I witnessed a few cow boy ass kickings. And when former clients sued Straight for holding them against their will, Straight pressured parents into letting Straight fight for them for the right to force their kids into treatment with the force of a court order. Matt C. Hoffman Below is a chart made by Maia in Mother Jones: A. Orange on his website lists interesting quotes: Tough Love: Abuse of a type particularly gratifying to the abuser, in that it combines the pleasures of sadism with those of self-righteousness. Congratulations. Synanon is only one chapter. He had the addicts psychologically tested and found Synanon did not change people internallythat they were still antisocial. That is, she was forced to run in the summer sun until she collapsed, and then she was left laying in the hot sun until she died. Those who chose to reject his ideas were removed. Further, while brainwashing might be a form of keeping a person from drugs, leaving all decision making to the masters was a recipe for disaster. During these group assaults on individual residents in the hot seat, especially newcomers, any castigation and ridicule appear to come from the whole community of clients. Jollett believes the violence to which adults were subjected has received widespread attention. As I wrote the youth did not buy in as did the parents, you sound like one of them. From Musicos past, one can infer antisocial makeup, but when he came to Synanon he was able to function and had acceptance, something he probably could not otherwise obtain. you say the logic is faulty, but give no example and state why? And I think he saw I might be going down that path, too. Bringing Luis Home September 26, 2022 10. Elan maybe closed though we as survivors are not finished ,we are still seeking justice, and we demand justice for those that did not survive. While I cop to an ego in this area, my comments to Janzen had nothing to do with it. While a credit to Dederichs foresight, it also unfortunately was a feature of his harmful megalomania. As I said in the beginning, my views changed at different times, and it was only upon reading of what happened at the clones was my view finally shaped. The entirety of my writings say the same thing. Synanons punitive system of verbal attacks and humiliation was counterproductive and drove out most that entered. After 30 years of pondering, I came full circle and realized that sociologist Richard Ofshe had analyzed it right from the start. lawyer magazine paul Morantz on you tube. He found that at Odyssey House only 25% of admissions stay more than 30 days, that the rate is down to 9.7% after six months, 5.6% at 1 year, and 2.8% after 18 months; the programs required length of stay to graduate.. it would take a few generations for this to work out. ", Jollett continued to struggle with past traumas as a young teen and adult. Worse, when others, like Dr. Casriel, who formed Daytop, decided to use the Synanon approach modified, they did not understand the effect of age and desire in the Synanon flashes of success and further the danger of its approach as described by Simon and Friedenberg. No one will be mad at you. Such people probably would be happier in a small environment with given friends, lovers, jobs and a sense of purpose, where most needs are fulfilled. The main reason in stopping in 2000 was a telephone call from Rod Janzen asking to confirm the date I was bit by the Snake. Survivors of Residential Treatment Centers (RTC) WWASP Fighters. But that questionwhile interestingis really moot; the fact is that while shelter and support is of assistance, the Synanon system based on hate (as stated by Dederich) and punishment was not only a failure but its achievement in publicity, like a Synanon movie starring Ed OBrien, has led to 50 years of horror to countless victims all over the world and continues to do so. He interviewed Richard Ofshe but then without explanation he wrote Ofshes discourses of brainwashing interesting, but not applicable. NIH had even started its own experimental synanon at the federal lockup hospital in Lexington, Kentucky. A belief system based upon coercive persuasion is expected by all who have studied it to be largely abandoned when the pressures are removed. The Sunshine Place investigates Synanon through survivors, former members, and more Society & Culture August 10, 2022 Listen to The Sunshine Place The authorities closed it down. But that idea was bantered by law enforcement as because of the wire, and the wire logs, knowledge could be proven against all who stayed in support. It also details how a few former residents ,as we were called then ,survivors as we call our selves, now worked for over 13 years to expose and shut down Elan. In context, my conversation with Rod Janzen, as he certainly knew of me, and if he was a true journalist, he would have had to interview me to follow all leads. For more than a decade, a Tucson nonprofit drug-treatment center This issue obviously needs further elaboration and research, but there are suggestions that there are age limits below which this form of treatment is contraindicated. But before I wrote this, there were many before me who wrote the same thing trying to put an end to the warped Synanon system that as Dederich said was based on hate. It was only after the invasion of Iraq and discovery that the administration dangerously burned a spy to get even with for Sen. husband who wrote the administration had no evidence of Iraq weapons of mass destruction when it created a greater attack than 911 itself, that journalist took back their mandate to look for the truth and present that truth the country. Today, troubled-teen programs use Synanon-like tactics, advertising themselves to parents as solutions for everything from poor study habits to substance misuse. The Old Man would testify that he never gave a splitee a single thought from the moment each left. In 1971, the federal government, through he second White House Drug Czar, Robertq L. Dupont, Jr. MD. Its just simply if your writing a book on the history of an organization and you are aware that someone filed multiple actions against it, and they tried to murder him for it, if you are a journalist you are going to interview that person. They must be lies because you cant live with any other thoughts. A small portion decided they had enough, and gave too much credit to Synanon and not enough to their own will power. He became the one to blame, he was the angry one. **, Guy Endores book, Synanon, noted ex-members very early complained that Dederich had forced out the original Board of Directors and replaced them with hand picked trained seals. Jollett also healed by opening himself up to therapy, music and, eventually, love. Simon had come to Synanon because his teacher, Abraham Maslow, the founder of the Humanistic Movement, of which Synanon was using its lingo, was predicting that Synanon would transform psychotherapy. After all why should they not get paid for all that work? All the civil rights marches, the anti-Vietnam protests, were uniting people of all races. Jollett and his older brother Tony were taken from their parents his father a recovered addict and former convict, his mother an anti-government activist from Berkeley when they were just 6 months old. And I really try to do that," Jollett says. Some children have been placed for nothing more than marijuana smoking, and some because the programs told the parents unless they gave them the younger kid they would expel the older sibling. In what ways are we just wrong? The legacy quotes statistics that I did not keep or make, but Synanon did. This program was called MATRIX. The belief that Synanon was a breakthrough, as stated, was mainly because of its public speaking bureau. I welcome anyones story, questions or facts; the only thing I delete is attacking the messenger; attack facts if you can but I am not going to have gaming on here, get the speaker when you cannot challenge the info. I am a Synanon survivor. As stated above, as Dederich believed this, his squeezes and toss outslike old timer Bill Crawford was willfully sentencing one to death for CEDs ego and financial gain. I think he recognized, 'Oh, is this one going to become an addict, too? In my book Synanon was only one chapter. The autopsy report stated that he died from a perforated ulcer, but that is only the tip of the iceberg. The monster that now existed had to be stopped. ("There was no soft place to land, there was no one really caring about us," he explains. And while it may be true that economics was a motivation, economics are part of the motivation for everyone on these issues. He also admitted violence could not occur without his approval but he forgot the details due to his stroke. Education website. It can be found on Amazon. That's crazy,'" says Jollett, reflecting back on cult-members giving their children away at 6 months old. As I wrote, starting in 1998, off and on for 3 years; then quitting, starting again in 2009, stopping in 2011 to write the book Escape: My Life Long War Against Cults, and picking up in 2012, that question continued as did the question did Synanon leave any positive legacy along with its revelation that its processes dictated its ultimate outcome and was predictable from the start? That did not exist in Synanon, that is what cemented its doom. ***. Researched by Maia Szalavitz for a book in 2006 and for Mother Jones in 2007 she described the clone horrors and traced them back to Synanon. And just how successful were the Synanon imitators? ", "It wasn't like Godfather, it was like Pirates of Penzance," Jollett explains. There were countless communes and entities much larger that took in people of all races. Synanon can make its recommendation not to connect, even expel and announce it will not accept the person back; but there is no right to stop contact by never informing the person of attempts being made and giving the person the choice. Ego had nothing to do with that comment. In the early days of Synanon, the *..**. Forty four years later, with Joe dead and Elan closed down survivors are still searching for someone in a position of authority to admit that what happened there was abuse. For us, it was Experience of Contact, thousands of interviews, internal documents, depositions of leaders and a lifelong examination. But is there anything worth giving up freedom of thought? Today as it is known that alcoholic recovery has a 40% success rate with no treatment at all; it is doubtful AA can surpass that. By 1976 the plan to transfer the money to the Dederich family was cemented and implanted. I just imagined Charles Dederich rolling over in his grave at that news. We were indoctrinated quickly thru fear, humiliation,and the constant threat of physical violence. Your comments is like talking about Nazi tea parties and trains running on time while someone else is talking about the Holocaust. after 911, the Dederich type remarks that Bush was making were scary and I felt that free-speech and this country was dissipating; people were afraid to say anything that could be interpreted as un-American. When I was first fighting Synanon, however, things were very black and White. Eventually, on the subject of rehabilitation, Ofshe would write, Synanon was the failure thats gave birth to an industry.. Now theres a little room for you now. The media pointed to me, but there were far many who had joined and fought to protect me as well as expose Synanon. Perhaps worse, was Dederichs friendship with Caesar Chavez wherein CED convinced Caesar to live like a rich man on La Paz and import the game which led to mutiny and the downfall of the UFW. I'm going to rise up above all this kind of stuff, and I'm going to take care of everyone. The musician was careful in his portrayal of his mother, whom he feared would come across as a one-dimensional villain. He noted that the child seemed lost in the rigid hierarchy and confrontation tactics of the program. He wrote: As a clinician I am concerned about the effects of intense, violent verbal interaction upon young teenagers engaged in a sensitive process of identity formation. No one knows the actual final fate of the 19. While forced to admit the attack on me, there is no mention of Phil Ritter or Eidson, etc., in his book, Rise and Fall of Synanon (which was same working title I had) rather a statement that the media exaggerated the violence and that there was no violence inside Synanon. As to the above, I remain impressed with your apparent life long research into many areas, and you write so much, it is hard to know where to begin. But, Ms. Szalavitz writes, the shuttered programs simply changed their names and reopened, often with the same staff, in the same stateeven in the same building. For Jollett, experiencing his dad's love was a life-changing experience. Further, I wrote that the study of cults is studying a microcosm of the greater society. I was being sincere. first, you say that many agree with what I wrote and others did not, and as you say, these agreements are expected and that some would be vehemently because of the psychological processes of denial. Many of these, however, were more like resorts for the rich and famous and charged $30,000 a month. Rather than a commune wonderfully described by Yablonsky and Janzen as reforming criminals, it made criminals out of non-criminals, and took former reformed criminals to a higher level of criminal violence. This was written before he joined. Glasser, he wrote, found that eighty six of every hundred admissions to a large residential program terminated themselves against the advise of staff with most terminating within the first 30 days. For readers, Hollywood Park is a powerful memoir about one man's journey after he escapes a violent cult as a child. They appreciated the honesty of the work. Janzen could have had this dissertation, but he was not looking for truth. Synanons advertising of its few success stories was so convincing that many professionals like New York psychiatrist Dan Casriel had become convinced of the Games efficacy. Ultimately, as stated above, Dederich would testify they never knew how to cure a dope fiend and nobody does. Rocker Mikel Jollett's Memoir on Cult Childhood Is 'Primal Scream' Margo, you say you are a successful attorney. '", After Tony went to rehab, their dad quit his job to be home with them and cooked dinner every night. Real crazy people. Almost all modern day therapeutic communitiesand there are hundreds of themare based on the game. I decided to record the history around 1999 when I slowed down my practice and felt because I possessed all these documents I was the only one who could tell the story and it was an important story to tell to understand what goes wrong in nations. Casriel teamed up with Father William OBrien to form Daytop Village which today is one of the largest therapeutic communities in the world. . . A popular TV series was based on John Maher, a colorful former Synanite, who formed his own second generation Synanon in San Francisco called The Delancey Street Gang. Eventually, the future could only be Orwellian. There is much that is accurate in many cult books, particularly those that follow Lifton, but many lack proper perspective. Also Santa Monica acted because Synanon did not have a license to treat anyone. I was inducted in late 1976 at the age of 14. In 1971, Dederich stated, as Ofshe noted: we want at the idea of graduate. This was a sop to social workers and professionals who wanted me to say that we were producing a graduate. I always wanted to say to them, A person with this fatal disease will have to live here all of his life. I know damn well if they got out of Synanon they are dead. I was also impressed by stories I was told about the early days and when the Synanon website first started it had lot of anger expressed towards Dederich. Paul- when Elan closed in April 1 of 2011. *, As with The Seed, at Straight abuse was omnipresentincluding beatings and kidnapping of adult participants. The money was too good; parents panicking at the finding of a joint and willing to pay exorbitant amounts of money to anyone with the sales pitch, never quite understanding the tortures and deaths that awaited. I also believed that Synanons many clones, adding doctors, and other proper variations, had established successful drug rehabilitation. Ramirez set up the synanon-based Phoenix House which hired former Synanite Ted Dibble to manage one of its centers. He was so wrong and he refused to write many who studied Synanon came to an opposite conclusion. If you look at your post, you will see you bring up matters which were brought up in the entirety of my text and there is little difference. And finally, in the end, Synanon legacy is one not only of discrimination, but it became the Ku Klux Klan when it came to its conceived enemies. In one sense it becomes like the question of which came first the chicken or the egg. Every time we let somebody into Synanon we assume an enormous liability and this is done consciously. And furthermore, the National Institutes of Health (NIDAs parent) had funded the first Synanon copy-cat program in NYC called Daytop Lodge. For author Mikel Jollett, the frontman for the indie band The Airborne Toxic Event, his book is a "primal scream.". Others who completed the program were absorbed into the organization as low-paid or voluntary staff limited to walking around money. As a key distinction between comparing Synanon to America, those in Synanon who tried to warn or criticize were shut down and shoved out. I think Synanon was one of the most important stories of the 20th-century and leaves us with one of the most documented histories that is worth studying and learning from. Also true, is that my ego places me in my eyes in a higher position than others. This intrusive, assertive therapeutic style works well for a few clients but may injure many more. Professor Bellis noted that, A number of clients. Sure it maybe closed but it still needs to be investigated in the same fashion that Penn state was investigated. But instead he made lab rats out of people. In addition, group practice becomes an anti-therapeutic factor with the T.C. At the heart of the Cedu program was a philosophy that had grown out of various self-help movements of the 1960s and 70s, such as Lifespring, Werner Erhards EST, and most directly, from Charles E. Dederichs Synanon cult, church, and street-level heroin-cure program. Per Dr. Robert J. Lifton, this is what one would expect from any totalitarianism environment after removal. Once the population bought that, Dederich had complete power by threat of expulsion which he continually exercised out right or by squeezes.. 479 members Join group About this group Anybody who's been touched by The SYNANON Cult as well as anybody who's suffered ANY TTI programs or institutional abuse youre welcome, as well See more Private just state that and agree to the group rules!! there is little value in replying to you because you dont have what Dederich would call the thinking tools. You say there are lies But you dont list them. The reviewer for his section on synanons for prisoners is none other than Dr. Robert DuPont, the second White House Drug Czar and founding director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and who administered a whopping $1.8 million contract to an experimental, start-up synanon for kids-only called The Seed in Fort Lauderdale. For comparisons please get my book Escape: My Life Long War Against Cults. S. B. Any dammed fool who wants to come in and say Id like to live with you and we let them in. Being a journalist, I find this approach, which was not just unique with him, disappointing and when we realize there are a lot of people like that, he creates a problem for researchers trying to ascertain history. You know ts great fun, to watch that. One cloneVision Questit has been written had 9 deaths; forced marches, black uniforms in triple-digit temperatures, harsh discipline and a daily diet limited to an apple, a carrot and a bowl of beans, all which were common to these orgs. Synanon did not even keep it from the public. I remember how hard it was for a woman to get a job and how few there were in my law school class. Poor and, at one point, subsisting mostly off of rabbits they raised and butchered in their backyard, Jollett was unable to process the trauma he'd experienced, according to the book. "And probing into this world of the traumatized child. In Maias book it is described one woman was not even allowed to leave a teen rehab after she turned 18, the organization threatening her mother to toss out her younger child if the mother took the older one back. Since I had as friends, people like Bernie Kolb and Ben Parks, who went from long-term addictions to long time great human beings, I concluded something there must have worked. I further told him that UCLA records were selective and I alone had Synanons internal documents which tells another story. He was a great man and kind human being. Ofshe who had been allowed inside Synanon to study it contacted Dave Mitchell in 1978 to ask if he was serious about investigating Synanon because violence could not occur randomly under Synanons controls and can only occur at direction of management (later admitted by Dederich at deposition). One either plays the game and is rewarded with privilege and favorable discharge, or one splits from the program. Others reported in 1973 that the Synanon absorbing members was retention, not rehabilitation, a result found unfortunately in many of the Synanon clones, which Synanon bragged 2,400 existed. WebSurvivors report physical abuse, exploitation (human trafficking), and several types of psychological torment, including harsh discrimination and LGBTQ+ conversion therapy. Synanon Industries August 23, 2022 2. Information from former members of the cult quickly identified two of Synanons Imperial Marines as suspects in the snake-attack. Link To The Synanon Survivors Group And Future Photo Library I had seen your type all throughout the Webb, and many sites, always accusing and attacking the speaker, with no ability to point out a single thing wrong written in what being attacked and no ability to even understand what was written. Prove that all the Synanon documents directing kidnappings, beatings and murder did not exist. I comfort him if he hurts his knee or my daughter when she cries, whatever it is. A haunting tale of estrangement, Synanon Kid, is a coming-of-age story of hope, survival, and determination. Barker had been arrested at age 16 for burglary and when he was 18 he was charged with assault and robbery, for which he joined the Army a few days later and then went AWOL. This was Synanon had its worse, andit is not permitted here. Yes it was a tough nut to crack and in part due to the protection it recieved. And that Susan, is what differentiates us, from other countries where there is no freedom of press. Joe was a thug and a gangster, but when a law abiding citizen said so, Joe sued his bank and won ten million dollars. .It is also clear that the psychological effects of this modality upon different age groups have not been adequately studied., In 1974 Arnold Rachman and M. Heller warned about using the Game with kids when they wrote: There is a serious shortcoming within the theory and the practice of the T.C. when I was growing up I thought world would be a better place if women were in control. I informed him that some of the people he interviewed were in fact the ones who participated most in the violence and that he had been lied to. When I asked if he had studied brainwashing he said he had not. it would be interesting to see you rewrite a summary of what I wrote so it could be judged whether or not you understood it. see review. In one of his many papers on Synanon, Ofshe noted that it is doubtful that all the therapeutic communities that cloned themselves after Synanon would have done so if they heard Mr. Dederich testify as he did in 1979: its always a mistake to let anyone into Synanon. If one thought about it, does one really need to go to a rehab to stop taking pain pills or a little drinking or smoking marijuana; these were and are issues that the medical profession could not fail in guiding if one wanted to quitreducing, changing or eliminating prescriptions. We were beaten for the slightest infractions of the rules. [Chuck] Dederich [Synanons founder], an exile from A.A., is credited with being the genius behind the TC [therapeutic community] movement and Leon Brill acknowledges in The Clinical Treatment of Substance Abusers that the original therapeutic community directed by ex-addicts was Synanon though others, he writes, such as Daytop Village, Odyssey House and Phoenix House in New York City have used psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers and other professionals as part of their staff; in an article for Substance Abuse: Clinical Problems and Perspectives written in 1981, Deitch and Zweben acknowledge that Synanon is the progenitor of the present-day therapeutic communities., As Fager summarized: Almost all modern day therapeutic communitiesand there are hundreds of themare based on synanons. there were a lot of people in the early days who left because of the way Dederich was taking it, and its too bad the idea grew out of person with such a tortured past. Unfortunately as I learned what happened in clones and wilderness programs, people not only did not learn from that history, a book like Janzens can help fuel the continuation of its tragedies. Synanon was the first therapeutic community devoted to the treatment of the drug addicted according to the Encyclopedia of Drugs and Alcohol, which is edited by the first White House Drug Czar, per Wes Fager, who also noted Dr. Jerome Jaffe stated Synanon is the prototype of the drug-related therapeutic community-a community where the addict surrenders all aspects of his life, except one-the right to leave. Fager further noted Bratter and Forrest write that In less than a quarter of a century, the American self-help residential therapeutic community has come to span the globe. Yet by the time Synanon shut down in 1991, its model had already been widely copied. There just a, lots of them down in the Bank of America building in San Francisco, Pacific Union club, various law offices throughout the country, the streets, the ghettos, the penitentiaries. Were they all out to get rich at the sadistic treatment of others, or was this end in part of natural consequence of using such a punitive system, as suggested by the Stanford experiment on role playing of prisoners and guards? ), "[Tony] went to rehab at a young age, and I think it scared me," Jollett says. Unlike Janzen, I was not looking for fans from any groups, but to record the knowledge I obtained so it might benefit others, as well as presenting an interesting read. Fourteen-year-old Martin Lee Anderson was murdered within 3 hours of his arrival at a Florida boot camp that was run by the local sheriff, Bay County Sheriff Frank McKeithen, on January 6, 2006. It is also a story of the unconditional love between The robber barons cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end, for they do so with the approval of their own conscience., *..*.*. But nobody, especially Dr. Rogers, ever imagined children sitting in one continuous synanon 12 hours a day, 5 days a week for several yearswith 200 kids screaming and spitting at him, where the child could not verbally defend himself against his indicters, where he would be beaten and physically restrained, and, most importantly, where he could not leavenamely Straight, Inc. In other words Straight took a program that had been designed (and poorly so) to control hard-core adult heroin addicts and used it to control kids who had experimented with pot and alcoholsometimes worse, but sometimes no drugs at all. Famous and charged $ 30,000 a month had enough, and I think he recognized,,. 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