[5] Examination of city directories and phone books in the Dallas Public Library shows that the book depository and the publishing companies did not have the 411 Elm Street address until 1963. Mr. WILCOTT - Certainly, from May of 1957 to January of 1960, I was in the pre-fab building on the Potomac in finance. Did you cover this ground? Larry Watanabi, XXXXXX Branch, Senior Case Officer; and XXXXXXXXXXX, deep commercial cover agent. The stark contrast in the quality of scholarship between the two books was one factor convincing him that there was a huge conspiracy behind the assassination. Please try again. [26], Pierce Allman, a local newsman, later said that after he approached the TSBD, a man he recalled as Oswald near the front of the building, directed him to a phone inside.[27]. This was preparing and reconciling payrolls. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. [22] Sylvia Meagher, Accessories After the Fact, p. 74. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Mr. CORNWELL - Let me rephrase it. Mr. DODD - And it includes the information that Oswald was an agent? suspicious that many of the other things that happened may have had as its source the CIA. The day after their disappearance, an estimated 20 Dallas policemen pulled up on front of my apartment. Did you have further questions? Mr. CORNWELL - Perhaps I can rephrase the question and get more pointedly what I need without running into the problem that you see. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes; it is my belief that he was a regular agent and this was a regular project of the Agency to send Oswald to the Soviet Union. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Was he a CIA employee? Mr. SAWYER - Who is the public safety commissioner? Mr. CORNWELL - Why did you leave the CIA? Mr. GOLDSMITH - How many people made this reference to Oswald being an agent of the CIA? Mr. GOLDSMITH - How many people in the CIA? (Its address, I later learned, was 11310 Gemini Lane.) Mr. WILCOTT - They would have summaries of some sort. Mr. GOLDSMITH - And will you tell the Committee what that relationship was? Mr. GOLDSMITH - Did you prepare such a list? Mr. WILCOTT - Did you vote for President Kennedy? That is what we are attempting to accomplish, which is quite a big order. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Would your Counsel identify himself for the recorder? Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for The Poison Patriarch : How the Betrayals of Joseph P. Kennedy Caused the. Mr. SAWYER - It went through the XXXXXXX station? Since the CIA has the capability of engineering car crashes to look like accidents, Harriss name should be added to the list of mysterious deaths, along with Warren Commission witness Lee Bowers, who died when his car ran off the road and ran into a freeway abutment. Mr. CORNWELL - What year was that? Mr. GOLDSMITH - Why would anyone have shared this particular information with you? Mr. DODD - As a point of information, are people who work within the Agency fairly careful in their language in describing what the category of certain people are who work for the Agency? After completing the questionnaire, the two F.B.I. Mr. CORNWELL - Do you have any knowledge, based upon your tenure XXXXXXX as to who would have trained Oswald in the Russian language if that occurred? It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness. Years later, I found out that he moved to Austin, Texas, where he began working for the Austin American Statesman in 1979. Mr. GOLDSMITH - How long were these records maintained? She said that she had been in the personnel department since 1982, and she never knew anyone by that name. Dedicated to the political vision and legacy of John and Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., and Malcolm X,and to the investigation of their murders. Namely the mention that Shelley was a CIA operative, while at the same time he was an employee in the schoolbook business. Mr. WILCOTT - I have no idea, sir. Mr. WILCOTT - I cannot remember. In 1992, Congress passed the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act that placed all remaining government documents pertaining to the assassination in a special category and . The search for a solution to these riddles leads into the murky world of intrigue involving the FBI and CIA dirty work. Mr. WILCOTT - We thought every year, my wife and I and the friends that we had -- we said, "Well, this is one thing that they aren't going to keep a lid on." Mr. GOLDSMITH - How did you become employed with the CIA? He was fortunate to have many travels, including celebration of his 60th birthday in Antarctica. Enclosed is a copy of the response from G. Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel and Director of the Select Committee on Assassinations. Hurt initially doubted that such a large container could be moved into the building inconspicuously. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Were there any other times during your stay with the CIA at XXXXXXXXXX Station that you came across information that Oswald had been a CIA agent? In this area were numerous cardboard boxes, four feet square by five feet high. men asked the employees point blank if they were members of the C.I.A. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. She died in 1969. In the decade following his HSCA testimony, Jim Wilcott joined Vietnam veteran Brian Willson and the Nuremberg Actions community outside the Concord Naval Weapons Station in nonviolent resistance to weapons shipments to the CIA-sponsored Contra war in Nicaragua. Give as a gift or purchase for a team or group. I think you are making some important allegations here, and you have been very helpful in giving some witnesses' names through which we might be able to corroborate it, but I think it is very important that we know clearly how much of this was cocktail party talk and how much was shop talk and how much was speculation and rumor and how much was hard fact. Mr. WILCOTT - No, sir, not that I can recall. This is more than just an investigative report. (National Archives, RG 272) No other event of the last 75 . That would be William Shelley, who Oswald worked under for six weeks as an order filler for the Texas School Book Depository (TSBD). Mr. WILCOTT - The first time I heard about Oswald being connected in any way with CIA was the day after the Kennedy assassination. Mr. WILCOTT - With any degree of certainty, other than just speculation, I would say, six or seven with some degree of certainty. Additional gift options are available when buying one eBook at a time. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Who was George Breen? There was XXXXXXXXXXXX Branch, who had XXXXXXXXXXX cover. His information was that he had been unwitt. He was not questioned by the Warren Commission. Mr. CORNWELL - At several points in your testimony you have stated there were six or seven persons, and on each occasion you raised the extent of their knowledge as "knew" or "believed." Please try again. Mr. GOLDSMITH - How many people have you spoken to that said that Oswald was an agent of the CIA, to the best of your recollection? This fear casting a shadow over the lives of former employees was also directed against journalists seeking to lift the veil of secrecy. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Did you have any basis for thinking that their security was poor? Yes, I do, and I believe there was such a reference. James B. Wilcott was a CIA accountant who disbursed CIA station funds in Tokyo, Japan. I will ask if you will stand and be sworn. Mr. SCHAAP - Mr. Chairman, I would like to interpose, I guess, an objection, although I would like to make it more in the nature of a request, that I have some problems in terms of advising my client with respect to possibly self incrimination, that I would not advise him to go into questions of his specific knowledge of the oath and the application to what he did other than the fact that he has told you, which is a fact, that he did sign the oath; but to, go into his mental processes as to whether he felt what he was then doing related to the oath in a particular way, I would request that those questions not be asked on the grounds that they may violate either his First Amendment rights or his Fifth Amendment rights, if that would be all right. I have no further questions. In April of 1966, I resigned from the CIA. Mr. CORNWELL - What group was it? Also Present: Michael Goldsmith, Counsel, and Gary Cornwell, Counsel. Insofar as I know, this information has never been made public. Mr. GOLDSMITH - And did you check any other records? Mr. WILCOTT - Not that I know of. Mr. SAWYER - Was he in Utica? Mr. PREYER - Under our committee rules, Mr. Wilcott, a witness is entitled, at the conclusion of the questioning, to make a five-minute statement if he wishes or to give a fuller explanation of any of his answers; so that at this time we make that five minutes available to you if you care to elaborate or say anything further. this allegation? Dedicated to the political vision and legacy of John and Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King Jr., and Malcolm X,and to the investigation of their murders. It was more of a casual kind of thing, to my way of thinking. Using your mobile phone camera - scan the code below and download the Kindle app. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Who were your friends that you discussed this with? One of said employees, her husband, and child, disappeared without a trace a few hours after granting me an interview. Mr. WILCOTT - Most of the people were involved in the civil rights movement or in the antiwar movement in 1968. Below is an obituary from the Austin American-Statesman published on Dec. 15, 2019. I don't recall its origins with clarity, but I think it was given to me by a professor at Southern Methodist University here in Dallas. Please publish modules in offcanvas position. Mr. GOLDSMITH - So that they would be routinely destroyed at the time of auditing? Mr. PREYER - So that in XXXX, you indicated, six or seven people talked to you and were, as I understood it, rather definite about the Oswald connection? Mr. WILCOTT - Or perhaps January. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, you did. Customer Reviews, including Product Star Ratings help customers to learn more about the product and decide whether it is the right product for them. If you have something --
He was the mayor at that time. Mr. WILCOTT - I do. Mr. CORNWELL - Do you remember anything about it? Mr. WILCOTT - No, sir. It was only my personal
Mr. GOLDSMITH - Was Jerry Fox one of the people that made. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Were any of these people on your list possible subjects who made references to Oswald being a CIA agent? Mr. DODD - Did anyone else at the Agency know of your views at the Agency and did you communicate with other people about your dissatisfaction? Standing next to him was a man wearing a brown suitcoat. Mr. CORNWELL - Did they request that you leave? Mr. GOLDSMITH - Do you have any personal knowledge that any records at CIA Headquarters were ever destroyed? Mr. SAWYER - When you refer to Oswald as an agent, you are referring to the extent you have -- as an agent as opposed to a paid informer, in effect? For details, please see the Terms & Conditions associated with these promotions. Mr. WILCOTT - That is true, sir. One label read Texas School Book Depository, 500 Red Pony books by John Steinbeck, from Bobbs-Merrill. But I was intrigued -- and it may have been in the transcription but you were in XXXXX as financial disbursement officer -- is it your testimony that you were told by a case officer that you had disbursed funds for an Oswald project? This would include things like: (1) determining lines of fire from upper story windows, (2) planning the access and escape routes for the sniper team, (3) positioning and controlling the designated patsy as a workman inside the building, (4) fabricating evidence such as rifle, cartridges, and paper bag to implicate the patsy, (5) selecting the so-called snipers nest where the ersatz evidence would be planted. He claims the charges were dropped, but he stated that he turned away several newspapers and magazines offering huge amounts of money for his personal account of the assassination. exactly for sure. at the best online prices at eBay! Mr. WILCOTT - Not to my knowledge. According to former CIA finance officer James B. Wilcotts testimony before the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA), Lee Harvey Oswald was a regular employee, receiving a full-time salary for agent work, for doing CIA operational work.[1] A memorandum by Warren Commission general counsel J. Lee Rankin said that Oswalds CIA payroll number was 110669. For example, Joes father had to clear visitors with Roy Truly, the building manager, even though they were top executives from the company headquarters in Chicago. I was scared until the Carter Administration. Mr. DODD - I have just a couple of questions. Mr. WILCOTT - That was November of 1977. Mr. WILCOTT - My boss, Frank O'Connor said that this was told him by the public safety commissioner and that the FBI had told the public safety commissioner. Mr. WILCOTT - That is correct. William Weston began researching the assassination of President Kennedy in 1992, after making a comparison of Anthony Summers excellent book Conspiracy to a book defending the official version called Final Disclosure by David Belin. Mr. GOLDSMITH - I think we had better go over that one more time. Mr. WILCOTT - Well, I never really looked. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, I did. How long were the XXXXXXXXX cash disbursement files or records retained? Mr. GOLDSMITH - How many months after the assassination was this? Mr. CORNWELL - Is that the only reason? ALTERED! A fellow researcher named Eric Lee Jordan visited the site and took pictures of it. He asked that a copy of the letter be sent to his homenot to the business addressand after he read it, he would check into it. Mr. WILCOTT - No; I know for a fact, or I know from hearsay, and I believe it to be true from the circumstances how this conversation came up and so on. Why would men who had just shown their FBI identification badges suspect that new employees were concealing the fact that they too were connected to an intelligence agency? Obviously, my handwriting has long been broken down. Well, they would go through the files and take out anything that they thought was, say, indicative of how this flap occurred and change the files. Mr. WILCOTT - They were maintained on a thirty-day basis, and then they were closed off at the end of the month. Mr. DODD - Would you care to tell us any of the names of people whom you communicated with? Mr. CORNWELL - Your best memory is, you wrote it on a note paid, is. Mr. WILCOTT - Well, I am sorry -- if Oswald was what? Mr. WILCOTT - We were married in 1954, sir. He is about to publish his book and, as you can understand, friendship and loyalty make me reluctant to discuss this matter with anyone else. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Were you ever able to check those particular files? Mr. GOLDSMITH - Why did you go back to look at the book? Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, for a limited period. I can't remember what it was. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir. [7] Through some insider intrigue, a saleslady at Neiman Marcus found out what Jacqueline Kennedy was going to wear the day of her arrival in Dallas. Mr. WILCOTT - Well, sir, the day after the assassination I don't think that there was any of that kind of talk. Did you contact any CIA officer or employee with respect to the secrecy oath and discuss with them whether or not you should be permitted to discuss these matters outside of the Agency? Wilcott was a private pilot and landed his plane at noon, 11-23-63, Tokyo time. Mr. WILCOTT - In 1968. There was a person, Dave, who was a Deputy Chief. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Then, by checking your records, which only went back thirty days, isn't it true that you wouldn't have gotten any information concerning Oswald anyway because Oswald had already been dead for one or two months? [12], A suggestion of smuggling activities within the TSBD comes in the form of boxes too large to be practical containers of books. This man said that a large wooden box, 36 x 48 x 60 inches, was used to import arms into the building, one with a false bottom. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir. I was in too much of a hurry to remember what the three men looked like. Mr. WILCOTT - Generally so, I would say, at that time. Roy Truly, who started working for the book depository in 1934, took a part-time job at the North American Aviation plant in Arlington, Texas during the war years. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Its also includes links to many hours of online videos you can watch on the evidence covered. James B. Wilcott worked for the CIA from May of 1957 to April of 1966. Mr. GOLDSMITH - And who made these references to Oswald being an agent of the CIA? ", That was the kind of things that people said. Mr. DODD - After the assassination actually occurred? Mr. WILCOTT - We had -- in Utica there was a group called the Vietnam Educational Council, which was informed people, formed to inform people as to what was going on in Vietnam, and we didn't feel that there was coverage enough in the media as to what was going on, and the purpose of the Vietnam Educational Council was to inform people as to what was going on. And do you know for a fact that he was given Russian courses? As far as that they actually said, they said they were having trouble with Oswald and that there was dissatisfaction with Oswald after he came back from the Soviet Union, and the would say things like "Well, you know this was the way to get rid of him -- to get him involved in this assassination thing and put the blame on Cuba as a pretext for another invasion or another attack against Cuba. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Mr. PREYER - I would like before we begin to read a written statement concerning the subject of the investigation. There were, as I recall, three men there, all I think in shirt sleeves. I am afraid we are going to have to leave to make this vote right now. Mr. WILCOTT - It was my Request for Advance Book. Mr. CORNWELL - Has any representative of the Agency or anyone who you believed might be a representative of the Agency ever come to you and discussed these matters? Adams said, I believe the President has been shot. Neither Shelley nor Lovelady said anything in reply. I apologize." About a minute or two later, NBC news reporter Robert MacNeil came in through the front door, amazed to see three calm men. Towards the end of my tour of duty, I heard certain things about Oswald somehow being connected with the agency, and I didn't really believe this when I heard it, and I thought it was absurd. All visits to the building must be strictly business-related. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. There are photos of him getting into a police car along with Bonnie Ray Williams and Daniel Arce. Mr. GOLDSMITH - I am not sure that that is responsive. Mr. CORNWELL - All you can recall is that, when you. His wife Mildred refused to talk about the assassination even with members of her own family. the day we would list all of the advances that were made in an advance book. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, I did. It could be a hoax, but sounds sincere. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Mr. Wilcott after leaving the XXXXXXXXX Station, was there any other time when you came across any information that indicated that Oswald was a CIA agent? He also claimed he had disbursed cash funds for Oswald or The Oswald Project. After his interview and testimony he was claims he was harassed by the federal government and put under surveillance. Mr. DODD - You liked him? [4] FBI report of Roy Truly interview by Nat Pinkston, November 23, 1963, File No. When I interviewed him, he was living alone with his three cats, depending for his income on the charity of his father and disability checks. Mr. WILCOTT - I was able to but I never did. He followed environmental concerns and space exploration, and he enjoyed playing and watching sports. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, there were several other incidents that I believe could possibly be somehow connected with CIA. Mr. GOLDSMITH - And for purposes of clarification, now, if Oswald was already dead at the time that you went to this book, why did you go back to examine the book? That would have put it into 1964? Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, sir. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Very generally now, what were your responsibilities as a finance employee with the agency? GLAZE, Elzie Dean Age 66, is celebrated by his family for his compassion, humor and willingness to help family, friends and the world at large. [18], Less than a minute after the assassination, two Scott Foresman employees, Victoria Adams and Sandra Styles, who were on the fourth floor, ran down the stairs to the first floor. These ebooks can only be redeemed by recipients in the US. Mr. DODD - Am I to believe by that that you were not aware at the time you made the disbursement that it was, in fact, an Oswald project? Mr. WILCOTT - Yes. Mr. GOLDSMITH - excuse me, just answer the question very generally, without referring to anything right now, and please describe generally what your responsibilities were as a finance officer. Two weeks later when I made a follow-up call, Kellner said that his partner Frank Morrow vaguely remembered the letter, but could not provide any additional information. In 1999, a friend and fellow researcher named Steve Gaal discovered among the listings of the JFK assassination section of the National Archives website a notice of a letter written by a Mr. Glaze to the HSCA. Let us say, for instance, that there was a certain project going on, and the project was one that became known that this project was being carried out -- and we call it "flaps," -- and the Case Officer in charge might get word that somebody from headquarters was coming to review the files to investigate the flap. [13], (As an aside, CIA officer William Harvey worked for Bobbs-Merrill in the last years of his life as a law editor.[14]). He was traveling from his mothers house in Ohio to Georgia. Mr. WILCOTT - It was stated as a fact -- Oswald or the Oswald project. Mr. CORNWELL - When this cryptonym was given to you by the officer, did any part of it ring any familiar note with you? Obviously, if Shelly had been arrested, someone with the police had that record expunged. There was an error retrieving your Wish Lists. Every station was divided up -- at least every class station was divided up into areas, where we would have a China, branch, Korea branch and XXXXXXXX branch and SR branch and SR satellite. would that interview have contained your resume of the Oswald agency matter, your statements about that matter? [30] In that same article Rose writes that Shelly was one of the building employees who identified Oswald for the police when he was brought in to the station. Mr. GOLDSMITH - I did not intend to get into that area. Did he say to you, "I think Oswald was a CIA agent," or did that first person say to you that he was a CIA agent? Mr. WILCOTT - I heard references to it the day after, the assassination. That is all I have. Like Frazier, who was eating lunch in the basement, Oswald went to the first-floor lunchroom to eat his lunch. Mr. DODD - When did you leave to go back? Apparently, work at the book depository was not so demanding as to preclude these forays into military, law enforcement, or intelligence organizations. (SIG) in CIA Counterintelligence held a 201 file on Oswald in the three years prior to JFK's assassination. That was the SR branch which had all of the projects having anything to do with the Soviet Union. New York, 1989) p. 319. I will give my card to the Committee. Mr. WILCOTT - That is true. Mr. WILCOTT - Yes, I did. Mr. WILCOTT - Not that I can recall. Mr. CORNWELL - Last November? Mr. GOLDSMITH - Mr. Wilcott, when did you leave the agency? Mr. GOLDSMITH - So, does that mean you were able to check back only thirty days from the time that you were given this information? (2009), James W. Douglass explains this in detail, including the James Wilcott story. Mr. GOLDSMITH - Mr. Wilcott, are you here with Counsel today? Wilcott swore in a secret session (sic)
As mentioned, I was forced to flee Dallas until another day. [6] Interviews of Joe Bergin, Jr. February 12 and 26, 1994 and August 7, 1999. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 1978
Currently he has been studying the Zodiac Killer case and writes for a website called zodiackilleridentified.com. Oversized boxes were also seen by Joe Bergin, Jr. when he visited his father at the 411 Elm Street building. And during that period, I had been promoted, GS-7 and also gained a career status. Mr. DODD - And she was aware of it from 1964 up until 1968 --
Mr. WILCOTT - Oh, no. CIA finance officer James Wilcott said, Several different individuals or firms in Dallas had been involved in one way or another with acting as cut-outs for arms shipments to Cuban exiles for the invasion. Unable to add item to List. Two men, who identified themselves (with I.D.) Finally, under threats and intense harassment from Dallas Police, I was forced to flee Dallas in early 1975. According to this person, shortly after going to work for Bill Schelly, she & another new employee were subjected to some rather odd questioning when considering they were hired as clerks. One of the aforementioned employees (whose name I cannot recall) stated that when she went to work for Bill Shelly at the school book depository in the early 1970s she was interviewed for the job by some type of government agents who asked if she had been recruited by the F.B.I. The subject of the response from G. Robert Blakey, Chief Counsel and of... 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