We also do author AMAs (we have one coming up with greenvlvetcouch in April! Theyre all numbered.. Alex tried to think about something else, Most of these stories are slash and may have other themes that people find reprehensible. Harry fleeing from the press and Draco hiding from the ministry who is in search for former death eaters. And it's fun seeing how the author adapts the iconic friendship in a different context. Now that the case is closed, Potter keeps following him about, for some reason. Some had been injured. Fun! shift between deaths and resurrections. Let Alex tell me, Frank opened his mouth to speak before reconsidering. She definitely realized it as she saw Franks face fall. Hes got his music, hes got his neighbours and he is content. Out of all of her emotions, Clarisse hated confusion the most. What happened? tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, 1. shocked If you find any of that disturbing then just don't read it xx. But above all he was always honest, and was always willing to help Frank. harry. evilharry betrayed siriusblack +7 more # 4 I am Aurora, Sister Of The 'Girl W. by Bgirl It wasnt helped by awakening in some unknown place with only her wits and a few blades hidden about her person. Hed believed it! Hed listed all of her achievements like they were the most amazing things in the world, and then and. She didnt bother introducing herself, letting the other two calm the kid down as she looked around the room. Well, Mister Dudley Dursley Redemption. Only the Drarry ship really beats it for size. However, his energy faded almost the moment he laid on his bed. Lachesis was the one to finally give in. Things only got stranger from there. The penguins were warm. Book of Assurance by thestralrose182 reviews The Weasleys are extremely worried about Ron, Harry, and Hermione after their escape from Bill and Fleur's wedding. Im so proud.. Jason wasn't the only one haunting him. She couldnt say that she Frank sighed. 256 guests wasn't an einherji (unless some exceptionally cruel valkyrie just dropped him off.) I have never seen Andromeda and Narcissa be forced to interact with each other, so illness was an interesting way to force them together. What is great is that both hate that this has to happen, and there is some amazing character development. HD SLASH No HBP spoilers. Very funny guys. It let him recall the cold darkness enveloping him far too vividly. She remembered what had happened. "Love On My Deathbed" AU, "Five Years Later" Prequel ;) Even though its heroes are mostly teenagers, the series is popular among people of all ages. Someone like her couldnt just Rating: PG, WC: 5,300, Summary: After the war, Draco was prepared to spend the rest of his days alone and miserable. Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality by Less Wrong (#1) Petunia married a biochemist, and Harry grew up reading science and science fiction. Focus: Books Harry Potter, Since: 05-27-11 Founder: Kythara - Stories: 61 - Followers: 94 - id: 92689 For all those people who love the assorted characters reading the Harry Potter books.This one is for them! We should be careful- Clarisse started, but there was no point. A few tropes that could have gone wrong but didnt: There are themes of responsibility, trust, and greed for power. Cutting a few more threads here and there (sorry Jason), interlacing a few together that otherwise might not have been (Apollos foray into the mortal life was mostly to correct that cutting of Jasons thread), but that had only resulted in an even more precarious fraying of their knots. Theyre just rooms made for us.. Thats one character trait that people seem to be very good at keeping for his character. For there being an Eighth Year at Hogwarts, the seriousness of such a year level being created and lived through was written very well. The death eaters aren't as bad as they seem, they are really just a group of people set on fixing the ministry and saving those too ignorant to see in which harry potter is broken following the war that took so many of the people he loved, and draco malfoy simply can't stand to see him this way. Unfortunately, Harry was black out drunk that night and doesn't remember anything from the party, and his friends are hesitant to tell him anything. My OTP is Draco Malfoy and Harry Potter. If you read Harry Potter fanfiction, what is your OTP and what is your favorite fanfic with that OTP? He wasnt alone, nor did he think that his floormates would be Reading the Books | FanFiction Home Community Books Harry Potter Reading the Books Reading the Books Follow . Rating: NC-17, WC: 8,239, Summary:Why do you keep sneaking out of here when Im sleeping? They felt safe, completely unlike the swirling mi-. I have to admit, Im a little curious, said Frank from behind him, commandeering the couch next to Alexs. Feel free to leave comments, feedback or even join in! Forever & Always (Drarry)(Boyxboy)(Complete), Moonlit Revelations (A Drarry FanFiction), Just Not Cut Out for Torture (HP - Drarry), Let me be the one to make you smile again - Drarry, Living On A Prayer (Book 2, LOMDB series). Who could he trust? 4.2K words. Im sorry, he managed, trying to keep frustrated grief from shaking his voice. No one good came to mind. He gawped at the cursive for a moment. And - they wrote about his. I Clarisse harrumphed but sat down. 16. Who are you people? the young boy babbled, panic lacing his voice. 1,145,003 1.1M. Is this description getting too long? I also liked that Harry and Dracos interactions with each other were not insta-love and that their characters were developed. Until he does. As you might expect, there are a lot of books for the demigods to read, so just shoot us a comment and we'll be happy to add you as a co creator! Her mothers words during the flyting rattled around her head. She placed her hand gently on his back, holding him and waiting. Hello, I'm kinda new to reading Drarry fanfiction, and I have compiled a list of recs from this subreddit that I was interested in reading. And then there are the rules. I Become Supreme Lord of the Bathroom Her mother and Magnus, facing each other for the final battle. Way too trusting. Draco is the Darkling Prince of Halloween Landor is he? She was just a pathetic loser who cant do anything right. 4. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. We Take a Zebra to Vegas The Lip-Lock Jinx, a jinx that renders the victim mute that can only be undone in two ways: if the caster reverses the spell on the victim, or if the victim serves the purpose of the jinx and kisses the person that they desire. Exploding with rage at what he now is, he helps Harry to kill Voldemort. Harry defeated Voldemort. Harry proposes a compromise that might work, or might make things monumentally worse. Black Truth was the first ever Drarry fanfic that I read! What kind of deity could make something like this? Beyond the door was a seemingly endless corridor with only four doors near the entrance. It felt comforting, to say the least. Silence and darkness took over the mansion, the only sound Felix could hear being the quiet breaths of his sleeping friends. Felix, Alex, Clarisse, Frank 20. Im sorry, he managed, trying to keep frustrated grief from shaking his voice. 2017 plebeians- Gods damn it! While this is not a Veela story, it follows a similar story line: Draco is the magical creature, Harry is his mate, they have trouble accepting this fact, and they have to fight the bad guys. Let Alex tell me, Here is a link to my full rec list, where my God-tier fics are marked *5*.. A handful of fics that I have enjoyed which everyone in the Draco/Harry community seems to have read are Turn by Sara's Girl, Eclipse by Mijan, Soup-pocalypse and the Great Curry Cataclysm by SquadofCats, Grounds for Divorce by Tepre, The Bucket List by GallaPlacidia, The Nightmare Club by Elle Gray, Men . Alex barely noticed the other two teens joining him, apparently seeing the kid as some sort of neutral ground. Rating: PG-13, WC: 7,863, Summary: When you fill a hotel with flying quills, hands-on demonstrations, and too many Aurors, someone is bound to get cranky. populated by loads of. Write as much as you can. But for the most part I cant say I dont enjoy it when I pick it up. Fatigue? One of them died? The symphony of sleepers and inky blackness made the space seem more like a haunted house from a Scooby Doo episode than a home. ), have house points, do regular character discussions, and have lots of other fun stuff going on. All Harry could ever dream of was escaping the Dursleys. Felix looked between them like it was a ping pong match. fairly No. Completed anonymous wizardingworld dracoxharry +22 more # 8 Reversed by jaz 413K 18K 38 at their predicament. Uh, guys? I think the question is how can you not sleep, Felix? She sighed again, deciding to take a nap right on the floor. Since she has a background in writing genre fiction and screenplays, Kath enjoys fantasy, sci-fi, and superhero films and shows above all - however, she likes to watch films of all genres. Please consider turning it on! Her siblings were grieving and here she was, bawling like a baby. It was creepy. I don't know, but it looks like someone was expecting us, Frank replied, looking at the doors and hallway with apprehension. Content/Warnings: MPreg, The More Reckless Side(The How To Be A Slytherin Remix) (megyal). You alright?. Browse; Paid Stories; Editor's Picks; The Wattys; . Impossible. Alex interrupted him with a smirk. best friends Nothing a good can of coke or a catnap couldnt fix. Alex cut it, didnt she? Or even just one page. What would have happened if Harry Potter had accepted Draco Malfoy's friend request? Haha that's awesome <3 Check this list out for smutty goodness.. DRARRY + 8K UNDER WORD COUNT. But there was no way. who? That was a strange thing to consider, but it was just unfortunate timing with her departure to university. But there was no way. My first HP ship was Dramione, but that eventually led to Drarry. RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Polyamorous Fan Ships We Wish Were Real. No smut. Because at the end I was like oh so this whole, you never cared about me so I dont expect you to help is a big misunderstanding! I loved that it was, but I wanted more of a, damn Im sorry, look at this macrocosm of distance between us now moment! Its set after Deathly Hallows and it involves Narcissa finding out she has a rare genetic illness that only affects purebloods, and the only way that she will survive is via a transfusion. that Slytherin!Harry Hed met the somewhat ridiculous einherjar once or twice - theyd visited Annabeth and Percy a few times (and somehow caused an emergency in New Rome time.) So, a couple Ive read recently have been Hermione/Narcissa, Narcissa/Snape, Lucissa, and a few Bellamort fanfics. This is not "Harry Potter Characters read fanfiction of fanfiction". Ive also read too many Pottermort stories, but they have that great psychopathic element. Wimp! Hating Harry Potter, or: When Being a Voyeur Teaches You Lessons Youd Just as Soon Not Learn(oldenuf2nb), Rating: NC-17, WC: 5,700, Summary: See Title, The Trouble With Good Sense (RurouniHime). Author: Cassis Luna I was more of a Draco/Ginny person, BUT I can enjoy a well written Draco/Harry. Did they know the kid? Shed just have been a hindrance as usual. Many fans ship Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy (Dramione). I Become a Known Fugitive She told herself to kill Magnus at least once for the dorky name as she swung her legs back and forth, lost in thought. Stop it, Alex, okay? And, with bated breath, Draco traced the silver line down one more step in the familty tree. The other looked like it came straight out of a sci-fi novel. a tiny little voice in the back of her head whispered, but she knew better than to acknowledge it. Draco Malfoy has always had a thing for Harry Potter. He married Tina Goldstein and the two settled down. If you have the time, its a great read. Thank you for the recommendation! On Punching Gods and Absentee Dads offer a lot of plot twists so without necessary spoilers - Harry's dad is alive, he left him and lives with the Avengers. Whos Percy Jackson? Felix asked, pawing at the book which Clarisse turned to show him. I Play Pinochle With a Horse Calm down. Remnas, Blind_Bandit, NerdGirlStorm991, Mr_PianoWoman, readerheala, Jixpicoi, IIIEmpressIII, Fantasy_seeker, GoodGrief_Itsa_drag, msmit27, 90ndy_Liars, FiannaRain, Twisted_Thoughts, LennyBrito, Gapple, TheBookwormAnimeFan, AstralGuardian70775, JJY221, Kaimori, steveharringtonsbf, NevernightUnderRainbows, ChildofFire328, Tealia, eddiespots, yeahboiii6789, Spade_Z, Marinamiko, proudkilljoy, Houbifighter, Ronnambi, WeiRuYi, omgsoquirky, thestrangebreed, ixabella_izzy, ColleenLovesBooks, general_mythology_enthusiast99, SaphirHeart, Anaresia_Lenalia, Procky1020, 87Fallen_Mercury97, Seth_Wright48, Sun_atz, BL00DLlN3, Peekaboo567, RedactedLurker, Snake_With_A_Hat, Coz_Fox, pjoandmarvel, Salmiakki, DnDgay, and 211 more users After another moment, the wall shifted into a set of bricks, then pure white marble, and then - Clarisse forced herself to look somewhere else, lest she get too distracted. Lomonaaeren writes a lot of Drarry fics and updates frequently. Because his godfather Sirius ended up imprisoned in Azkaban for a crime he didn't commit, Harry was forced to live with the Dursleys who strongly disliked him. ), Your Most of these stories are slash and may have other themes that people find reprehensible. How could you sleep now? I liked the pairings for this story. Fatigue? Alex wasnt exactly obvious with how they presented) being some sort of monster. Draco and Harry A Harry Potter #Drarry Fanfiction written by Angel Nat-Chan Subscribe and HIT THE BELL Like and share this video with your Friends Social Media Twitter. 24. Vividly. Rating: M. The Dragon's Bride by Rizzle - Draco and Hermione wake up naked, hungover, and tattoo'd. Slytherins are evil and Gryffindors are good. then Rating: NC-17, WC: 6,372, Summary: When Harry and Dracos not serious three-year relationship results in a one-in-a-million pregnancy, they decide who will be the unlucky one to tell their families in a very mature and adult fashion that indubitably proves their inherently stellar parenting abilities: with a bet over a (probably rigged, lets be real; Draco is playing) game of Exploding Snap. Joined by Remus and Tonks, they read Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows together. She was wracked with guilt, telling herself that it shouldve been, Frank sighed. He done it, then he went back to school. What other websites do you read fanfiction on? * I do wish they dealt a little more with the unresolved issues of the war. Violets are blue, Wasn't he back at Hogwarts for his final year of school? If you're interested and a drarry" Alex cut it, didnt she? Eventually, it was decided. There was one thing they could try, though. The trio had enough practice correcting those errors without having to reweave their threads, anyways. I have been reading and writing fanfiction under . 9. Dammit. Just like time loops, time travel can be fun but also dangerous and it can turn into a nightmare. (The frustration of being ripped from Hazel helped his next words come out with a hard edge, as well. While there is cheating on a spouse as part of the plot, its an interesting relationship. What was that? Who could've thought that a little boy could bring the whole school together. Rating: PG-13, WC: 7,966, Summary: Harrys week is off to a rocky start: Teddys being bullied by bureaucratic assholes at primary school, he missed the first meeting of a club hes sponsoring at Hogwarts, and Draco Malfoy cant seem to decide whether to yell at him or flirt with him. Also, we are accepting any author that wants to help this project! dying. Rating: NC-17, WC: 5,700, Summary: See Title The Trouble With Good Sense (RurouniHime). Running on Air manages to gracefully combine detective story with romance as Harry investigates Draco Malfoy's disappearance and his attitude toward his former enemy slowly changes. +20 more. Ten minutes after a full-on war. Despite their past differences, Harry and Draco make an attempt at being friends but will it become something more? He just wanted real parents to love him. In this story, Harry gets a second chance. 7. Weren't he and Harry just starting to get along? Speaking of predators, the girl had drawn a sword. Like Im some one night stand youre ashamed of? - Harry has to figure out what he wants before Draco gets sick of waiting. WARNINGS- Im Frank. Of course, there are some gems among the abandoned stories, but its frustrating that they arent ever going to be completed. Drarry PodFic - The Ferret's Nest - FULL FANFICTION 21,629 views Mar 19, 2021 552 Dislike Share Save badwriterrr 1.07K subscribers This art is by midgaardian This is the full podfic version of. But having this illness come up and having the one sister who would have helped dead was an interesting vehicle for them to try to sort out some of the baggage. Her deep brown eyes were filled with unshed tears and her face was quiet and solemn. Oh Harry Potter fan fiction! Since Good Narcissa Black Malfoy. That rarely left any time to question or correct any (very rare) mistakes they might make. The old rivalry turns deadly when Draco abducts Harry for Voldemort. And a few monsters. 22. The mystery will keep the fans eager to go on reading and the emotional side of the fic makes the well-written characters even more sympathetic in this Drarry fanfic. wasn't an einherji (unless some exceptionally cruel valkyrie just dropped him off.) :) Would love for you to come read with us! Here's the prologue, more will be coming soon! He can't save himself, and he has no one to do it for him. Updates every Saturday! After the war, Harry and Draco find themselves living in a rundown part of New York City. We actually did it!, Julian groaned. started: may 3rd, 2017 (LogOut/ Haha thats awesome this list out for smutty goodness. trying.) Author's Note at the end. How will he take the change? 119 Likes, 1 Comments - Drarry Is Real (@drarry_fanfic_) on Instagram: "Speaking of fanfiction, I'm currently writing one on wattpad! Also I did like how Lucius refuses to accept that Narcissa is going to die. So what about you? Clarisse nearly flinched at the sudden question. In this case, Sirius and Remus don't know each other and lead separate lives until Sirius accidentally texts the wrong number. Out. When she kissed me under that blanket yesterday Well, that was just about the best thing that ever happened to me.. The suspense of consequence is upon him as he is escorted to Number 12,. Maybe it was -. I Battle My Jerk relative Although I will say I see a lot of Narcissa reaching out to Andromeda and I liked that here Narcissa isnt fooling herself into thinking she isnt culpable in the death of Nymphadora and Remus. It wasnt often that she thought too hard about something that wasnt battle (or her newly acquired coursework), but she wasnt a slouch, at least not the one that the Athena kids seemed to think she was. Her father was right, wasnt he? It was only now that she noticed that she was barefoot - and that was only because of the strange cushiony material that felt far better than the hardwood shed gotten used to in her dorm. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. We Shop for Water Beds 3. Im a big Drarry shipper too, but Ive never read any of these stories, so you can bet Ill be going to check them out now. In which Harry and Draco send messages to one another, neither of them knowing who's on the other end of the parchment. In The Ladder by Cheryl Dyson, the couple gets frisky in the library. Oh, here. Frank looked at the one he was holding, reading the engraved title with mounting confusion. He nodded quietly as he read the table of contents and sat down on the nearest couch. Of course. 6. Every word. Someone like her couldnt just, Piper sat apart from the group, twisting her dark brown hair around her fingers. Marauders Era Reading Deathly Hallows 16 pages 3 weeks ago Zeynep B Tumblr is a hard place to find Harry Potter fanfiction because it's not searchable the way that ffnet and AO3 are. Note: This story was published before the release of Deathly Hallows. Hed been Want to Read. It looked like a tundra (and as cold as one when he touched it). Well, wasnt this a depressing start to the day? The feels. It was never just 'a phase'. I have reread these stories time and time again. Of. Of course Draco and Lucius arent a match so they have to reach out to Andromeda who isnt too fond of her surviving sister and her family. Frank was exhausted. Sorry for the late update, but from now on they'll be quicker! The American author, who has been promoting her books in the UK this week, also revealed that reading Harry Potter fanfiction led her to start thinking about fans and fandom, the subject of. For one last year. A few shocked gasps was all he got in reply. sure that he would remember unearthing some ancient ruins. As Alex properly looked around, his eyes met those of a bulky asian dude and a similarly butch brown haired girl. He is -. I like seeing them be in love instead of always having the cold mask for the public. So he Growing Pains (ebook) by. When I first read this, I loved the Drarry relationship, but I also loved the elfin religion that Harry ends up joining. But once back at Hogwarts, Draco finds himself addicted to Harrys blood. Jason had been one of those people who had always been kind to him no matter what. We Find Out the Truth, Sort Of Come read Away Childish Things with us! Start reading. I try to follow JK's basic s. Browse . I read a lot of what I call crack ships because theyre couples I would never expect to get together in the actual HP Universe but I love reading fan fiction about. What if his dream comes true? Green hair tickled her neck as she leaned back, letting the cold air brush against her scalp. Draco Malfoy Redemption. Alex just wants to know your name., Hed met the somewhat ridiculous einherjar once or twice - theyd visited Annabeth and Percy a few times (and somehow caused an emergency in New Rome. A prophecy made in 1975 drastically changes the life of the boy who should have been known as Harry Potter. Anger? fanfiction drarry +7 more # 3 Faded innocence by Mysticheartsoul1 327K 8.9K 24 Harry James Potter, betrayed by his closest friends, enters Azkaban, believed to be the killer of his only living relatives, the Dursleys. contributed to contributing up to your Of course. I mightve been able to. Clarisse snapped back, probably not realizing how deep that barb was going to cut Frank before she said it. They had just killed a giant killer snake and destroyed Chaos. Since. his status as a big softie, his presence was better than that of some green-pink weirdo with a length of very sharp looking wire. Anger filled her chest like a balloon, mixed with something like hurt. I dont have a link for it, but it shouldnt be too hard to find. Note: This story was written before the release of Deathly Hallows, but this warning mostly affects certain details about characters. It is such a broad topic. Her face was beaded with sweat, eyebrows drawn. How about the other door? I don't own any of Harry Potter! anything ended: june 5th, 2017. She definitely realized it as she saw Franks face fall. Hopefully the others wouldnt follow him in. The strange part was that it didnt, it had to be some sort of deity that brought them here. Reads 1,145,003. Yay! Especially of the erotic kind. I suppose it could have dragged out the story longer, but not everything has to be sewn up at the end of a story. grimburg fsc carbine for sale; topless golf movie; restaurants that use beef tallow. Drarry was nice, but they resolved nothing from their childhood or the war. Thats-. The kid didnt look any less terrified of Alex, either. As you know, some are looking for creature fics, or characters at certain stages of their lives, or something else. //WINNER! If only Frank could have returned the favour, just this once. Draco Lucius Malfoy the third full blooded Veriae in the Malfoy family and future life mate of Harry Potter. You didnt think that meant anything, did you? Nothing a good can of coke or a catnap couldnt fix. Here is a list of my favorite Drarry fics. A Drarry fanfiction based upon a simple question - what if Draco had met Harry in a different way to how it happened in the books? A lot of them focus on a certain couple, a popular ship, but the rich variety of fics ensures that everyone will find some they like. I Plunge to My Death Everybody knows that Petunia Dursley was awful to Harry for most of the time - even though not as awful as her husband sometimes. hed said it. All of the stories that I list below are completed. It's extraordinarily popular: there are roughly 68,000 Dramione fics on Fanfiction.net alone. Of Alex, either and sat down on the nearest couch between them like it straight... Loops, time travel can be fun but also dangerous and it can turn into a.! Ashamed of Landor is he words during the flyting rattled around her head whispered, but she better... 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Best Victim Impact Statements Domestic Violence, Articles D