Login Store Community Support. Excellent deal, BTW. Elite Dangerous: Odyssey and Elite That said, I realised that there are two different versions of the game: Horizons and Odyssey. Odyssey content does not have VR support. Elite Dangerous: Odyssey invites you to become a true pioneer. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. JavaScript is disabled. Should I consider buying the expansion pack? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Head on over to the following video to view, but let's take the opportunity to call out the full list of winners here and now: Dirk Hatch I'll kick it off with some unfortunate examples that show the extreme downgrade in terrain quality. Be the first to step out onto countless unique planets as you discover land untouched since time began. Selene Stardragon A note of reassurance today to confirm we remain focused on obtaining latestinformation regarding the reopening of the 'Console Copy Portal', for those wishing to bring their console Commanders across to PC as soon as we have it. So think of it as expanding detail to the game. I'd personally recommend the T.16000M as a good entry-ish level model. That just about, once again, wraps things up for this week's Discovery Scanner, Commanders! , PlayStation, and are registered trademarks or trademarks of Sony I'm mainly interested in space travels and the FPS part of the game doesn't attract me that much (and I've also heard that Odyssey's VR isn't very good when you're on foot), but I'm willing to get it if it appears to be essential. I think it's OK to compare this without the slightly hyperbolic assertion that it's irrelevant unless we're actually playing the game. You can return to Horizons for better performance, but doing this return your ship to orbit, and your character to the ship. Is performance getting closer to. In short: Pros of Horizons: - Currently free. I watched it twice. at which point you save and exit and then relaunch horizons. The Elite Dangerous Kickstarter finished on 5th January 2012, by that measure making the game a little over ten years old. However, Odyssey owners will be able to share a session with and play with those in Horizons by launching the game in Horizons mode - though if they do this, they will temporarily not have access to the new Odyssey features." If you're thinknig it's going to fundamentally change the base game for you it's not worth it. An hour and ten minutes later, my cargo hold was full and I sold 70 million worth of minerals. Privacy Elite Dangerous: Odyssey key art. Our weekly GalNet News Roundup released last Friday, over on the official Elite Dangerous forums where you can candidly catch up on unravelling story arcs and plots. All rights reserved. Is performance getting closer to parity? In a forums post ahead of next week's Odyssey launch, Frontier talked about the PC playerbase and how the Odyseey and Horizons versions of Elite Dangerous will be, in effect, separated from each . It still has bugs of course, it's a Frontier game. & Cookies Policy, 2023 Frontier Developments, plc.All rights reserved.Frontier Frontier Developments Frontier Developments, plc , Company Registration No:02892559 VAT Registration No:374 4283 81 2.12.3, Head on over to the following video to view. - Currently free.- Far better performance (over twice the framerate on a 1080Ti flying over planets for example).- Much more stable.- Gameplay elements and loop stick well together.- Shorter learning curve. Ok so how can he compare something that is not "usable" yet? In our Console Update announcement in March, we mentioned aligning game development by releasing future content on the post-Odyssey codebase (version 4.0). Are they all taken on the same graphics settings? **************Join the discussion on Discord https://discord.gg/HRCmDB4WAYS TO SUPPORT THE CHANNEL************************************LIKE THE VIDEOSUBSCRIBE TO THE CHANNELWATCHING THE STREAMBuy me a Kofihttps://www.Ko-fi.com/ricardosgamingAffiliate Links:*****************Miguel Johnson Ambient and Immersive Music** *****************************************************https://soundcloud.com/migueljohnsonmjmusic/gaia-beyond-theme/s-JZ1U8 Miguel's new Album The Explorers - Available Now! It may not display this or other websites correctly. We'll be in touch with any news and updates in the days ahead as any arise for you. Incase you missed it, Arthur and Sally were joined by one of Elite Dangerous' prime time designers, Tom Kewell, to talk about Thargoid War Scenarios. These are the same planets in both the odyssey alpha and horizon release versions. I had a feeling core mining was messed up in Odyssey. As always, we hope you had a wonderful weekend just passed and wish you all the best in your onward adventures! and the feeling of "first footfall" is amazing. You are using an out of date browser. launch with horizons. Long story short, I'm a huge fan of both sci-fi in general and space simulator and have fallen in love with ED around a year ago, when I first heard about it on YouTube. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Did I miss something? Here are some memories (just some - there's lots we couldn't fit in), taken entirely from the official @elitedangerous YouTube channel. when switching from more featured version (say odyssey -> horizons or back in the day Horizons -> base game) you would be asked if you want to log in on that version and if so, then your character would be transported to nearest location that both versions share (environment wise. Why not look in the Odyssey Alpha sub-forum? (I'm purchasing in STEAM) I don't see much information on the FD website. Just been to Farseer Inc and have to agree it's not the most beautiful planet, prefer the Horizons one too. Last but by no means whatsoever least, a very happy 10th birthday to our beloved friends at Lave Radio. All rights reserved. It was made to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the Elite Dangerous podcast, Lave Radio, and is very much "out of universe". All rights reserved. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. You can catch up or recap on the show here:https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1746764816. You can compare horizons planets with the same base game planet right now and see the difference is obvious. If you own Horizons pick that, same game just has added Horizons DLC. Horizons planets are visible from space. You need the base game. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WftxpkiPeL4. #2. You can see more of Orange Phoenix's efforts with carving out courses for high speed shenanigans on their YouTube channel, including the Mitterand Canyon ship race track from last month too, HERE. the reason that you have the ability to launch into standard elite. I normally play with HOTAS and VR and it's amazing. Just like Horizons wasn't done on launch, so is the same with Odyssey. From the trailer for Odyssey, it looked more like a fps rather than exploring the universe and such. Frontier Developments described it as the biggest update yet and a defining moment in the history of the game. The terrain textures and ridge sharpness looks so much worse in Odyssey. You must log in or register to reply here. If you just want to fly, then don't bother. As far as I've seen, Odyssey appears to have a FPS mode that Horizons doesn't and also a better graphics quality. Still pretty big though, E:D takes some time to learn. In the case they're are the same game (one just having the ability for you to walk), are there big differences in the story and stuff like that? It's always wonderful to have such a passionate turn out. You can then buy the Odyssey DLC for: $39.99. Whats the difference? I think it's just a different planetary tech results - some planets look better in Odyssey, some do in Horizons. i just bought this and the game gives me the option of which one i want to launch. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Also a new player, horizons is great on it's own, odyssey adds very little and is still pretty bug-ridden from what I've heard. Odyssey players and Horizons players share a galaxy but they don't meet in the game. is that if you are stuck on a planet and cant get off all you have to do is launch standard elite and it will put u back on ur ship up in orbit. Elite Dangerous Hyperspace comparison Odyssey vs HorizonsIn this video, I deal with the changes in Elite Dangerous odyssey with the Hyperspace tunnel effect . JavaScript is disabled. #1. Your CMDR flies spaceships and participates in exploring a 1:1 scale Milky Way, trade between star systems, bounty-hunting wanted ships, discover alien lifeforms, and even pirate other ships for their cargo. The team at Lave had a live birthday bash with some special guests from old times and new times last week to celebrate and have since followed up with this nostalgic video. I'm just gonna say it because it hasn't been said here yet, since you said "(New player here, with emphasis on VR. throwawayforforums T Once again we'd like to celebrate last week's Stellar Screenshot winners with you all if you missed the chance to find out via social share. Hello everyone, I'm starting this thread in the hopes of creating a collective comparison thread where we show the differences between Horizons and Odyssey, both good and bad. Graphic have some improvements, light is more darker, and your Frames per Second crash to the floor, lot of players have problems if don't have a modern PC. Planets with minimal atmospheres become landable (a +5% number of planets). In E: D you are your ship, can venture out on planets as a surface recon vehicle or in space as a ship launched fighter. also the menues are better. It may not display this or other websites correctly. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Which one looks better in VR now?I play the game in my Valve Index while focusing primarily on performance and aesthetics of these two versions. MY PC SPECS (+ AFFILIATE LINKS ON AMAZON)MY PC:Gigabyte RTX 3080 Graphics Card (https://amzn.to/3wJXUJB)Ryzen 5 5600X CPU (https://amzn.to/3qZ0t6Q)32Gb DDR 4 3600MHz RAM (https://amzn.to/2ZVcleh)1TB Sabrant Rocket M.2 SSD (https://amzn.to/3b1e08B)ASUS Prime B550M-A Motherboard (https://amzn.to/3sUm5C0)Deep Cool Neptwin V2 CPU Cooler (https://amzn.to/3c7Bzf3)VR HEADSETS:Valve Index (https://amzn.to/3sxdyou)Oculus Quest 2 (https://amzn.to/3uESqyv)VR HEADSET WALL MOUNTS ON MY ETSY STORE:Quest 2 wall mount (version 1): https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1132659255Quest 2 wall mount (version 2): https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1153745691Valve Index/HTC Vive wall mount: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1139102638OTHER EQUIPMENT I USE:TP-Link Archer AX1800 WiFi 6 Router (https://amzn.to/3u9Ahbb)Thrustmaster T.Flight Hotas One (https://amzn.to/3swRpX9)Thrustmaster T150 Force Feedback Racing Wheel (https://amzn.to/2Ocj8ht)Blue Yeti Microphone (https://amzn.to/3aYZ0rL)Logitech C920 Webcam (https://amzn.to/37Qgxk0)Leap Motion hand tracking module (https://amzn.to/3lxxK8Y)KKCOBVR Q2 Battery Strap for Quest 2 (https://amzn.to/3GE6JZA) SUPPORT IMMERSED ROBOT PURCHASE MY VIRTUAL REALITY SCIENCE-FICTION NOVEL, 'THE MEMORY ENGINE':Kindle/paperback (UK): https://amzn.to/3depUvIKindle/paperback (US): https://tiny.cc/ob7kszAudible (UK): https://tinyurl.com/y2f529myAudible (US): https://tinyurl.com/7bca5z24IMMERSED ROBOT ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/immersedrobotIMMERSED ROBOT MERCH:https://teespring.com/stores/immersedrobotI MAKE REGULAR APPEARANCES ON 'THE NEXT DIMENSION PODCAST':Available on MRTV's channel: https://www.youtube.com/mixedrealityTV SOCIAL LINKS TWITTER:@ImmersedRobot (https://twitter.com/ImmersedRobot)THE IMMERSED ROBOT DISCORD COMMUNITY:https://discord.gg/EfcgwBPTzTMY AUTHOR WEBSITE:https://www.garywalkden.com#VR #EliteDangerous #Odyssey #Horizons What a way to kick things off. Both versions exist on the same server system. Have you seen yet Odyssey stuff"live"? I went core mining in Odyssey again and came up with one crackable rock in about half an hour again. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. If you play Odyssey you access all of the old and new content combined. Can I play one then play the other and keep the same character/save file? It adds more things to do including on foot gameplay (planets have small inhabited settlements with building interiors now that host missions, unlike the strange impenetrable bases in horizons). Cookie Notice Prior to the separate version releasesof Elite Dangerous 'Live'/4.0 and Elite Dangerous: Legacy modes, Commanders who may have found themselves in 'tricky situations', for example stuck in terrain or unable to complete a primary gameplay pathway due to an unexpected issue, would relog to Legacy modes in order to reset their position in Odyssey tobypass said issues. If you load Odyssey, you character have functional legs that can use to enter stations, fleet carriers and walk on planets. It was a great show, thanks to all who joined live in the chat and to our wonderful Mods as always. Change language. Just_ I deff need to get used to the controls as I naturally would like to use my mouse for a lot of things like selecting a menu and i end up rotating the ship unexpectedly. Welcome to another week in the Elite Dangerous Galaxy. So, my question is: are they the same game? Odyssey is an extension to horizons with some exclusive content. Why is it still showing the normal game if I have horizon :S. Ow well. Prom3thean From PC Launch: All Elite Dangerous: Odyssey players will gain access to the new features, including planetary improvements, enhanced lighting, and textures. I got the impression that Odyssey went away with "there is only one shape of rock per type" so now you can basically crack every rock that is packed densely enough. The planetary surface have been changed from Horizons, this give less mountains and canyons, and move some bases and locations to another coords. otherwise u cant land on planets or at planetary outposts. The only comparison was from orbit. It's an expansion. This requires the base game above. After everything I've read and at the end of writing this rant, it seems the most likely explanation is that Odyssey was originally designed as "Elite Dangerous II" - hence why it was built on a different codebase, contains the basegame and horizons code, with a large enough number of upgrades/changes to the play-stayle of the original to warrant And see the difference is obvious to fly, then do n't bother Odyssey., thanks to all who joined live in the days ahead as any arise for you,... To Horizons with some exclusive content of planets ) but doing this your... Dangerous Odyssey with the Hyperspace tunnel effect always wonderful to have such a passionate turn out up! Just passed and wish you all the best in your onward adventures you just want launch., we hope you had a feeling core mining was messed up in Odyssey again and came up one... Beautiful planet, prefer the Horizons one too it looked more like a fps mode that Horizons does n't also. 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