fictional diseases like the hanahaki disease

Its symptoms include a voracious appetite, a craving for Hawaiian food, listlessness, crankiness, and a compulsion to wear Hawaiian shirts and hula dance. I love writing, drafting articles, and helping students in publishing their research papers. A lethal, mysterious sickness affecting a small town. However, the creature is usually dominated by the undead command structure, but they can escape from the tyranny of undeath. When the girl of the victims love returns their affections, the love is no longer unrequited in the happy ending version. The virus was originally found in the blood of Rosalia Rosselini by Cumberland College professor Albert Sartre. Similar to the Black Death and HIV/AIDS among Humans, the Drafa Plague bears a stigma among the Markab as a disease that the public felt was only caught by those considered sinful, immoral or unclean by Markab standards, and a punishment by their gods for committing such acts. The infection is easily spread and caused the downfall of Hallownest, the kingdom in which the game takes place. Its a fictional disease that comes when the person you love the most doesnt love you back. A poisonous gas from the Rotten World (Hell) which leaks through interdimensional cracks caused by the Necromancer Swan when he cracks open a gate between Earth and Rotten World. A bio-weapon that was devised to target specific genotypes, and would kill anyone not in the. Xenovirus Takis-B, also known as the trump virus, is an artificial organism created by. The Bendis syndrome, according to those behind the idea, is a generative neurological illness. A disease caused by an eponymous coronavirus, carried by ferrets. However, the scientist in charge, Dr. Niles Samson, went mad and genetically altered the children with the DNA of indigenous creatures from underground, resulting in the creation of the Locust Horde, the main enemy species in the game. These six magical diseases were created by an evil wizard who was killed by his six sons, who each became the first carrier of one of them: Combustion (the affected experiences a horrible fever and eventually bursts into flames), Crystal (the victim's blood. Harlequin (not to be confused with Harlequin Ichthyosis, a severe genetic disorder). Super mutants also appear in Fallout: New Vegas and Fallout 4. Physician. Further mutations may occur following this stage, and more exotic forms of the Filth can result in more unusual symptoms, one rare case transforming the victim into a, The Flood Parasite is depicted in the Halo franchise as a. Humans are killed in short time upon infection, but cloned humans are transformed into killer zombies. It makes the infected person unable to hear, see, taste, smell anything orange. A deadly and believed incurable plague that was believed to have completely wiped out the Tarellian species until a ship holding survivors was discovered. These skin crystals eventually force their way through the persons vital organs, killing them. Its symptoms include pustules that appear all over the body, and a yellowing of the whites of the eyes. However some variants have yielded other beneficial results; endowing the infected organisms with incredible superhuman genetic prowess, that greatly increase their natural abilities to levels far exceeding human capability. Its early to later symptoms include heavily dilated pupils, the victim hallucinating the world around them as happy and cute, a huge open-mouthed smile, and vibrant rainbow-colored drool, and its final stage causes the victim to die of happiness and be reanimated as a happy zombie-like creature. What are some fictional diseases like Hanahaki Disease? Goddag-goddagsjukan (Good Day, Good Day Disease), A disease lasting for a few hours, where the affected person can only say "Good Day, Good Day" despite attempts to say other words. Obsession with discovering signs of reciprocation and euphoria when they appear. Said synthetic T-cell caused all dormant introns to activate rather than the defective T-cell. The Green Flu, commonly referred to simply as The Infection, has caused most humans who come in contact with it to change into homicidal, zombie-like beings. Answer (1 of 2): I'm quite certain it's a fictional disease even if I'm not a qualified medical professional myself(if I'm wrong. Andrew January 23, 2020 add comment. On the show, monkeynucleosis is said to have been long debunked by modern science. It is unknown what pathogen does cause the disease, and if it spreads from person to person, but is known that it infected people globally, and that at least one human, a newborn in Berlin, possibly had antibodies against the disease. Gangliated Utrophin Immuno Latency Toxin (GUILT). So this disease only affects people who suffer from one-sided love. If you have indications that you believe are linked to sporotrichosis, consult a doctor. Rather than being born, upon maturation the dinosaurs tear their way out of the womb, killing the woman in the process. As characterized in the movies Zombie land or Walking dead, humans are the brain-eating monsters in this disease. It reanimates the dead and makes them into zombies, which the player can control to attack uninfected regions and anti-zombie task forces. The name of the disease does not come from the victims' state, who seem to be communing with something. Symptoms include eventual extreme increase in body temperature (via Thrax stealing his host's, Say the Opposite of What You Mean Disease. I was reading a fanfic just yesterday and I came . It causes flowers to grow in the lungs of the afflicted, resulting in the afflicted coughing up flower petals . Also known as the "Blue Fever", a worldwide pandemic that is compared to the plague. Can only be cured with the root of the reeksa plant. A degenerative disease that affects the bone and muscle, the only known treatment being a drug called Pescaline D. The disease is considered a "quirk" of planetary terraforming the result of underground air mixing with a mine's ore processors. At the end of the fever stage, the victim will die. Those who resist the infection merely become consumed by it more and more. People with the plague go through a skin transformation that goes from a charred, blackened appearance to red lesions and the appearance of being flayed alive. A macroscopic virus able to be transmitted both biologically and through computers. Typically, a host relies upon primitive instinct when affecting such a change, rendering them capable of shapeshifting into a wide variety of forms (usually animals). Hanahaki is a fictional disease which is based on Japanese Fiction in which a person suffering from the Hanahaki Disease cough petals of flowers and also roots of flowers gets grown in the lungs of the . Once blood comes from the Nose or Eyes there is no way to be cured. Even more if you use a translator or the AI content rewriter. No one knows where Entitilitus comes from, or what Entitilitus is, but Entitilitus kills. Suggested treatment: After approximately three weeks the swelling will burst so maybe an umbrella for those in the vicinity? A virus that wipes out over 80% of the world's population, leaving the crew of an unaffected U.S. Navy Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyer, the fictional USS Nathan James (DDG-151), to find a cure, stop the virus, and save humanity. In that case, the moster will awaken within a short period before becoming a gloopy, melted form of what they once were. It is characterized by a strong flowery smell being emitted from the victim's mouth, and it is said . In truth, "white fever" is one of many hoaxes orchestrated by Valachan's ruler, Baron Urik von Kharkov, in order to hide his true nature from his subjects. Skyline. Additionally, all Scorched victims have a set lifespan, at the end of which they stay in a single position until their bodies petrify from the inside out. Sartre and his son attempted to use the virus to cure all disease, but instead found that it could not be used for positive means. Virus B-23. The cure was never found, despite Gerald's success at creating the. The virus crates zombies and BOWs who are strongly linked with water, and have numerous aquatic features such as tentacles and crab-like shells. Flower symbolism is also common in western fandom, for example, to reflect the victims or their loved ones affections or personalities. Those affected do not realize what has happened to them, as what they say sounds clear to them. The virus infects neural pathways, removing all inhibition and moral integrity, resulting in people acting out their darkest impulses, which may include murder. Even accusing a Markab of being infected with the disease can bring shame, paranoia, fear, and an angry response from the accused, and Markab doctors would frequently certify someone's death from the disease as death by natural causes, so the family could avoid a scandal and the implied accusation that they or their family were unclean or immoral. The cure is magic spider venom. They may be fictional psychological disorders, magical, from mythological or fantasy settings, have evolved naturally, been engineered artificially (most often created as biological weapons, but not always), or be any . Synaptic/Neuro Overstimulation Syndrome (SOS/NOS), A disease of unknown origin that killed roughly ten million people at the beginning of the 21st century in the Repo!-verse. The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient throws up and coughs of flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. Transmission is by proximity in a party, and the 48-hour "clock" is stopped by placing the Pokmon into a PC. The transformation is extremely individual, no two persons are affected in exactly the same way. Less than 1% of the population is immune to the virus, and are called Munies. Symptoms include a pitched-up voice, itchy spots, increased body weight (? SpongeBob, a popular cartoon program, used this term once in their conversation. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'technomantic_com-leader-4','ezslot_13',192,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-technomantic_com-leader-4-0');The first known case occurred when a young woman named Chiyo fell for her teacher, Mr. Kamiya, despite his being married with three children. They choke to death on their blood and petals. It is widely passed among the local tribes and is believed to be the cause of the zombie outbreak. If they are compatible, however, the parasite acts as a second brain, taking over the functions of the T-virus ravaged host's brain. As surgery is the treatment of Hanahaki disease, it may cause irreversible damage to the lungs tissue, and in some cases, the disease is not entirely cured. A disease that involves a pigeon nesting on one's head. Sep 16, 2022 - Hanahaki, Hanakanj, Star Tear, and more for you cruel writers. Rum and Monkey isn't responsible for its content, however good it may be. . Please correct me in this matter in the comment section). The plague wipes out most of the residents of West Virginia, save for the player characters/Vault 76 inhabitants. The disease causes bright orange boils to appear on the victim's skin, as well as turn their eyes and blood a rich orange. A degenerative respiratory disease unique to. Take the word "Hyperthyroidism." This . A positive viral strain that makes the infected person irresistible to the opposite sex. In hallucinations, the gas is also shown to affect animals. Love sickness arises when the loved one is absent, gone somewhere, or his/her love is unrequited. The only known antidote is proven to destroy corprus, but ends up killing the victim as well. La enfermedad de Hanahaki es una enfermedad nacida de un amor uniteral (o no correspondido), donde el paciente lanza y tose ptalos de flores cuando sufren un amor no correspondido. She began coughing up roses every day until she died after several months due to complications caused by the condition. Once the virus detects that it has entered a new host due to differences in protein markers of the victims cells, the process begins again. This disease serves as a metaphor for the oppressive government and the social inequality that plagues the world of the novel. As a result, many victims of the virus are initially turned into aggressive and athletic infected (called "Virals") before decaying into hordes of shambling and cannibalistic infected (called "Biters"). The patient is distressed because their dearest hasnt returned their feelings. It is usually used in both happy and unfortunate stories and has several . Due to misinformation over the disease, they believe they are zombies and chase SpongeBob until Dr. Gil Gilliams, SDE, SE (Snail Disease Expert and Snail Expert) informs them that "Mad Snail Disease" is nothing more than an, Also known as "Little Donny Disease". As a retrovirus, it contains both RNA and the reverse transcriptase enzyme, allowing it to insert its own genetic codes into living cells. Caused by downloading too much information into the brain. This can also erase the victims memory of their former lover, as well as their desire to love again. Art Trades: mutuals and friends only. In the second stage, the victim's body heat will go up dramatically, followed by loss of movement in the legs and furious chills. Todd's sister Amanda has pararibulitis, a hereditary disease invented for the show that causes her to experience vivid and painful hallucinations. Central nervous system infections can cause trouble concentrating, headaches, and seizures. . Noun [ edit] hanahaki ( uncountable ) (chiefly Japanese fiction) A fictional illness in which a person bearing an unrequited love coughs up flower petals until they die or their feelings are reciprocated. Those who receive this kind of love from someone, he/she is the luckiest man in the world. Follow. Many ages before Ark's adventure to the surface of the world, the previous generations of Humanity were decimated by an airborne virus with an estimated mortality rate of 90%. There are many other things like right ear ringing and blue jay in which people do believe. A disease which causes the speaker to say the opposite of the correct answer to a question posed by another party. As you can see, this disease sounds . But the concept looks scary, and yes, it has a real-world equivalent. Hanahaki comes from two Japanese words: hana , which means flower, and hakimasu , which means to throw up. Rose petals personifying their genuine feelings of affection and love would be coughed up by the patient. Step by Step. Bendii Syndrome. An infected cell will seek out other cells to infect with its virus, and will work together with other infected cells to imitate other life forms. If the victim is unable to believe that his beloved reciprocates his feelings, he will perish. A parasite that can infect biological, technological, or coherent energy systems. The skin or tissues under the skin are normally affected by sporotrichosis. The majority of sporotrichosis situations only affect the skin or the tissues under the skin. Tiberium crystals start to grow on a person's skin. A progressive disease caused by a Cruxis Crystal mounted upon a Key Crest. Template:Multiple issues Template:Dynamic list This article is a list of fictional diseases nonexistent, named medical conditions which appear in fiction where they have a major plot or thematic importance. Fictional diseases can be powerful storytelling tools, as they allow writers to explore complex themes and emotions in a unique and engaging way. A mental disorder that causes adults that receive a head injury to develop a brain tumor that causes them to exhibit infantile-behavior, while still possessing the physical traits of an adult. Intentionally a cure for cancer, but later it was used as a deadly bioweapon instead, wiping out the population of Denmark and South Sweden. "Cooties" generally refers to an invisible germ, bug, or microscopic monster, transferred by skin to skin contact, usually with a member of the opposite sex. This trope comes in a number of ways and can be seen in both happy and sad tales. It's worth noting that Hanahaki involves . It was originally designed to be a cure for. Epideme steals the knowledge from every host it consumes, which has crafted it into an extremely smart, eccentric and deadly virus. A disease caused by the genetically engineered corn strain d131y which turns the victim into a mindless zombie-like creatures called "Z"s. Called Devotion because its victims only want to plant d131y and convert all humans to Zs to further the spread of the corn. The NE-Alpha, or Nemesis Alpha, Parasite has an immunity to the T-virus, and is used to protect the higher brain functions of B.O.W.'s. Elderly patients are apparently more susceptible to dragon pox than younger ones. It is described as being that century's cancer or tuberculosis. I love to read and practice meditation almost every time. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'technomantic_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_5',187,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-technomantic_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'technomantic_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_6',187,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-technomantic_com-large-leaderboard-2-0_1');.large-leaderboard-2-multi-187{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:250px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}When someone develops Hanahaki disease, they throw up flower petals. Nanomachines from the Devil Gundam (Dark Gundam in North American dub) infect living organisms and undergo mitosis, allowing the Devil Gundam to control the victim. This means that if a person is cured of a disease by surgery, they lose their affection for the person who caused it. This virus is waterborne. Area Code 323: Location, Time Zone, Toll-Free & Scam [2022], Audio to Midi Converter No Size Limit in 2023, What is a DDA Debit? Additional bumps or sores can develop near the original one in the future. Find Somebody who can help you with these Activities! Instead of killing them, it causes them to enter a zombie-like state: they lose all sense and become feral and aggressive, feeding and killing constantly. If said person doesn't relieve themselves, they will die. A virus native to Twin Tabula causing double vision. A condition that causes its victims to sing everything that comes out of their mouths. A tiny, painless bump that appears 1 to 12 weeks after exposure to the fungus is typically the first symptom of cutaneous (skin) sporotrichosis. This condition can only be cured when the persons romantic feelings are repaid. Anyone can catch it, but there are few out there who, The Plague is a virus possibly created by the. Hanahaki, or the Hanahaki disease, is a fanfiction creation, and seems to occur magically/supernaturally. The signs of sporotrichosis are determined by the location of the fungus in the body. Kharaa is an alien bacterium discovered by the Precursor Race during the exploration of an unknown planet. Not a human disease, but one that affects humans and other inhabitants of the Edge by attacking the rocks of the flight ships that are the primary means of transport and communication on the Edge. Sarek later dies from this illness while Picard is deep in Romulan space in search of his friend's son, Spock. To cure the malady, a victim must speak a short incantation while touching the horn of a wart monger, which cures the decision-making problem completely and transfers the warts to the wart monger. How to Know if Someone Restricted You on Instagram in 2023? It is a mutagenic STD that causes grotesque mutations, such as extra body parts, to grow all over the body. Plant-based illness similar to a cold, but with the bizarre side-effect of the affected person losing their superpowers until cured. It is common during wars. Used by surgeon Dr. Renshaw, presumably referring to some complication of the critical surgery in progress in the second of Mitty's fantasies in the 1939 story. Actions become sluggish. It is said that the disease also drives its adult victims insane. This disease can be removed via surgery, however doing so causes the feelings of the patient to be removed as well. Implied in. This plague, originally coming from the northern Indian kingdoms in La Guajira (Colombia), is identified by the symptoms of wide-open, glowing eyes like those of a cat, and the, A powerful virus that lies dormant inside, The Queen's Lady Plague refers to an outbreak of firepox in Ketterdam about seven years before the events of. The cure was hearing anything depressing like the song ", A disease that causes fever, sweating, and vomiting. Person-to-person contamination is otherwise known to be very rare. As a result, children were left to fend for themselves, most of whom failed. Symptoms can include a loss of higher brain function, growths of Ultracite protruding from the affected's skin, and a connection to the Scorchbeast Hive Mind. It was later seized, refined, and used by the Soviets, as a component of a grand Soviet sleeper-cell plan by Dragovich. Mad Zombie disease is also a fictional disease like all other diseases, including mad snail or Hanahaki disease, which has nothing to do with our real lives. The 2% that survived IAAN were given powers. Hanahaki Disease is a fictional disease in which the victim coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. Doll Syndrome is in fact a physical side effect to an infection by, Call of Duty: Online, Call of Duty: Black Ops. In early beginnings it allows the victim to gain crystal-like wings and fly until the disease is destroyed. Is a virus that affects one's heart, Goku acquired this virus from an unknown location and had to be bedridden for days. The names are similar to real name diseases and to those used in works of fiction, but focuses almost entirely on things related to magic and the paranormal. To explore complex themes and emotions in a number of ways and be! Much information into the brain the body is stopped by placing the Pokmon into a PC out who. They lose their affection for the show, monkeynucleosis is said that the disease is.. No one knows where Entitilitus comes from, or coherent energy systems species until a ship survivors. Who resist the infection merely become consumed by it more and more for you cruel writers,! Develop near the original one in the future by another party affection for the oppressive government and the 48-hour clock! 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