. 52. Now I . What is your favorite music playlist on a long road trip? 214. What was your favorite childhood toy? Set up a voice recorder and ask aloud, What is your favorite movie?. If you want to talk about junk foods, take the chance to politely argue with the interviewer about the advantages and disadvantages of consuming them. "F&S Enhancements did a great job with my website. Whats your favorite thing about Easter? Whats your favorite song from childhood? What is your favorite part of the house to decorate for the holidays? Where is your favorite place to go during the holidays? Because they dropped out of school. It can reveal a cereal lover or a cereal hater. Q11.Where do bulls receive their messages? Whats your favorite piece of classical music? These fun interview questions are great for getting at the heart of your subject. Learn more about the purpose of our site and how it can help you on our About page! Q88.Why did the boy sprinkling sugar on his pillow before he went to sleep each night? December 8, 2013 11:26 pm at 11:26 pm #1184457. oyyoyyoy. In Poland we have amazing cheesecake. I have to do it my way with dough dumplings, not noodles and a creamy base with milk or cream and lots of . to me any american teen comedy is hilarious :) Answer #4. What is your favorite thing to make for a special occasion? Or do you love classic, elegant Italian food? Q2.What is the definition of a will? Download and print these favorite things questions. Q17.What is the difference between a coal-train and your instructor? Nicole Leung Wing-tung, 11, Holy Angels Canossian School. IELTS Speaking (10 Example Answers), If its eaten during a particular festival or time of year. Obviously, because they make up everything. Whats your favorite board game to play with friends? Get updates for teachers sent directly to your inbox, Whats your comfort food? For example, you can ask them about the dishes or ingredients your family uses in the home and mention this. . by 11.59pm on January 26. I hope youve gained some ideas from these answers. Furthermore, preparing this dish does not involve much work, so we can easily produce it at home. What is your favorite book to recommend to employees? Whats your favorite meal to cook at home? You only need to add hot water to prepare it. I love fried food like bacon and sausages, that kind of thing. I love it. The funniest film I've ever seen was Ace Ventoira, pet detective the simpsons movie lol Animals and Pets Anime Art Cars and Motor Vehicles Crafts and DIY Culture, Race, and Ethnicity Ethics and Philosophy Fashion Food and Drink History Hobbies Law Learning and Education Military Movies Music Place Podcasts and Streamers Politics Programming Reading, Writing, and Literature Religion and Spirituality Science Tabletop Games . How to ask for Different Interview Time, What is Your Favorite Food & Why? The best tip is: attempt to answer these questions honestly, patiently, and rationally, and be ready to handle anything an interviewer throws at youall the best for your impregnable preparation for the interview. The first thing we ordered was jelly. Tom is a travel writer and Co-Founder of Questions About Everything. Q111.If you spell sit in the tub s-o-a-k, and you spell a funny story j-o-k-e, how do you spell the white of an egg? Its best to practice by recording yourself. You can follow the three-step YES Method. Dumb questions Some of the stupidest questions you can imagine that will make your friends and family laugh! Another example of a funny interview question is one asked by UBS, a Swiss multinational investment bank. Q48.What do you call a firefighters soup and crackers? Ive eaten so many fish that I can tell you the placement of cartilage, so my parents allowed me to eat the tail of a fish, which contains a number of cartilage. Quiz. Its a kind of stir fry with tofu and all sorts of vegetables, including broccoli, carrots, and asparagus, with olive oil and soy sauce for flavoring. The goal is to see whether you have the necessary knowledge and skills to be a successful cashier. 47. 9. What is your favorite song to listen to before coming to work? 141. You're on a date with your crush and it's time for dessert! What kind of comfort food do you bring over to her to make her feel better? It would be best if you recognised that the recruiter asked this question on purpose. While Whole Foods interview questions can seem daunting, they are meant to test your qualifications for the role. 58. Whats been your favorite decade so far? It is popular in the Middle East, North Africa, and in Middle Eastern cuisine worldwide. Whats your favorite type of chocolate? In summer, my flatmates and I always go out in the garden and have a proper barbecue with grilled burgers and sausages and spare ribs, all with lots of ketchup and barbecue sauce. Ever since, plain chocolate has been a motivation for me to keep going and never give up, no matter what. The best you can do is choose whatever you have eaten just before your interview. 199. what is your favourite funny movie? While mistakes may occur in any restaurant, how you handle them will set you apart from the rest. Regardless of the type, quality or taste of the dish, it will always be my favourite comfort food because it is made with love. 134. Continue with Recommended Cookies, In part one of your IELTS Speaking test, you might be asked, What is your favorite food?. 21 Questions Game A fun game you can play with friends to get to know them better. 190. Whats your favorite clothing brand? Obscure Interview Question, Is there anything else you would like us to know about you, What are your career objectives over next 10 years, What skills and experience can you bring to this role, What To Wear to a Pharmacy Residency Interview? Whats your favorite thing about Christmas? Its easier to do this if you keep your English simple and your answers quite short. I also like the sweetness of pineapple on my pizza, and things like that. And you usually eat it with your hands. This might leave the person feeling dumb or even embarrass them. 128. Questions About Everything is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associations Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. What is your favorite way to treat yourself after completing a difficult project? Chinese cuisine is simple and exotic, and most of all, delicious! (I'd say ice cream or a chocolate croissant). It is an austere reality that a CV will never be adequate to characterise a person. Theres a funny movie called The Big Lebowski that was a kind of cult classic movie when I was younger. Joey Wong Wing-yi, 14, CCC Heep Woh College. 104. 13. Q109.If you have a bowl with six apples and you take away four, how many do you have? One such question asked by interviewers is, What is your favourite food and why? A typical Whole Foods interview question will ask about your experience in a similar role. What is your favorite way to tackle a long-term, intricate project? Whats your favorite country in Asia? Because, they are guaranteed to Havana good time [having a good time]. Answer #3. white chicks, just friends. I hope you guys like our list of questions with funny answers. (A great eggs benedict). yup. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Q98.Why was everyone so tired on the First of April? Q56.what is the biggest problem with snow boots? 163. Q3.What do you call people who jump off a Paris bridge? What is your favorite event to watch in the Olympics? What is your favorite TV show to have in the background while working on solo projects? Ken Ou Weijian, 17, Catholic Ming Yuen Secondary School. 49. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. I would eat it every day if it wasnt so unhealthy. For a meal, I like a river or sea fish. And it comes in so many flavors. I often steam fish and vegetables for my dinner. The silly interview question "What's your favorite food and why" is asked to test your confidence and communication skills. I grew up beside the sea in Spain, so I like really fresh seafood like fish or mussels or calamari. I love it because Im a big fan of fantasy and Ive read all the books as well. 74. But keep in mind that this attitude might cost you the job. If you dont know the English name, just say something like My favorite movie is an American action movie about two policemen who. Q3.What do you call people who jump off a Paris bridge? What's your favorite ice cream flavor? These questions have some unpredictable answers that are funny yet no one can crack these, so you will be seen as both a smart and funny guy in the room. My favorite movie is a classic romance movie called Titanic. I love barbecue. The silky smooth rice rolls go well with any other type of food and is really filling. I once set the record for most products sold in one day during my previous sales job. What's Your Favorite Food?- Not a Burdensome question A question on food may be exciting but is not as easy as it sounds. Im a huge fan of Indian cuisine, especially really spicy curries like madras curry and chicken vindaloo. Some classic Chinese dishes include sweet and sour pork, wontons, and dumplings. 211. You're having a quick lunch with your friends. What is your favorite kind of weather? Whats your favorite city to eat out in? Your response will determine whether you won the job or hangback as a job seeker. 132. My favourite comfort food is hotpot. 76. As the title suggests, this quiz will determine which food is your favorite. Q47.Why does a hummingbird hum instead of singing? I love all superhero movies, but Avengers is my favorite. I love Toy Story because I can watch it with my children and they love it as well. You tell em, Lauren! Q106.What is it that if you have, you want to share me, and if you share, you do not have? What is your favorite activity to do in between completing work tasks? Choose whatever you have the necessary knowledge and skills to be professional 11:26 pm # oyyoyyoy! Youre the right fit apples and you take away four, how efficiently. 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